Hunson Abadeer, on 04 July 2012 - 09:12 AM, said:
The Draconis Combine is not ethnically pure, and it never has been. For example, the Commander of Kuritan forces in the 3025 TRO was General of the Army Vasily Cherenkoff. We are also talking about a thousand years of cultural developments. There must be some leeway in how some things are dealt with in light of such issues.
I was around for BT when it first came out. I also remember when it was first imported into Japan where it made no headway; my familiarity with the setting extends for decades, so I'm aware the Draconis Combine is a heterogenous state. Even the canonical Black Dragon Society (a nod to the real-world ultranationalists) didn't cultivate in any serious measure real-world ultranationalism, which would have been terrible.
Development of the BT millieu came in bits and pieces from the mid-80s onward, which is fine. Star League sourcebook came several years after BT itself, and the basis for the BT universe before the Succession Wars was never covered in serious depth, so there's a blank.
Well, this is a thousand years after the fact, everything changed. Apparently not that much, since FASA saw fit to give very specific ethnnocentric backgrounds to each of the Successor Houses (except Marik) and House Kurita retained the origin culture to significant length - language, architecture, military institutions.
Kyone Akashi, on 04 July 2012 - 05:54 AM, said:
I for one support the "relaxed" cultural milieu as it mixes a certain amount of respect for Japanese culture as the Combine's heart with a realistic amount of "evolutional blur" - and is much easier to get into and thus cultivate for non-Japanese players.
Duly noted, and very much inclined to agree. The DCMS needs bodies!
However the Kuritan backdrop draws heavily on what is tantamount to caricature. If you're aware this is caricature, have at it. If you're not and unaware, for instance, the Japanese characters in your sigbanner may not make sense, a double-take might be in your interest. If you're all about shooting PPCs and AC20s and don't care at all if Google Translate failed you or you're using language fit for a grandmother on Ventrilo, drive on.
Fact of the matter is drawing from what you think may be Japanese culture or language and applying it to your DCMS identity, you should not be surprised if it comes across completely garbled. If you're okay with that since "it's a thousand years into the future!" don't let that stop you.
The Combine still needs Mechwarriors.
Edited by Raizo Nishizawa, 07 August 2012 - 03:13 AM.