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Lrms, Get Your Own Lock.

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#21 Serpieri


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Posted 04 May 2015 - 05:29 PM

View PostPoisoner, on 04 May 2015 - 02:33 PM, said:

Not sure how else I can elaborate this.

Don't complain if the missiles hit you then - since you failed to maintain a lock.

#22 Otto Cannon


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Posted 04 May 2015 - 05:33 PM

If you're gimping your team deliberately by refusing to show enemy positions and allow useful support fire damage, you have no right to be complaining about anyone else. Especially not for just using a weapon you don't happen to like.

#23 Kilo 40


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Posted 04 May 2015 - 05:40 PM

View PostRoadkill, on 04 May 2015 - 05:20 PM, said:

Remember folks, each team can only absorb so much damage, too. If one of your team's Mechs is hiding behind a hill (and god forbid it's an Assault), the team as a whole has less armor and is weaker because of it. LRM-equipped Mechs need to absorb a few alphas, too, to spread the enemy team's damage around as much as possible. It's no different than twisting to spread damage, but on a team-wide scale.

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#24 bad arcade kitty


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Posted 04 May 2015 - 05:43 PM

don't hide when you laser duel too, you should take 1-2 alphas to spread the team damage

#25 Quaamik


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Posted 04 May 2015 - 06:09 PM

Are you playing for you, or for the team to win? Since you get more rewards (given an equal damage) by winning than by losing, the answer should be obvious).

A single heavy or assault boating LRMs can turn a even match to a roll over - if he's given locks. Even the best, heaviest, least damaged mechs have a tough time targeting you when they are soaking up flight after flight of LRMs from your buddy over the hill. Conversely, refuse to lock your opponent, and you have cut a heavy or assault worth of damage dealing out of your team.

As for Noobs boating them: How will they learn? If you give them locks, they will earn experience and c-bills that can buy other mechs and weapons to learn on. If you ***** about them and refuse to lock targets, they will get disgusted with this supposed "team" game, and go back to playing WoW or CoD. Then when this title folds, you will ***** and wait for the next attempt.

#26 Vxheous


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Posted 04 May 2015 - 06:15 PM

View PostRoadkill, on 04 May 2015 - 05:20 PM, said:

If you bring LRMs to the PUG queues, expect to get your own locks. I'm not going to be your meat shield so that you can hide behind a hill and waste a chassis as a "dedicated" LRM boat.

But if you do bring LRMs, you have your own TAG/BAP/NARC, and you stay with the group and take your fair share of damage, I'll work my butt off to support you.

Remember folks, each team can only absorb so much damage, too. If one of your team's Mechs is hiding behind a hill (and god forbid it's an Assault), the team as a whole has less armor and is weaker because of it. LRM-equipped Mechs need to absorb a few alphas, too, to spread the enemy team's damage around as much as possible. It's no different than twisting to spread damage, but on a team-wide scale.

You would be surprised (or maybe not) at how few people understand the concept of armor being a resource as well, that the more damage you spread across your team, the longer each member lives, and the more likelihood that they do more damage

#27 ThisMachineKillsFascists


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Posted 04 May 2015 - 06:18 PM

View Postbad arcade kitty, on 04 May 2015 - 04:09 PM, said:

lrm boats should suffer
no locks
no help

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View PostPoisoner, on 04 May 2015 - 02:33 PM, said:

Not sure how else I can elaborate this.

What you wanna try to say is perhaps this:

Lrmer dont hide in the background and beg for locks. Be at least usefull by mooving up to the front and do your lrming there with your own locks and in best case your lrm atlas will absorb some dmg for the team in the frontline

Edited by ThisMachineKillsFascists, 04 May 2015 - 06:33 PM.

#28 ilikerice


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Posted 04 May 2015 - 06:19 PM

Locks are nice... but you can still do hundreds of damage dumbfiring your LRMs into a group of mechs that are ECM protected or even ones just standing still and sniping... no lock means no incoming missile warning.

#29 JaxRiot


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Posted 04 May 2015 - 06:24 PM

Pressing R helps everyone not just the LRM boats

I see people not targeting when Im spectating them, and I always wonder why they dont. The target data helps you try to pinpoint your shots at weak spots and also shows your team mates where they are so they can help.

You also dont need to be face to face with the target to press R and hold it. They can be on the other side of a hill but since youre close enough you can target them, alerting your team to where the enemy is and also allows your LRM support to shake them up.

Personally I dont use LRMs much any more, but whenever someone in a drop asks for locks, I am more than happy to just press R. When Im in the trenches exchanging fire, the LRM support I can get is worth pressing R.

#30 Vanguard836


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Posted 04 May 2015 - 06:39 PM

R helps you get a readout on the enemy mech, what weapons it has and what's damaged. Not pressing it and encouraging people not to press it...not the best choice.

Stop caring about K/D. Win/loss is what matters....

#31 bad arcade kitty


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Posted 04 May 2015 - 06:54 PM

View PostQuaamik, on 04 May 2015 - 06:09 PM, said:

A single heavy or assault boating LRMs

honestly i don't understand for what reason, i mean lrm assaults, lrm heavies are kind of classic, mad dog, catapult etc

how they are better than something like a simple medium with ~lrm-50 and ~1000+ ammo, except they are way slower to change their position and waste a lot of tonnage

Edited by bad arcade kitty, 04 May 2015 - 06:55 PM.

#32 Davers


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Posted 04 May 2015 - 07:03 PM

View Postbad arcade kitty, on 04 May 2015 - 06:54 PM, said:

honestly i don't understand for what reason, i mean lrm assaults, lrm heavies are kind of classic, mad dog, catapult etc

how they are better than something like a simple medium with ~lrm-50 and ~1000+ ammo, except they are way slower to change their position and waste a lot of tonnage

True, but some people want to bring 5k ammo. Not saying it's good. But having a mech lab means dealing with people's absurd builds sometimes. So either you write that Stalker off as a total loss and lose out on an assault's firepower, or you try to work with the team you have.

#33 Sembrin


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Posted 04 May 2015 - 07:40 PM

I have about 2 million exp in LRM boats and I kinda agree with the OP. I *hate* when LRMers are sitting in the back bitching because no one will get them targets. It is not the job of your teammates to get locks for you. And it's certainly not my job to sit there in the open so I can maintain a lock while you sit in the back firing half your missiles into hills and buildings while trying to keep your paint job clean.

That said, all players should have a lock on anything they can at all times, simply because it's a good way to play. Don't not lock targets to spite a member of your team, that's something a 6 year old would do.

So lazy LRMers, quit being lazy. And you big babies, quit crying and try and play well.

#34 Kyynele


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Posted 04 May 2015 - 07:42 PM

Usually, when a match starts with a random player saying "LRM boat, get/hold locks please", you can be pretty sure that you not only have a LRM boater in your team (which in most cases is a bad thing, as that player will not be beneficial at all in typical peeking trades), but you have a bad, passive LRM boater in your team, planning to avoid all enemy contact and spam those missiles indirectly, without risking their own armor. The sort of player who does 300 damage using 1800 missiles in a PUG match, thinks it's a bit on the low side, and instead of learning to play the LRMs more aggressively (increased hit% by having LoS), tries to find a way to add MORE AMMO to the build.

Seriously, every now and then you see these guys who see nothing wrong with having an assault LRM mech with 99% health when the match situation is 8-11 for the opposing team. If that guy would've gotten even a few locks of his own, he would've likely gotten more hits, dealt more damage, helped kill an enemy or two faster, taken some damage himself instead of some of his team mates, who would have thus stayed alive longer, and the match would have been won.

If you are a LRM player who relies on other people's locks, you can learn to play better and get your own locks. Good players have enough incentives to lock their targets even without the indirect fire aspect, so you're going to get those locks even without asking. And for the people who don't lock targets, most of them are likely struggling so badly with the game that you shouldn't expect anything from them to begin with. Those people you should be carrying. If you have LRMs, that means that you get your locks and kill the enemies while your team members struggle with basic movement and shooting.

"LRMs, get your own lock" is actually pretty much the best advice there is for playing LRMs well. They're not a great weapon at the moment, but that's what you should be doing if you want to be even remotely useful with them.

#35 Davers


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Posted 04 May 2015 - 08:09 PM

Well, there are LRM boats, and then there are guys that sit 999 meters from a target and spam LRMs. There really isn't anything you can do to help the second kind.

#36 Ragtag soldier


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Posted 04 May 2015 - 08:38 PM

View PostChuck YeaGurr, on 04 May 2015 - 05:21 PM, said:

If we are winning by 5 or more the lock is always turned off after it is acquired unless it is a fresh target. I live longer because I am not being shot in the back by team mates trying to get the last kill.

this does nothing to stop the teammate putting a half-dozen lasers into you because your "blocking his kill", but if you can't strafe out of the way of allied LRMs then okay.

#37 Kilo 40


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Posted 04 May 2015 - 08:45 PM

View PostKyynele, on 04 May 2015 - 07:42 PM, said:

"LRMs, get your own lock" is actually pretty much the best advice there is for playing LRMs well.

I'd say that "learn all the different kinds of locks there are, and fire accordingly." is the best advice.

#38 Dino Might


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Posted 04 May 2015 - 08:55 PM

View PostAloha, on 04 May 2015 - 04:06 PM, said:

It still amazes me when I see a player not locking target when I spectate. I see them shooting healthy components instead of the ones about to fall off. I see them going after an unarmed target (all weapons destroyed) while being shot up by armed enemies. The R key is your friend. It's there to help you. Refusing to use it to spite LRM carrying teammates is downright idiotic.

Depends on the situation. In a below 100kph mech that's not doing serious sword'n'board, then yeah, target that thing and keep data feed for you and your team. When you are running around frantically in a Locust spending more time twisting 200+ degrees (back and forth) and looking for cover and only a fraction of your time actually looking at the enemy to shoot him, it's easy to be distracted/lazy and not lock up the target for the 0.2 seconds you are actually seeing him. Mostly, it's just, "look for the smokey/shot up area and shoot that."

Some lights are scouts, many are not, simply because it is so easy to lock targets on anything. In many situations, you can't be a scout without ECM, so it's not really worth hassling the lights to hold locks, because they are the least capable of doing so most of the time.

#39 Poisoner


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Posted 04 May 2015 - 09:37 PM

Okay, well I did not elaborate earlier because I was aggravated. Some guy on our team said "be smart lights, lock target tag" literally he said that. SERIOUSLY? I always press R and I've noticed that if you have your crosshair on an enemy long enough it auto locks (sometimes I press Q to see what target the DC is calling) so there is really no excuse not to have something targeted unless it has ECM.

All I am saying is that when I LRM, I LRM and I get my own locks.

#40 bad arcade kitty


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Posted 04 May 2015 - 09:43 PM

press r, then, when you feel that the rockets are in the air quickly press r again :P

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