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Mech Select Suggestions

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#1 Cimarb


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 02:28 PM

1. Toggles at the top (IS/Clan and Owned/Trial) are not obvious as toggles. Mouseover/active should be a different color than each other, so you can tell whether it is active or not while moused over.
2. Would be nice to be able to select the mech from the preview image (like we do on live), and not have to go over to the "select" button on the bottom right.

#2 Myray


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 02:53 PM

like he said it would be much more comfortable if we have the mech selection like on live that we jump into the new mechbay after hitting the configure button
and as addition it would be nice to see the custom painting of the mech in the mini icon thats something im waiting for a while now

#3 Johnny Z


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 03:17 PM

*Allow mech selection via the Inventory menu.*

The first advantage of this is that players can name their mechs in any order they like to organize them. For drop decks or what ever. No need for favourites or anything.

Alpha Centurian

Alpha D Wolf

Beta T Wolf

New Awsome

Stored Orion


Make lower half of the mech list, pop up mech description, thats in now and make the right side full view of mech, where the pop up is now.

- For Mech bay

Remove everything possible on left side of screen. Picture like old mechwarrior games of mech cut out on left side of screen, used to select mech parts for equipment.

High light selected mech part on the full mech visual(even a big dot would do but could go further). Drop down menu from high lighted part of equipment.

Or use a section of the expanded mechbay option, which would be fine to and take up less of the screen. Have button to go the full expanded from the mech cut out. This may be the better way.

Drag and drop equipment from store onto dropdown menu.

Right side equipment store like it is now simplified a bit maybe.

Make the select button "mech inventory". (this is more sim like)

I do think the column view is well done and ingenius how it works. I hope to see it used. The above option with mech cut out may be more intuitive though. Mechbay for dummies and all that. :)

Just an idle players take on the new UI.

Edited by Johnny Z, 08 May 2015 - 03:39 AM.

#4 Alexander Garden


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 03:25 PM

View PostCimarb, on 07 May 2015 - 02:28 PM, said:

1. Toggles at the top (IS/Clan and Owned/Trial) are not obvious as toggles. Mouseover/active should be a different color than each other, so you can tell whether it is active or not while moused over.
2. Would be nice to be able to select the mech from the preview image (like we do on live), and not have to go over to the "select" button on the bottom right.

Added to the list.
  • Add a 'Select' button to each 'Mech in the 'Select Mech' menu to prevent users from having to click the 'Select' button in the bottom-right of the menu
    • Submitted by: Cimarb
    • Type: Functional
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  • Provide better indication that the organization toggles in the 'Mech Selection' screen are toggles, i.e. with hover-over animations
    • ​Submitted by: Cimarb
    • Type: Visual
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View PostMyray, on 07 May 2015 - 02:53 PM, said:

like he said it would be much more comfortable if we have the mech selection like on live that we jump into the new mechbay after hitting the configure button
and as addition it would be nice to see the custom painting of the mech in the mini icon thats something im waiting for a while now

Added to the list.
  • Update the 'Mech images in the 'Mech Selection' screen to show any custom Patterns/Colors that are currently applied to those 'Mechs
    • ​Submitted by: Myray
    • Type: Visual
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#5 AnimeFreak40K


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 03:36 PM

I prefer the present method (that is, not the test version) of selecting mechs through MechLab rather than having to go through the 'Select Mech' screen. I mean, I *NEVER* liked the 'select mech' screen and always defaulted to clicking 'MechLab' to select mechs to either configure or go into a fight with.

I think if there was some sort of toggle option to switch between those views when in the MechLab would be nice for folks like me who prefer to select the mechbay/mech and start configuring from there.

#6 Nik Reaper


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 03:46 PM

Also I would like to be able to see mech quirks when selecting mechs , as it is the only way I found in game to see mech quirks was to go to store and hover over a mech.

#7 DebaucheryNShenanigans


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 04:16 PM

to be honest,
THE HOME tab was completely redundant to me, except for digging for testing ground or titles/badges...

selecting my mech was always done from the mechlab tab,
I could mouse over to see loadout, and see DOUBLE XP if I was time poor that day.

1 click to select a mech...

whereas the home tab was a million clicks, oh I pooped it up, what module do I have.... oh, crap it.



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Posted 07 May 2015 - 05:13 PM

The lab now unequips things at random. How annoying.

Much of the new lab look and feel is counter intuitive.

Mystery quirks hidden in the store?

Mechs are harder to find.


I am sure you will force this on us since you spent the effort. its clear that it will take time for us to get use to the latest error filled mandated change, and it seems you fixed what was not really all that broken compared to this "attempted" fix.

I wish I could be more constructive but this seems like another failure that is not ready to launch.

Overall the time you spent on this is wasted. More general maps not CW, or CW maps converted to be used as general public maps, would have been a better use of your limited and dwindling resources.

Points for trying, many points deducted for this clunky, error infested try.

A pitty.

Edited by RENEGADEMOON, 07 May 2015 - 05:17 PM.

#9 Cimarb


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 05:16 PM

Thanks for cluttering this thread up with completely nonconstructive griping, Renegade. Appreciate it...

#10 Johnny Z


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 07:27 PM

View PostAnimeFreak40K, on 07 May 2015 - 03:36 PM, said:

I prefer the present method (that is, not the test version) of selecting mechs through MechLab rather than having to go through the 'Select Mech' screen. I mean, I *NEVER* liked the 'select mech' screen and always defaulted to clicking 'MechLab' to select mechs to either configure or go into a fight with.

I think if there was some sort of toggle option to switch between those views when in the MechLab would be nice for folks like me who prefer to select the mechbay/mech and start configuring from there.

I dont think anyone uses that mech select screen.

No one knows what future additions to the game they have in store thats why I am not panicking. Or I would. :)

Edited by Johnny Z, 07 May 2015 - 07:29 PM.

#11 Asrrin


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 07:41 PM

I too would like to see the return of the current Live view of the mech selection rather than the public test mech select screen, and move into the new mechlab when customizing the mech. It is much more intuitive to click on portraits of mechs rather than scrolling through line after line of chassis and having to maximize them, click on them, and then select them. Reduce the number of button presses!

Also I want to be able to purchase mechs as in the Live version! I have never once used the store to purchase mechs, and have always used the mech select screen. Bring back that functionality!

Edit: another thing, because the Live version of the mech seelct is not in game, I can't seem to find a way to view total number of mechs and total empty mech bays!

Edit 2: The mechlab itself is very nice! it's fairly intuitive to make a build, and most of the information is immediately available. I would like to see if there is some way to toggle being able to view the full paperdoll like the mockup in the Live version, but it's a feature I can get used to living without.

Edited by Asrrin, 07 May 2015 - 07:54 PM.

#12 Johnny Z


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 07:57 PM

Changed my reply above alot.

#13 That Guy


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 07:58 PM

I too want and like our current method of mech selection (click an icon and have it be selected). but i also miss easily seeing my mechs in 3D in the lab

additionally there does not seem to be a method to view purchasable mechs in 3d now as well, only through that terrible store interface.

so my suggestion:
*on the home screen, by default have it set to the current live mech selector, with the ability to see the model and rotate it. with a mech selected, and clicking the "mechlab" button be automatically taken to ML for that mech with out having to re select it

basically have our current default live server "mechlab" screen moved to the home screen, and have it replace the current live mech selection screen. keep selection of mechs simple, and in one click. i want to see my shiny mechs

*purchasing mechs. basically fix the store. let people see the mech model and have the necessary stats, and give us the old ML functionality back as well as adding in the current "customize" options for trials. people like being able to see what they are going to buy

however, I LOVE the fact that we can now tinker with trial mechs in the lab, and painter. fantastic even if there is no saving. great

#14 McMatt


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 09:25 PM

Finding mech to play with is too many clicks away. Also missing quick quirks view. I was hoping for better module handling. All modules that one have should be listed and where are placed. And then possibility to simply drag them to new mech.

Ok, I found quirks.

Edited by McMatt, 07 May 2015 - 09:58 PM.

#15 Thorqemada


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Posted 08 May 2015 - 01:48 AM

I would like if we keep the current "Show all Mechs" Select Mech Menu and can filter Mechs in a more convenient way.

I would not like the Testlab Select Mech List (that has dozens of Mech-Submenus to open which is inconvenient) to replace the current one.

#16 Johnny Z


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Posted 08 May 2015 - 03:33 AM

Bump because I added more to my above reply again.

#17 sabujo


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Posted 08 May 2015 - 03:48 AM

Fix the weapon listing by using a hidden sorting field rather than the name in alphabetical order.

Now we have:
  • ER PPC (too far away from the PPC)
  • FLAMER (what is it doing here?)
  • LARGE LASER (why isn't it before the Large Laser)
  • LRM10
  • LRM15
  • LRM20
  • LRM5 (should be first)
It could group up everything so that we may have:
  • PPC
  • ER PPC
  • ...
  • Placing some class/type (very simple) icons on weapons, modules and equipment would reduce scan time
  • Removing color coding for unavailable/switch status and replacing that with a color marker identifying the weapon type (energy, ballistic, missile)

#18 Tarogato


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Posted 08 May 2015 - 05:32 AM

View Postsabujo, on 08 May 2015 - 03:48 AM, said:

Fix the weapon listing by using a hidden sorting field rather than the name in alphabetical order.


This is completely off-topic and needs to be its own separate thread.

But... YES. That change is very much needed.



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Posted 08 May 2015 - 05:44 AM

View PostCimarb, on 07 May 2015 - 05:16 PM, said:

Thanks for cluttering this thread up with completely nonconstructive griping, Renegade. Appreciate it...

Ouch. You win. I will just shut the hell up which is what you really want.

Edited by RENEGADEMOON, 08 May 2015 - 05:45 AM.

#20 Tetra One


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Posted 08 May 2015 - 06:04 AM

New mech select seems backwards in terms of ease of select...

Currently i have to click weight class and i can select a mech right away, most of the time it was just enough to go Mechlab and second click is preffered mech, while it the new lab its mechlab>class>chassis>mech>select...which is really bad IMO...

Please dont leave it like it is as it is way backwards than it was...Please allow us to maybe change the way mechs are displayed as to have the option to view them as before...

Removing tiles form engine and weapon select was great but who asked to remove it from mech select....?

Also a favorite mechs option would be great...

Thank you

Edited by Tetra One, 08 May 2015 - 06:04 AM.

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