Adiuvo, on 12 May 2015 - 12:22 AM, said:
So much misinformation in this thread.
The banned party was not part of NKVA. However, she was friends with their unit.
She was banned for wallhacking, not for aimbotting.
She was banned after she played in the MechMasters tourney, which was shoutcasted with the spectator tool. There were numerous indications of a wallhack being used, and that data was collected and sent to PGI. She was banned about 4 days later.
Apparently there was a ban wave, however she was the only person banned who played competitively.
If you really want to know who the banned player is, /r/OutreachHPG has had multiple topics on the subject both before the cheater label was added and after.
Oh yeah, best bit is that the banned party loved to talk herself up in game, on reddit, and on somethingawful. It's really quite funny looking back and her bragging about honestly mediocre stats (only a 3ish w/l, and you were wallhacking? lol)
So, just to clarify, PGI may or may not have cheat detection tools, but the relevant case here was detected and brought to PGI's attention by a 3rd party after wich they analysed the data ( even though there is no auto record function from there side ) ?
I mean if you spectate someone and have a recording with fraps or some other video capture program and you send a video of a person spending most of his time looking at walls in the direction of the enemy wich you see by using the spectate tool but they shouldn't be able to detect, that is something, but the way this statement by PGI sounds as if they have competant automated tools that detect cheating.
Now if they do send a message to the banned party that can be appealed to by them that is fine, thing is most of the things PGI does inspire a feeling of incompetence ( wich they more or less address and fix at a later point ) , for ex. that guy that verbaly assaulted a dev on a stream, personally I too would ban a person like that, thing is a lot of people get that kind of treatment in game and the ones doing it do not get instant permabanes unless a dev is the target of it, also those who do get bans are usually not permanent, but for attacking a dev they are... so assaulting a ruling politician is somehow worse than assaulting a random civilian? ( I mean I realise in reality it is but not in the eyes of law )
Thing is, it's good that they are doing something about cheaters , and they don't need to say how they detect them, but in light of there previous "professional" behavior , island ... and such , I don't find it strange that we want some transperancy from them.
This mostly stems, at least for me, from the fact that pgi is trying to be double faced, as I see it, they seem like they want to cozy up to the players as the small in house friendly types that in fact can not survive in a competitive enviroment by there talents and efforts alone ( double that developer count and more testers and quality assurance people! ) but like to pull the corporate face any time they find it convenient to fight criticism.
Edited by Nik Reaper, 12 May 2015 - 01:46 AM.