MW222, on 11 May 2015 - 08:48 PM, said:
Adv Sensor Range II - Boosts sensor range by + 25.00%.
This increases your sensor range from 800m to 1000m.
MW222, on 11 May 2015 - 08:48 PM, said:
Adv Target Decay - Increases the amount of time a Mech is track-able when it leaves line of sight to + 2.75/3.50 seconds.
Please note that this effect is completely overcome by an enemy mounting the Radar Deprivation module, which eliminates the continued tracking after LOS is broken.
MW222, on 11 May 2015 - 08:48 PM, said:
LRM 10 Range 5 - +10.00% Range.
This increases the range at which LRMs explode after not hitting anything from 1000m to 1100m.
MW222, on 11 May 2015 - 08:48 PM, said:
Radar Deprivation - Causes loss of lock when moving out of line of sight.
This does nothing to affect your own sensors, only the sensors of those who lock you as a target.
MW222, on 11 May 2015 - 08:48 PM, said:
Command Console - Zoom distance: +5.25%, Sensor range: +6.00%, Time to gather target info: -20.50%
This further increases your sensor range from 1000m to 1048m (.06 (increase) times 800 (base value) is 48). Reduces your target info gathering time by 20.5%. Has no effect on missile lock time, only on ability to get a damage paperdoll and weapons loadout on a target-locked enemy.
MW222, on 11 May 2015 - 08:48 PM, said:
Beagle Active probe. - + 25.00% increased sensor range, - 25.00% decreased target info acquisition time, Allows targeting of unpowered Mechs within 120M.
An Active Probe also allows you to lock one target within 200m (If I recall the range correctly- I think it used to be 180m, though it might also be 280m) through a single layer of ECM. It does not, however, cut through ECM in the same way an ECM set to 'Counter' does. Allies can only piggyback off of your lock, the enemy ECM is not in any way, shape, or form shut down. Additionally, this target you have locked has the weapons lock time reduced to the exact same degree that ECM increases that weapons lock time.
This increases your sensor range again from 1048m to 1248m. Your target info gathering time is now 54.5% of its normal value. The Sensor Range module increases the range at which you can lock one target through a single layer of ECM from 200m to 250m (again, assuming I recall the base range on this function correctly). It also increases the range at which you can detect and lock onto shut down 'mechs from 120m to 150m.
MW222, on 11 May 2015 - 08:48 PM, said:
It counters 1 ECM within the range of 360M. It works the same way as an ECM in counter mode.
This is incorrect.
MW222, on 11 May 2015 - 08:48 PM, said:
Displayed LRM range is 1100 M. Is this Max Range or Opium range?
I assume you mean 'optimum'. In which case, the answer is both. An LRM will travel 1000m from the point of launch before exploding if it doesn't hit anything. Your LRM range increase improves this to 1100m.
MW222, on 11 May 2015 - 08:48 PM, said:
If basic sensor range is 800M* with the mods I have running my sensor range should be 1248M (+/-). Between the Beagle BAP and the Command Console CC my Target Acquisition should be + 45.50% faster. I'm do NOT think I am seeing it. I am also getting back shot a lot. Why am I not seeing those Mech?
Be aware that target info gathering is not the same thing as locking on missiles- TIG is about seeing the paperdoll and weapons list. Locking on missiles is about locking on weapons to a target where you have already locked your sensors onto it.
MW222, on 11 May 2015 - 08:48 PM, said:
I should be able not only to get more and faster locks but I should also be reading what cockpit items the other mech is carrying (just kidding).
Incorrect. The only piece of equipment that is affecting your target locking is your Probe, and that only within that 150m range- where your LRMs are useless.
Largely, you are the victim of a lack of clarity and some misunderstanding here.
Edited by Quickdraw Crobat, 12 May 2015 - 11:32 AM.