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Time To Raise The C-Bills. Again

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#1 Knightshadowsong


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Posted 11 May 2015 - 09:42 PM

So. Here I am again. I've repeatedly said that no mech mercenary would work for 20K per mission. No. at this time i'm not counting the others that increase the amount.

I know that the Low C-bills are PGI's attempts to make players who are unwilling to grind C-bills buy Premium time, or buy Mech's with MC. But with the up coming Steam release, it's time to seriously raise the C-bills.

Now. Here me out here. Naturally, with the Steam release, there MC sales are probably going to Jump quite a bit, So it's time to give veteran players a raise in C-Bills. I propose a new C-bill System.

The Cadet bonus's end after 25 matches, I propose adding Non CW Ranks for normal game modes. Example would be First the Cadet bonus, then you gain the 'recruit' rank, and a standard C-bills per match of say 25K flat payout, plus bonuses for Damages ect. After that you gain Private rank, and a 5K add to your Game's flat payout. for each rank it raises more and more. encouraging more and more play. With ranks going from 'enlisted' which top out at maybe 100K flat per match, to 'officers' where you would earn more.

Now. To increase the challenge, once you hit the Top rank, your given something of value (IE Hero mech's. Mech bay's ect it all depends on ranks and how many times you have reached the Top rank.) For each time you return to 'recruit' rank.you earn more money and get a cooler insignia/Titles. But every time you do this, you have to complete more and more challenges to continue ranking up.

I think this would increase play, give Non CW challenges/Achievements and just add new feel and flavor in the game. But the C-Bills NEED a buff.

#2 Firewuff


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Posted 13 May 2015 - 05:35 PM

20k per match? What game are you playing? Withouy prem time or hero mechs its closet to 100k per match average. With a good win and prem and hero i can get 250k easy..... so at 6 games an hour thats almost 2million an hour. There is no problem with cbills.

#3 John1352


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Posted 13 May 2015 - 05:41 PM

View PostFirewuff, on 13 May 2015 - 05:35 PM, said:

With a good win and prem and hero i can get 250k easy...

Unfortunately matchmaker ensures you lose 50% of your games.

View PostFirewuff, on 13 May 2015 - 05:35 PM, said:

so at 6 games an hour thats almost 2million an hour.

If you win every match and play 8 an hour, maybe.

#4 Knightshadowsong


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Posted 13 May 2015 - 08:59 PM

The point i'm trying to make is that Not everyone can afford Hero Mech's and Premium time. it's just not fair that the C-bills are stacked up the way they are. And No. the payout is very VERY low. C-bills need another buff, and I think that this system would put another interesting challenge into the game.

#5 FlipOver


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Posted 14 May 2015 - 06:38 AM

People that come to play a free to play game should expect grinding or buying to have access to the time-spent short-cut.
If PGI decides to increase the payout, then I'd like to see them re-implement the Reload and Rearm feature as-well.

#6 andrewkhlim


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Posted 14 May 2015 - 06:57 AM

I feel like there are more grind-heavy games than this one. The learning curve is just steep. Took me 600 games to get decent and I've probably hit my skill ceiling but even I get get at least 80k more often than not. 20k if I have died in the first 5 minutes due to bad luck or being out skilled.

#7 Aethelred Kell


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Posted 14 May 2015 - 08:03 AM

C-bills don't necessarily need a buff, but I have noticed that it is very hard to get the good modules early on as a player even when you find people who are willing to help you out and advise you on what to get. I understand that most people have been playing a while and probably have stacked C-bills to the ceiling through events and because they have the Stormcrows, Stalkers, whatever Meta mechs they want to run all the time and have no real further need to spend except for random testing of changes they think may improve a specific mech. The cadet bonuses do help new people out some, but everyone openly admits that to PROPERLY build a mech is normally 8-10 million C-bills at least and this is without any modules (See: Seismic, Radar Deprivation, etc.)

This means that your entire Cadet bonuses MIGHT get you 1! "Properly" built mech by veteran standards, but if you find that it is not the best fit for your playstyle then you either have to keep using it for a long time to grind C-bills or go back to trial mechs for a significant period of time. I do see how giving more C-bills early on could be abused by multi-account players, but I feel that new players could use a bit more of a "Leg-up" in getting a stable of mechs built than they currently receive. This especially holds true if you want to get them meaningfully involved in CW anytime soon.

I personally would like to at least TRY CW, but between the horror stories of wait times, the uncertainty of where to drop and what to do if I don't get put with people who know the maps, and the inability to yet field anything resembling a completely fitted 240 Ton Deck of Mechs......what is the point?

Edited by Aethelred Kell, 14 May 2015 - 08:11 AM.

#8 Knightshadowsong


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Posted 26 May 2015 - 01:06 PM

Honestly. CW is broken. if the BS spawn camping doesn't piss you off. the pre-made 12 man's and light rush's will. pure and simple. it's annoying and just a waste of time. but it DOSE pay at least a half decent amount of C-bills if you do decent. I still say they need a buff. because NO mech Mercenary would work for the weak @#$ amount we get.

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