Koniving, on 14 May 2015 - 12:03 PM, said:
Personal concerns:
I'm all for added bonuses, but there was already plenty of reason to buy before the 31st. Now it's been 'doubled' with the same deadline. I know PGI is spending a lot lately and map development is at an all time high...and not cheap. Still, I can't help but feel PGI is spending too much money too fast and kinda lost in how its gonna pay its bills. (Or is Transverse still being developed behind the scenes?) Something kinda seems off.
(emphasis added)
I agree. Through the years I have kept a cool head and tried to analyze any claims that PGI was underwater, going broke, etc. Each and every time I came to the same conclusion, that things were just fine, PGI was paying its bills and had cash reserves.
Yet no, after 2-3 years, for the first time I feel uneasy.
Russ is rushing Steam release, the previous MC sale lasted for a LONG time (maybe oversight by employees), and the sudden flash promos at the end of the month to pre purchase a mech pack.
Flash promos at the ends of the month usually mean someone is trying to make payroll. A rush to Steam means we need new customers now. An extended MC sale means (to me) we need any cash you got.
I hope I'm wrong.
Anyways, the future of sustainability for this game lies in microtransactions and a constant income. That's premium time, camos, single mech purchase, consumables, extra drop decks, solaris with betting cbills, etc. Mech packs have diminishing returns. (until they get the bushwacker out