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Why Buy Resistance 2?

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#21 Duke Nedo


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Posted 13 May 2015 - 08:58 AM

I skipped Resistance 1, but got Resistance 2. Think it brings more than the other... want the Mauler and the others except perhaps the Crab will be perfectly alright...

#22 SgtMagor


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Posted 13 May 2015 - 09:26 AM

Black Knight should be the Mad Kitty's rival, that alone should make it a interesting and valuable mech to have on your team. Mauler, never really liked the mech that much, but It has the mixed weapon loadouts that I like in assault mechs.

#23 FupDup


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Posted 13 May 2015 - 09:27 AM

The mechs don't seem particularly powerful within their classes, so get them if you have an emotion attachment to them or avoid them if you're looking for strong robbits.

#24 Ovion


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Posted 13 May 2015 - 09:28 AM

Same reason to buy any of it.

Because you want to.

If you don't want to, don't buy it.

I've bought CW1, 2, 3, R1, Urbs Collector and R2 Wolfhound.
I'm debating going for Crab.
Definately won't be buying the Knight or the Mauler, as neither do it for me, and this piss poor incentive isn't enough to push me to it.

There's also a point of diminishing return.
Not only due to having so many mechs already, but that the bonus content is recycled, and the multi-buy rewards are getting worse.

For getting full CW1+2, you got the Mad Dog, as well as unique colours and items for each.
You got 3 other bonus mechs, and a few other bits.
For getting full CW2+3, you lose out on around $60-100 worth of duplicate colours / gear
For getting full R1+2, before the end of the month, you get +1 variant of each R1 mech.

#25 Apnu


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Posted 13 May 2015 - 09:29 AM

View PostTastian, on 13 May 2015 - 07:39 AM, said:

I'm a founder. I bought Phoenix, Urbanmech, Clan Wave 1, 2, and 3 and Resistance 1 (Panther and Enforcer only). I've owned and mastered 3 (or more) of every mech out (except for the Grasshopper and Zeus which I'll buy with cbills).

As many have already noted, Mech hardpoints and tonnages are getting crowded to the point of differences becoming very nonexistent. I'm left wondering why exactly buy Resistance 2? There doesn't seem to be a lot of new variety.

This isn't a complaint; I'm genuinely interested in hearing your thoughts. Why did you spend real money on Resistance 2?

Looking at the cost of things.

The Mauler pack is $80. If you buy in May, you'll see 90 days of PT.

30 days of PT costs 2,500MC, so that's 7,500MC for PT.
You get 4 mechs per class (also a special promo in May), each with a mech bay. Each mech bay is 300 MC. That's 16 bays, 300x16 = 4,800MC
Sub total: 12,300 MC

You are also going to get 7 war horns (750 MC each), 7 dog tags (250 MC each), 7 holo standing items (750 MC each). = 5250+1750+5250 = 12,250 MC, but maybe you don't want that. So we'll put this number aside for now.

You are also going to get a bunch of special paint, that also costs MC but depending on choices (say you pick 6 FRR appearance packages or one of each IS faction) the cost would vary. But at a minimum, and knowing you already own Resistance 1, figure 3 unique colors, at 125 MC each. That's 375 MC.

Now the mechs, its hard to pin them down we don't know their costs so I'll use general equivalent weights, c-bill mechs only, no heroes or champions. I'm going to ignore the 30% c-bill boost for 4 of the mechs in calculations. I'm working towards a worst-case cost of these items, and I don't know what the MC value of a 30% c-bill boost is and extra special mech geometry. So I'll throw it out.

35 ton Panther has an average MC cost of 1,015
50 ton Centurion has an average MC cost of 1,919
75 ton Orion has an average MC cost of 3,013
90 ton Highlander has an average MC cost of 3,474

So more math:
1015x4 = 4,060
1919x4 = 7,676
3013x4 = 12,052
3474x4 = 13,896
sub total: 37,684 MC for 4 mechs of each class.

All sub totals now:
PT & Mech Bays: 12,300 MC
Cockpit Items: 12,250 MC
Minimal paint choice: 375 MC
16 mechs: 37,684 MC
Total without cockpit items: 50,359 MC (This is two $99.95 MC packs and one $6.95 pack) = $206.85 USD
Total with cockpit items: 62,609 MC (This two $99.95 MC packs, one $49.95, and one $6.96 pack) = $256.80 USD

So for $80 USD, you're getting, worst case, $206.85 in game merchandise.

Or you can skip the cockpit items and colors, wait for all these mechs to come out for c-bills in 3-6 months after Resistance 2 release date and grind c-bills to acquire them.

The real question is: What is your dedication level in MWO and what is your time commitment to grinding c-bills?

Also know that for $56.90 USD you can get 90 days of PT and 16 mech bays. Making everything else in my above example before May is out cost $23.10 USD.

That's a really good deal if you're a mech fan.

I understand the amount of money you've spent. You've bought every pack from Phoenix forward, that's a considerable chunk of change, you, like me, are the whales that keep the game free for everybody else. I like to buy these packs because I get heaps of PT and many different c-bill bonus mechs that makes the grind a lot easer. I get a whole bunch of stuff and entertainment at a discount. I've only bought one mech at full, non-sale price. The GRF-2N. Every one of my heroes was bought on sale, all my paint and cammo to.

#26 EX S


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Posted 13 May 2015 - 09:37 AM

I don't have it, but if I could I'd get it for the Mauler and the Crab. That, and I don't have any faction content. So all the neat colors and stuff appeal to me slightly. It's mostly for the Crab though.

#27 Finkledbody


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Posted 13 May 2015 - 09:46 AM

Myself? I've been playing since November of 2014. I currently have 60 mechs in my lab, most of which I have mastered while having a great deal of fun. I bought the résistance 1 pack around the time when more mechs seemed like a good idea. However, At this point I have not purchased the resistance 2 pack nor do I plan on it because I don't need or want any additional subpar mechs that can't hold a candle to the known 'god' mechs. Ya know which mechs I'm talking about; the over quirked, invincible mechs that cause you to rethink your strategy when you see them.

Then there is the lack of maps, lack of quality map rotation, high cost of outfitting mechs, time required to master the chassis, useless variants of each chassis, reduces any giddy feeling I may have gotten from this new pack. I do have an overwhelming sense with each additional mech pack that's introduced to the game, the dynamics of each battle changes in a positive way. But that is quickly stripped away due to hitbox reg issues, animation issues, implementation issues, bugs, more bugs... Its become more of a headache then something I 'look forward to' when I get out of work.

Hope that all makes sense.

Edited by Finkledbody, 13 May 2015 - 09:48 AM.

#28 TheArisen


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Posted 13 May 2015 - 10:37 AM

View PostFinkledbody, on 13 May 2015 - 09:46 AM, said:

Myself? I've been playing since November of 2014. I currently have 60 mechs in my lab, most of which I have mastered while having a great deal of fun. I bought the résistance 1 pack around the time when more mechs seemed like a good idea. However, At this point I have not purchased the resistance 2 pack nor do I plan on it because I don't need or want any additional subpar mechs that can't hold a candle to the known 'god' mechs. Ya know which mechs I'm talking about; the over quirked, invincible mechs that cause you to rethink your strategy when you see them.

Then there is the lack of maps, lack of quality map rotation, high cost of outfitting mechs, time required to master the chassis, useless variants of each chassis, reduces any giddy feeling I may have gotten from this new pack. I do have an overwhelming sense with each additional mech pack that's introduced to the game, the dynamics of each battle changes in a positive way. But that is quickly stripped away due to hitbox reg issues, animation issues, implementation issues, bugs, more bugs... Its become more of a headache then something I 'look forward to' when I get out of work.

Hope that all makes sense.

I gotcha, it is true though that we don't know how good Red 2 mechs will be. Pgi is also revamping older maps.

#29 Keeshu


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Posted 13 May 2015 - 10:58 AM

Whenever I get spending money I will buy it.

Wolfhound - Weakest of the Resistance 2 in my opinion, but it's still a good mech. Another 35 ton mech, which in my opinion is the most adorable of the 35 ton mechs because of the way his head looks (hard to beat the locust in being adorable though). Lack of jumpjets is a major strike against it, but the shield arms are very nice as well, especially when combined with the fact that he can mount most of his weapons in the torsos so as long as it's alive it is dangerous. I like the idea of using 4 medium lasers in the side torso, and 1 er large in the CT for the 1A, or just using a bunch of medium lasers with extra heat sinks for the others. I could see myself using this mech from time to time. (But Jenner will probably always be my favorite, even if it is a walking CT.)

Crab now is going to be my favorite Inner Sphere medium mech design, and it looks like it will have gameplay I like as well. I love the idea of having 3 Medium lasers that will never be able to be disabled as long as I am alive, and before that happens I can just use Large lasers to pick apart enemies from a distance. Only problem with buying is knowing how the hitboxes are done and how large it is, whether it's a mech to use a standard or XL for.

Black Knight looks pretty good, and it gives me a chance to make dumb Monty Python references. While I generally prefer Grasshopper for gameplay reasons (I have a weakness for jumpjets), I could see myself bringing the black knight out from time to time due to being a little tougher (and will probably have different quirks).

Mauler - King Crab still is my favorite (I just love AC/40 and similar cheesy builds, and he looks so tough), The Mauler will probably take 2nd place for my favorite Inner Sphere Assault design (just above the Stalker). Closest thing to the Turkina we'll get for a while (but even if Turkina is out, the differences between clan and inner sphere will still make me want to have the Mauler).

Really, this is an awesome package, I find it strange some people are complaining about it.

#30 C E Dwyer


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Posted 13 May 2015 - 12:50 PM

I wanted to.
I had the cash.
While I have issues with the progress of the game and how somethings have gone, CW big disappointment for me, I stayed and I'll sill support it, until it gets to annoying, and I think its the last of its franchise.

A few unlicensed home brews will be around, when this ends but nothing on MWO's scale

#31 Brody319


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Posted 13 May 2015 - 12:58 PM

1. Crab
2. Black Knight looks awesome
and 3. Mauler.

#32 CygnusX7


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Posted 13 May 2015 - 01:06 PM

3 digit mech garage.

#33 stjobe


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Posted 13 May 2015 - 01:06 PM

View PostTastian, on 13 May 2015 - 07:39 AM, said:

I'm a founder. I bought Phoenix, Urbanmech, Clan Wave 1, 2, and 3 and Resistance 1 (Panther and Enforcer only).

I'm a legendary founder. I bought the full Phoenix+Sabre, full Resistance, and the full Urbie pack.

View PostTastian, on 13 May 2015 - 07:39 AM, said:

Why did you spend real money on Resistance 2?

I didn't, and I won't.

If they want any more of my money, they better start adding some spit and polish to the game instead of churning out 'mech packs like they're going out of style.

The game needs... well crap, the game needs a major re-write, but it's not going to get that. So it needs some re-balancing, some reining in of the worst offenders, both Clan and IS side, and then it needs a *lot* of spit and polish.

I've paid my dues. Now it's time for PGI to deliver the game they've always kept talking about while they were selling us 'mech packs at $120 a pop.

You got me for $500+ PGI. Now where's that game you promised?

#34 warner2


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Posted 13 May 2015 - 01:44 PM

View PostMalleus011, on 13 May 2015 - 08:55 AM, said:

I got the Wolfhound after they previewed the new special geometry. Fingers crossed that the game model resembles the concept art.

Really, unless you have a sentimental attachment to one of these chassis, there isn't a compelling reason to get R2. I think PGI is going to see that problem grow in the future - more of the same will lead to diminishing returns.

This only applies to players that have been around since the early days. New players coming to the game they have a lot of choice now with several packs to choose from to give them an early boost.

I won't be buying any of resistance 2 because there is probably nothing new there. Did I mention quirks define a 'mech...

#35 RoboPatton


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Posted 13 May 2015 - 01:57 PM

1- I like the direction the game is (finally) going in, and don't mind supporting it.
2- I like the mechs.
3- If you play-a-lot, it might be worth it to pick up, at least just one pack (r1, r2, Clan pack etc).
4- Wolfhound looks 30times better than the Panther (on paper).
5- Actually, "on paper" R1<R2 (d2?)
6- Enough "xtras" to justify the price with included modules, paints, premium time, Hanger Space, etc...
7- You DON'T HAVE TO buy the most expensive pack. Can get some good bonuses for the t1-t2-t3 packs.
8- I work my a$$ off to do sh!t I enjoy, and when time permits its MWO...

These are some reasons that come to mind for me.

#36 Appogee


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Posted 13 May 2015 - 03:01 PM

View Poststjobe, on 13 May 2015 - 01:06 PM, said:

You got me for $500+ PGI. Now where's that game you promised?

I have the same attitude to R2.

I've spent more than $1000. I have almost every Mech available. Now I just want a decent ping, and the improved hitreg it will probably enable.

I've spent more than enough money and time on faith, expecting the underlying game to be fixed.

#37 Ngamok


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Posted 13 May 2015 - 03:02 PM

All I want is the Mauler, rest don't do it for me. I am picky on mechs myself though.

#38 Lindonius


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Posted 13 May 2015 - 03:07 PM

View PostCathy, on 13 May 2015 - 12:50 PM, said:

A few unlicensed home brews will be around, when this ends but nothing on MWO's scale

Scale? MWLL had more scale in it's little finger than MWO has ever had. PGI's "ghost CW" hasn't changed that fact.

#39 Myke Pantera


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Posted 13 May 2015 - 03:13 PM

Because you like this game, and are clever enough to realise that with every mech pack the difference to already existing mechs will get smaller and smaller. But you are also clever enough to see, that PGI adds new Mechs because they may be the 'favourite' mech of someone else out there who will be very happy with resistance pack 2. I bought tier 2 again, because I have yet to play a Light/Medium that i don't like at least a little bit.

Edited by Myke Pantera, 13 May 2015 - 03:14 PM.

#40 Lyoto Machida


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Posted 13 May 2015 - 03:22 PM

You buy it to keep the lights on at PGI. I'm not buying it though...time for other people to carry the burden.

View Poststjobe, on 13 May 2015 - 01:06 PM, said:

I'm a legendary founder. I bought the full Phoenix+Sabre, full Resistance, and the full Urbie pack.

I didn't, and I won't.

If they want any more of my money, they better start adding some spit and polish to the game instead of churning out 'mech packs like they're going out of style.

The game needs... well crap, the game needs a major re-write, but it's not going to get that. So it needs some re-balancing, some reining in of the worst offenders, both Clan and IS side, and then it needs a *lot* of spit and polish.

I've paid my dues. Now it's time for PGI to deliver the game they've always kept talking about while they were selling us 'mech packs at $120 a pop.

You got me for $500+ PGI. Now where's that game you promised?

My sentiments exactly...I know that feel, bro.

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