general rule:
- the "cancel" button or "go back" button always replaces the button you click on or it is very near, so you do not have to go over whole screen to click "cancel" when you click "select mech" (other menus are correct)
- the "esc" key should always function as the "cancel" button
rule: menus and context of menus do not share same space, you have menus together for easy navigation, not jumping around depending on where you click, so my suggestion is to:
- separate mech part menus from the components contained within
- make the mech part context close when you click on the menu again
- make the mech part context open when you click on the corresponding part on the mech model
- move the mech parts colum to the right to warehouse
- make tooltip appear on hover
- make amount of "0" display in red
- if the weapon is yellow, make the slots and tons yellow too
- if the weapon is red, make the slots or tons that could be replaced by another weapon yellow too (it works when there is no weapon in my cn9-D arm and says ac20 can be quipped by weight (white) but not by slots (red), but when i have lbx in that arm then ac20 is all red)
- no checkbox (jumping menus again), click tab to expand, click anywhere again to hide details
- instead of "slots" use "free slots"
- add number of heatsinks
- make all text colour white and current/max values more separated
- if the amount of attribute is max of its value, make the current/max text bold
- instead of red circles at ams/bap etc use "yes" or "no"
- display of actual values at weapon stats
- display of slots used (but free slots are more useful)
- tooltip displayed below module
- gxp near cbills
- mechlab mech select (can move under "select mech" menu) and purchase
- add icons of modules and engines, possibly even weapons (big view with big mechs toggle) to the mech icons (on the mechlab select screen)
edit: where is the mech details screen? why not just make the mech equip stuff on that screen?
Edited by happy mech, 13 May 2015 - 11:06 AM.