BSK, on 15 May 2015 - 01:00 AM, said:
It should only be allowed for owners of smaller Phoenix packages to upgrade to Overlord.
Unless you give medals to owners for Resistance packages, this should be the only option we decide about in the poll.
This pisses me off.
You piss me off.
I am generally a
very even tempered person, easy going and let most things slide.
I generally don't focus on a person, or give specific statements, but this...
This is the absolute
worst case of entitled, petulent, childish pettiness in the
entire goddam thread.
"Oh, don't let the people who want the oppurtunity to get these mechs have that.
But we can get the ones we're missing"
AND you've posted it
multiple times.
Grow up.
ShinVector, on 14 May 2015 - 06:00 PM, said:
Now thats said... Who the hell would want to run the Locust 1V in the tourny ???
MWO's worst mech ever...

It's not even the worst
I would take the 1V over the 3S.
The ERLL quirks give it an insane output (ERLL w/ Locust Quirks + Cooldown 5 = Damage 9, Cooldown 1.23, Range 776 / 1552.5, Duration 0.62 = DPS 4.86 at 770M, and it still gets 2MG on top, all going 170kph)
Or stick with the classic MPL, 4MG build and be super agressive.
Soul Tribunal, on 14 May 2015 - 07:44 PM, said:
I would personally be okay if they did a Phoenix 2 Pack versus this.
Pick 4 different Chassis and make them (P) variants.
Say, Raven/Blackjack/Dragon/Banshee.
That way you don't step on toes, and thus allow people to have some cool variants of mechs they like.
As much as I'd like a Founders pack or Phoenix one because I wasn't able to get it myself at the time, I would rather you guys keep what you have and get a second iteration of it.
Phoenix are Phoenix because they're Reseen.
But why not both?
You could do let the people that missed the chance AND do another pack!
We get the opuurtunity to get what we missed, and PGI gets more money to pay the bills and keep expanding the game.
clownwarlord, on 14 May 2015 - 08:00 PM, said:
The package was sold a lot longer than a few months ... it went for sale in July that year and was still up for sale till half way through December. The reason why was because they wanted to tie in the Phoenix reinforcements (Griffon and Wolverine) which then was give out the next year, and so to say it was only for sale for a couple of months is like saying the Titanic was a small ship.
Then in that January still before PGI and IGP did anything they started to sell the first Clan Package which was for sale the same amount of time up till July when they started releasing those mechs.
Again I am still voting yes but just don't give me excuses like this for some one not purchasing it earlier.
It was middle October.
Because that's when I was able to actually start playing, and I'd just missed it.
4 months is technically a few.
(6 months is technically a few too).
But thank you for your understanding stance man, I hope I can buy my locust.
Tezzereth, on 14 May 2015 - 10:59 PM, said:
I would be ok with it if it was only a mech bundle sale w/o exclusives like the (P) models, badges, colors and preorder perks.
Let folks buy a bunch of mechs for a good sale price without undermining those who got the packs originally.
It wouldn't be an especially good deal though:
Locust pack - $20
3 Locusts + 3 mech bay with MC - $10
Shadowhawk Pack - $40
3 Locusts, 3 Shadowhawk + 6 mech bay with MC - $32
Thunderbolt Pack - $60
3 Locusts, 3 Shadowhawk, 3 Thunderbolt + 9 mech bay with MC - $58
Battlemaster Pack - $80
3 Locusts, 3 Shadowhawk, 3 Thunderbolt, 3 Battlemaster + 12 mech bay with MC - $94
So you would have to buy the biggest pack to get any discount at all, and it would only be
only reason to get it, is the unique geometry, c-bill bonus 'heroes', and any extras.
Edited by Ovion, 15 May 2015 - 03:10 AM.