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Attack Paths Into Clan Territory.....

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#21 Revener


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Posted 16 May 2015 - 12:11 PM

View Postmartian, on 15 May 2015 - 08:10 PM, said:

When I read your topic title and your OP, I thought that you are planning to attack Strana Mechty and Clan Homeworlds. :D

That would be interesting ...

Yeah well they are out there if you scroll "North" on the map.

#22 Moldur


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Posted 16 May 2015 - 12:18 PM

View PostG SE7EN7, on 15 May 2015 - 07:12 PM, said:

CW has been boring since tukiyyad, hardly any players on, atleast not the levels like pre tuk. no one playin for clans making them look weak so PGI has a reason to nurf IS.
There are too many attack vectors atm, should limit it to 3 lanes IS v CLAN, IS V IS, and CLAN v CLAN. Who really gives a **** about the map when its decided on one battle at the end anyway.

Maybe once it went from the final hours of Tuk to a reset, everyone realized that the endgame for CW in its current incarnation is underwhelming, and disconnected from any previous progress.

Edited by Moldur, 16 May 2015 - 12:24 PM.

#23 The Mechromancer


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Posted 16 May 2015 - 04:04 PM

when CW is purely decided by population and timer exploitation, THEN I will play again.

#24 LastKhan

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Posted 16 May 2015 - 04:06 PM

Can always start another succession war amongst yourselves. xD

#25 Pat Kell


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Posted 18 May 2015 - 02:16 AM

Here's an idea...you wait for so long in que because the IS outnumbers the clans by a significant margin. I rarely ever get a ghost drop and almost never have to wait more than 5 minutes for a match...come join the dark side and get all the fights you want:)

#26 CrushLibs


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Posted 18 May 2015 - 04:40 AM

LMAO must be nice to think clans can attack other clans.

SJ has one planet to attack idlewind and that is it. PGI sets the lanes or who you can attack.

as far as making $$$ PUGS groups vs MS is killing that part too. Get spawn camped thanks to med lasers on dropships = low scores. I had a whooping 770 dmg game and made 160K and a 1250 dmg game and made 285K

Also we tried to cap a planet won the attack and then counter attacked 4 times on the same chevron. Capping a planet with clans smaller #s is near impossible.

I fear the death of CW and death of CW clans is near. I hope PGI can transfer some CW maps to Solo Queue that would be nice.

#27 Livewyr


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Posted 18 May 2015 - 05:17 AM

Remember when Rasalhague was 1 planet?

That happens- find another target.

#28 nehebkau


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Posted 21 May 2015 - 06:23 AM

View PostLivewyr, on 18 May 2015 - 05:17 AM, said:

Remember when Rasalhague was 1 planet?

That happens- find another target.

Well if they were FRR they would get off their arses, fill up on mead, and launch an all out assault and reclaim their worlds.

#29 sdsnowbum


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Posted 21 May 2015 - 12:32 PM

View Postnehebkau, on 21 May 2015 - 06:23 AM, said:

Well if they were FRR they would get off their arses, fill up on mead, and launch an all out assault and reclaim their worlds.

When FRR did this it was during an event that got everyone playing, you had multiple attack targets against multiple Clans due to your place on the map, and rules that favored high population (and you were on the side with higher population).

Don't get me wrong I was with FRR at that time it was awesome...my point is conditions are very different right now.

#30 Alec Braca


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Posted 21 May 2015 - 04:14 PM

Ok bear with me on this. what if...?
1. Map reset
-The IS is set back to its original state.
2. Create new Clans.
-Homeworld Clans
-Blood Spirit – Crusader Minded, close knit family.
-Cloud Cobra – Open minded wardens, semi-mystical
-Ice Hellion – Quick to anger, fast mechs, Crusader minded
-Coyote – Traditionalists, Warden minded, developed the OmniMech
-Star Adder – Recently absorbed Clan Burrock, is an ass to Blood Spirit, catalyst to the War of Reaving and the downfall of Clan society. Crusader minded.
-Snow Raven – Primarily engage in naval and aerospace warfare. Opportunists, friends to Ghost Bears
-Fire Mandrill- Infighting eventually helps destroy this Clan.
-Hells Horses- Combined arms warfare, teamwork and infantry/armor heavy.
-Clan Burrock – SSShhhhhhh They're still there in the Tanite worlds and will come back.
-Goliath Scorpion- Warrior archaeologists trying to find Star League remnants. Love history.
-Steel Viper – Instigated the Wars of Reaving. Meh, tough warriors.
-Major Clans
-Clan Wolf -Etc, eventually split Warden/Crusader
-Clan Ghost Bear, eventually merge with FRR, family and society oriented
-Clan Jade Falcon- Do well under Khan Marthe Pryde but then suck. Badass warriors.
-Clan Nova Cat – Mystical, originally Crusader then Warden, eventually relocate to the DC. Horrible idea. Serve Star League II.
-Diamond Shark – Mercantile in nature, strong fleet, originally Crusader minded
-Clan Smoke Jaguar – Most violent of the major Clans, targeted for eradication, Task Force Serpent destroys Jaguar holdings. Warships/Jumpships Warriors, Mechs, Eugenics survive only to come back. Absorbed Clan Mongoose.
Unknown Issues
-Clan Wolverine – Still around, framed by Widowmaker, Clan destroyed because of it. Also large bulk of civilians, ships, second line troops and mechs/ Khan escaped. 331st Minnesota Tribe fragment.
-Clan Mongoose – Absorbed by Smoke Jaguar / put up a hell of a fight.
-Clan Jade Wolf – It happened for a little bit.
-Clan Widowmaker – Absorbed by Wolves when they killed their Khan dishonorably.
Still Awake? Good!
3. Allow the Clans to engage in warfare in the Clan Homeworlds and Pentagon Worlds.
-No one Clan can capture a given amount of territory so no one can gain an overwhelming advantage. Attacking enclaves etc.
4. Operation Revival
Open Operation Revival again. Allow ONLY the BEST UNITS of the “Invading Clans” invade.
Wave 1 – Best units invade / cannot go beyond a set of planets. ONLY best units can invade the IS for 1 week.
Wave -2 Second best units invade / cannot go beyond a certain boundary. Only allow Wave 1 and 2 invade for 1 week.
Wave 3 – Allow ANYONE in the Clans to invade (have some targets left for them as well so no one misses out.
5 Tukayyid
Make a Comstar Faction or at least a banner to fall under.
Clans will lose according to lore.
Clan Occupation Zones are established. Worlds on the borders can be taken (only some, so these planets go back and forth while keeping matches interesting but also be unable to run a Clan out of the IS, keeping players.
The Falcons being pissed at the Wolves (I think bc of Tukayyid) Refusal War causing inter-Clan warfare and creating the Clan Wolf in Exile in the Lyran Alliance/Commonwealth whatever.
Reset Map, create all clans, allow Clans to wage war with each other for territory and resources while bidding best units for Operation Revival.
Operation Revival happens but with a designated time devoted towards ONLY waves 1 and 2 (best and second best Clan units) Wave 3 opens the invasion up to everyone.
Tukayyid is won by the IS (as it should) Clan Occupation Zones established. Warfare between C-IS, C-C will happen but will not run factions out of the IS and occupation zones.
Clans do their thing, Refusal War, Falcon/Steel Viper War, Home world stuff, death of Smoke Jaguar and Operation bulldog, relocation of Clans to IS (Ghost Bear, Nova Cat) Snow Raven working with the Outworlds Alliance. Diamond Shark trades with the IS.
IS stuff happens.

Sorry about the formatting issues. Again, this is just a suggestion so don't be dramatic all of you IS and Clan primadonnas.

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