Old Mechdonald, on 21 May 2015 - 11:56 AM, said:
I been getting dumped to desktop a lot since the recent patch.
I hope this fixes it!
I hope this fixes it!
I too have had this happen at least once so far.
ScarecrowES, on 21 May 2015 - 02:27 PM, said:
More or less this. Remember, meta is not just about how a mech is built, but also how you use it. Remember the old poptart meta? Wouldn't do you much good to throw on a spread of PPCs and Gausses and attempt to brawl with them.
Basically the same with deathstar metas. You can't throw on a bunch of lasers and expect to go into a real fight that way. Toe-to-toe in the open or a brawl you'd overheat before being able to put any real damage down. No... You find cover, pop out, spam lasers, pop back into cover, cool off, repeat. Adding a bit of duration and a bit more cooldown to such a build played that way isn't going to hurt it. You're going to be throwing as many lasers at once downrange as you can and then slinking off to watch your heat drop anyway. So no, the quirks don't really hurt mechs that are built and played that way.
What they hurt are normal builds for straight fighting. Where lasers are used to support other weapons. You can build an all-laser Stormcrow Prime to meta, and you can build an all-laser Stormcrow Prime NOT to meta. How it's meant to be used is part of the equation. My Prime is all lasers, but you wouldn't look at it at the build and how I play it and think it flows with what some players want nerfed. Nonetheless, it's been downgraded significantly. And so have all my other non-meta TBRs and SCRs that happen to also have lasers somewhere in the build. It hurts me, but not the players building to meta whose tactics were meant to get around the inherit ridiculousness of bringing all-energy builds in the first place.
As an aside, isn't it interesting that most every meta in the game has been about NOT engaging in a stand-up fight?
when clan ac's clearly not as good as an is ac build lasers is all we got to stand on which is mostly been taken away. They should get rid of that burst fire and simply increase the velocity or something and range.