I'm "solo only" IS player since closed beta. So I've seen a lot of "events" and last one going to be the worst one. Why? Read it to the end.
Today this stupid event will end. So I'm free to leave CW for a few weeks again, as I did after Tykayyid (I've spelled it right?..) event. Every day I'm forced to log in for 3 CW matches to get my 12, and it looks like 2nd job but not a rest because till this even I've got 0 (ZERO!) fun playing this game. Ok, not 0 but only 1 game of 12 going to be any good. Why im so "angry"? Because instead make balance tweaks devs forced us to play this mode via events and rewards! It was and it is unbalanced stupid fight for useless planetary cannons that will reward "best players" with some crap like c-bills, game exp etc. Now lets take a look at "CW as it is".
1)Clans was and still is much more organized unlike IS. What devs did? NOTHING! In-game voice? Lol who use it?.. 1 player of 15? 1 of 20? 30?... In-game faction chat still unused, LFG tool too. Players just keep ignoring those features. And I'm not even mention IS units for their ignoring in-game-voip - "who need those PUGs when we are communicating via TS?! We are so great and they are so useless so we will not waste our forces to tell them where we are going and why!" - its other part of a problem, devs cant fix it. Maybe for claners who play solo it looks same way, cant be sure, but all what I see - every drop there is at last one clan group. Very few IS drops got pre-made groups. I'm not say its not there at all, but IS pre-mades are much more rare then clan pre-mades. Check it devs. And check sizes of those pre-mades.
2)Clan weapons and mechs looks like same tech level as IS ones, so clan got close-to-zero tech advantage. And devs keep IS packs coming! Great! Leave this TBR-SCR-HBR-MDD spam as it is, but give us more useless IS mechs. Same to IS - leave those TDR-STK-FS9 spam on same level as it is, but give us a MAULER! Look - we have A LOT of IS mechs but very few of them are played in CW. For example - BNC-3E is great mech but it looks like I'm only one who use it there...
3)Now, with new maps You've solved at last one problem - its not so tedious to play in CW - more deserts is better then 2 deserts! No doubt! But maps was and is "flat desert with some buildings/rocks" - jump sniping dead as well as tactics play style - its "all-on-all" rushes every time... No tunnels, no flanking, no cross-fire, no traps - "rush into and kill them all!". Its here for few years already!.. Call it CW or any other word - it was and it is same wall-on-wall fights.
4)Since CW testing starts players start complain about un-controlled units - its not "Great Houses" VS "Clans" - its unit-VS-unit game! There is nothing about Houses, except different rank names. No tech specific. NONTING. And those ranks... What they are supposed to be? "LOOK IM SO GREAT!" feature?.. There are some tasty rewards but all of it can be achieved other way! No unique features...
5)What else?... A LOT! But now ill stop and try to offer some things to do, hope it will help. I hope devs read all this thread so there will be no need to make a new one...
5.1)Make CW-dropdecks contain only STOCK mech variants. Yes guys! STOCK only with only one thing available for players to change - consumables. Stock mechs with no efficiency unlocked. No modules except consumables. Available to drop mechs MUST be locked to factions.
5.2)Stop to make IS mechs and do few more clan packs. FEW! NOW! Not "we got amazing offer! Pay us money right now and we will give you mech pack in 6 month!". Guys You're joking?! I cant be sure what will be tomorrow - look behind window - its new world war are close to us! There are so many things that can happen in those 6 month! And you offer me to pay NOW and then pray - "god please make next few month be same like last one..." While packs still can be the way to deliver mechs it need to be delivered in day where you start sales, not few month after!
5.3)Take role of factions leaders, dear devs. You're the gods here so play its role! Lock available to attack planets - one few borderline. Force players to play where you want them to play. Other way its chaos...
5.4)And overall - You was aimed to do "a game with huge tweaking potential" - now open you eyes - its too much to "tweak" - if you want this game to be playable take it out! Lock some things, control "the field" as generals but not as "gardeners"!
5.5)More unique things! More unique faction rewards that cant be earned other way. More unique mechs! Look - SEU is same as VTR with no JJ!?... Sad but true! Stop it. You can. I know. More unique play style - make "scouting" more interesting and valuable. Make "Brawlers" forced to go brawl, "scouts" forced to go scout. Modules, tweaks, quirks will help you here. I believe it can be done with quirks only. More unique maps - make landscape a "third faction" - more storms, smoke etc! let it jam sensors. Let it overheat us suddenly. Make 3-demension-maps at last! Look - few years are passed but we still has no underground fight at all! Tunnels are limited to "river city"-style-size. Maps are flat, only Frozen City got a unique "flanking ways" - 2 canyons separated from "main field".
5.6)I've got a lot more things to say about those "CW" and "CW-events" but every thing is fine within its limits so I'll stop for now - lets see for next few month will devs try to make this game interesting again...
P.S. Little advise to devs team - stop work for a hour. Forgot about all hat you have done for last few years. Gather in same place and do same thing as you did at the start of the project - describe what game do you want to see. Then look as what MWO is. Compare those two things...
P.S. "You free to ignore this event" mean "you free to stop play this game" mean "we dont need you money"... But with all those problems MWO is still IMHo best mech game for the moment - "ffa" games was and is funny for me. For all those years I like it and find it very funny... Why I'm playing those events when its not funny? Because you need to try before say so to post such feedback it i need to play it
Edited by MGA121285, 26 May 2015 - 05:36 AM.