Yes, noobs tend to use LRMS because of easy lock-on etc.
Yes, LRM boats are usually noobs or lazy/cowardy people.
Yes, firing thousands of missiles into a mountain and not absorbing any damage is moreless a useless player.
BUT although I stopped playing LRM boats forthose reasons myself for some time now, I still see very viable situations for LRMs:
As a SECONDARY weapon systems.
For example I have a WHK with 4xERLL 3xLRM5 (please don't flame, just an example. And yes, ERLL are good. Still love my Wubhawk, though).
The main weapons are clearly the ERLL. Say "80%". But it's still nice to have a little "LRM Addon" for certain situations. E.g. I know the terrain is clear but there is a hill blocking the line of fire. It's very helpful to fire 1-2 salvos at the target while I get in position.
Or just to keep the enemy in cover with the constant "incoming missiles" message. Really works.
That's 5 tons, 5 slots for me.
Theoretically even 1xLRM-5 is enough for that job. That's 2 slots, 1.5 tons (with 18 salvos of ammo). No one can tell me that this isn't worth the extra (SECONDARY) effect.
(sorry, only considering clan LRMs as IS LRMs are just a joke)
Even LRM-boats can be viable IF the the terrain is right (which it rarely is. Defending Boreal Vault is such a case. Hardly any LRM cover. Lock them and they're dead) and IF they are properly included in the team (proper spotting, locking, ECM coverage, etc.).
I have seen tremendous and unexpected rofl stomping thanks to (Clan) LRMs in both normal games and CW games.
The only problem with that is: it's very rare and complicated to achieve. Almost impossible (or a huge gamble) in PUG teams.
I think this is the reason why LRM boats are in general considered to be useless. It's usually too complicated and terrain-dependant to do it right.
However that still does not make them bad or a noob weapon per se.
It's just that naive people tend to misuse them and disservice the team with it.
Edited by Paigan, 30 May 2015 - 12:28 AM.