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For Fun Feature Suggestions.

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#1 MW222


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Posted 30 May 2015 - 09:57 PM

Opening Transmission.

Alpha Zulu Alpha Zulu 1 NINER 1 NINER this transmission is relayed from transponder Mike Whiskey 2 2 2 via remote.

Attention, Attention this is a Jade Falcon Blood Falcon informational broad cast.

Attention, Attention this is a Jade Falcon Blood Falcon informational broad cast.

This is a CAPTURED INNER SPHERE design request.

Extracted information.

For better MECH functionality, we all know that the weapon hard-point design is a non functional art and a rendering issue. Weapons should be handled the same as with a fighter jet load-out. Mount points have command and control data links allowing any weapon, sensor or backpack cargo-weapons Omni pod to be mounted. More on backpack Omni cargo-weapons pods later.

The only limits should be size and weight.

Cockpit Head mounted.
Medium & Small weapons, sensors, AMS,Tag and Narc can be – head mounted. Heat-sinks mounted by size, available slot & weight. Ammo by available slot & weight. Cases mounted by available slot & weight.

Torso/shoulder mounted.
Large, medium, small weapons, AMS, Tag & sensors – can be torso, shoulder, center mounted both sides. NOTE No AMS center torso mount is proposed at this time. Heat-sinks mounted by size, available slot & weight. Ammo by available slot & weight. Cases mounted by available slot & weight.

Arm mounted.
Large, medium, small weapons, AMS, Tag & sensors - can be mounted right and or left arm. Heat-sinks mounted by size, available slot & weight. Ammo by available slot & weight. Arm mounted Cases mounted by available slot & weight.

Leg mounted.
Sensors, Heat-sinks mounted by size, available slot & weight – can be mounted in legs right and or left. Ammo by available slot & weight. Leg mounted Cases mounted by available slot & weight.

By freeing the load-out location the continued practice of long & short range targeting the specific side of a MECH to strip weapons will be mitigated and reduced. There by allowing a longer availability of firepower for honorable and glorious combat.

Omni backpack cargo-weapons pods.
Are deployable and or ejectable. Weapons, Ammo, AMS, Tag, Narc & sensors and Inner sphere Heat sinks can be installed. NOTE Intel & Engineering suggests that Inner sphere Heat sinks in this configuration are only 75% efficient – but can be installed in - to the pod. Ammo by available slot & weight. Cases mounted by available slot & weight. NOTE Non use of case is highly discouraged. NOTE Tag and Narc show no loss of range other then to terrain blocking.


Omni backpack cargo-weapons pods design spec are a add on deployable MECH pod with 6 slots, 5 1/2 ton weight limit. Normal Load, 1 case and 5 tons of ammo, weapons or sensors. NOTE Engineering analysis indicates that Non use of Cases will allow the pod to be easily damaged or destroyed until deployed in the case of remote weapons or sensor use.

Omni-pods equipped to MECHs for ammo only are limited to 2 ½ tons of ammo as the automated ammo transfer equipment takes up 2 tons and the use of case protection in this configuration is not optional. NOTE This configuration allows for the extra ammo to be used first there by allowing the pod to be ejected and or dropped after the expending of the the additional 2 1/2 tons of ammo. This is particularly useful for LRM or long range ballistic use. Analysis of SRM ammo use only has little or no tactical value at this time based on available Intel. NOTE MECH speed reduction must be taken in to account.

Omni-pods add no armor to MECHs. First hit to REAR of any pod equipped MECH destroys the case and then the contents will be damaged the same as any MECH part with armor stripped. The only exception will be if and when a pod is ejected or dropped the sensor or area denial weapon will have a armor rating of 15 points. NOTE Per Intel If deployment of Omni pods becomes standard more emphasis in flanking attacks should be made.

NOTE Omni-pods installation will reduce any MECHs forward and reverse speed the same as being legged until the pod is ejected. Even if the pods additional ammo or payload has been expended the speed penalty is still enforce until the pod has been ejected or deployed. NOTE Intel states this is an exploitable limitation.

Omni-pods are ejectable for static deployment of passive area sensors or turret pods to cover limited areas, only a single pod can be installed on any MECH. Only Weapons installed to pods can use ammo loaded in pods. NOTE Exception ammo only pods. Weapons fired from any Pod while still attached to its MECH will have a 15% range limitation UNLESS said MECH is also equipped with a corresponding range enhancing Module for that weapon. NOTE Ammo only pods impart no limitation to MECH installed weapons.

Sensor Omni-pods once deployed are dumb and will report the location of any MECH in the area same as a UAV but at 30 % less range of a standard UAV. NOTE Engineering & Intel states that Sensor time duration due to static non flight power use is 5% longer then standard UAV. Further engineering analysis suggests the pod sensor is a Standard UAV with flight and station keeping hardware removed with no other meaningful modification other then its container.

Dropped and or Deployed Weapons Omni-pods will target any Opposing MECH in the area the same as a static turret at a base would.

All Omni-pods weapon ranges are reduced to 67% of actual unless deployed with a second Weapon or sensor pod. When two or more pods are deployed with in 55 m of each other, all weapons & sensor ranges will increase to 70 % of actual. NOTE There is No sensor range increase for multiple pods higher then 70% of actual due to ground deployment.

Missile weapons are limited to Narc, SRM. SRM 2, 4 and 6. Ballistic weapons are limited to Machine gun & AC 2 only. An AC 2 can be equipped but is limited to only ½ ton of ammo and ONLY useable while the pod is attached to its MECH. NOTE Per Engineering the AC 2 use limitation is due to recoil issues. NOTE Some Suggestions to address this issue were included in this captured information but was categorized by Intel and Staff engineering as odd and possibly encrypted.

Extracted text “.....cannon spins like a *redacted* strippers *redacted* tassel”

Extracted text “mount gun where there is no sun....”

Said information was redacted. NOTE Engineering at Intel’s request is researching "Aquatic Bird Adhesive Strap."

Machine guns can be equipped to mounted, dropped or deployed pods. AMS are functional in equipped pods mounted on a MECH but not dropped or deployed pods. NOTE Pod mounted weapons are waist wrap around mounted and are10% less susceptible to damage taken from the front of the MECH they are installed upon.

Installation and or mounting of MECH Modules, Weapons Modules, Cool shots are not available at this time in current pod design. NOTE AMS LRM defense pods were proposed in intercepted information but issues with pods blocking out going as well as incoming missiles was observed and further study is indicated. The option is proposed in Enhanced Pods design and is not available at this time.

END of Extracted information.

Intel, Tactical and Engineering summation.

While the above listed design and equipment proposals may have some tactical usefulness. Jade Falcon Command deems them negligible. NOTE Intel minority report stated that this intercepted information may point to the Inner-sphere factions moving to a more innovative and dangerous direction RE the use of new tactics and firepower. NOTE The term and acronym (Aquatic Bird Adhesive Strap) (A.B.A.S.) has been classified direct all inquiry’s to Staff Intel.

This is a CAPTURED INNER SPHERE design request.

Attention, Attention this has been a Jade Falcon Blood Falcon informational broad cast.

Attention, Attention this has been a Jade Falcon Blood Falcon informational broad cast.

Alpha Zulu Alpha Zulu 1 NINER 1 NINER this transmission is relayed from transponder Mike Whiskey 2 2 2 via remote.

Ending Transmission.

For those of you with nothing else to do here's a Youtube link to the full JFBF Bitchen Betty version.

Edited by MW222, 30 May 2015 - 10:10 PM.

#2 MW222


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Posted 12 July 2015 - 10:24 PM

Opening Transmission.

Alpha Zulu Alpha Zulu 1 NINER 1 NINER this transmission is relayed from transponder Mike Whiskey 2 2 2 via remote.

Attention, Attention this is a Jade Falcon Blood Falcon informational broad cast.

This is a CAPTURED INNER SPHERE design request.

Extracted information. Edited and expanded. Corrections – Additions.

Omni backpack cargo-weapons pods.

Are deployable and or ejectable. Weapons, Ammo, AMS, Tag, Narc & Sensors and Inner sphere Heat sinks can be installed. NOTE Intel & Engineering suggests that Inner sphere Heat sinks in this configuration are only 75% efficient – but can be installed in - to the pod. Ammo by available slot & weight. Cases mounted by available slot & weight. NOTE Non use of case is highly discouraged. NOTE Tag and Narc show no loss of range other then to terrain blocking.

NOTE Engineering and Intel further analysis states that the deployment of pods in a manner taking advantage off deployment location, terrain radically improves performance of weapon or sensors.


Omni backpack cargo-weapons pods design spec are a add on deployable MECH pod with 6 slots, 7 1/2 ton weight limit.

Correction – Additional – NOTE: Weight Limits miss reported and revised from 5 ½ tons to 7 ½ tons.

Normal Load, 1 case and 7 tons of ammo, weapons or sensors. NOTE Engineering analysis indicates that Non use of Cases will allow the pod to be easily damaged or destroyed until deployed in the case of remote weapons or sensor use.

Omni-pods equipped to MECHs for ammo only are limited to 4 ½ tons of ammo as the automated ammo transfer equipment takes up 2 tons and the use of case protection in this configuration is not optional. NOTE This configuration allows for the extra ammo to be used first there by allowing the pod to be ejected and or dropped after the expending of the the additional 4 1/2 tons of ammo. This is particularly useful for LRM or long range ballistic use. Analysis of SRM ammo use only has little or no tactical value at this time based on available Intel.

Correction – Additional – NOTE: Field commanders Analysis is that any mech with an extra 4 1/2 tons of ammo is to be disregarded at you own risk be it AC, Gauss, SRM or LRM!

Omni-pods add no armor to MECHs. First hit to REAR of any pod equipped MECH destroys the case and then the contents will be damaged the same as any MECH part with armor stripped.

Correction – Additional -- NOTE Further Analysis reveals that pods can absorb up to 3 weapons hits to the rear of the pod equipped mech from weapons that do less then 18 points of damage per hit.

The only exception will be if and when a pod is ejected or dropped the sensor or area denial weapon will have a armor rating of 30 points.

Correction – Additional – NOTE: Further Analysis reveals that the armor ratings may be doubled due to the discovery that the pods are constructed of case material and armor plate so that when a 2nd case was installed protection and armor rating is possibly doubled to 60 points.

NOTE Per Intel If deployment of Omni pods becomes standard more emphasis in flanking attacks should be made.

NOTE Omni-pods installation will reduce any MECHs forward and reverse speed the same as being legged until the pod is ejected. Even if the pods additional ammo or payload has been expended the speed penalty is still enforce until the pod has been ejected or deployed. NOTE Intel states this is an exploitable limitation.

Correction – Additional – NOTE: The speed limitations is being re examined on a mech by mech basis, Staff engineering has pointed out that not all Mechs are deployed with weight limits maxed out and an under weight mech mounting Omni backpack cargo-weapons pods may not be subject to any or only limited speed restrictions.

Omni-pods are ejectable for static deployment of passive area sensors or turret pods to cover limited areas, only a single pod can be installed on any MECH. Only Weapons installed to pods can use ammo loaded in pods. NOTE Exception ammo only pods. Weapons fired from any Pod while still attached to its MECH will have a 15% range limitation UNLESS said MECH is also equipped with a corresponding range enhancing Module for that weapon. NOTE Ammo only pods impart no limitation to MECH installed weapons.

Sensor Omni-pods once deployed are dumb and will report the location of any MECH in the area same as a UAV but at 30 % less range of a standard UAV. NOTE Engineering & Intel states that Sensor time duration due to static non flight power use is 30% longer then standard UAV.

Correction – Additional – NOTE: Further engineering analysis confirms the pod sensor is a Standard UAV with flight and station keeping hardware removed with no other meaningful modification other then its container, the power supply is now only 30% utilized, this translates in to 60% increases in usability - sensors will last 60% longer then standard.

Dropped and or Deployed Weapons Omni-pods will target any Opposing MECH in the area the same as a static turret at a base would.

All Omni-pods weapon ranges are reduced to 77% of actual unless deployed with a second Weapon or sensor pod. When two or more pods are deployed with in 55 m of each other, all weapons & sensor ranges will increase to 87 % of actual. NOTE There is No sensor range increase for multiple pods higher then 87% of actual due to ground deployment.

Correction – Additional – NOTE: Re evaluation of data show a Range increase from a Min of 67% and Max 77% to a Min of 77% and Max 87%.

Missile weapons are limited to Narc, SSRM 2. SRM 2, 4 and 6. Ballistic weapons are limited to Machine gun & AC 2 only. An AC 2 can be equipped but is limited to only 1 ton of ammo and ONLY useable while the pod is attached to its MECH.

Correction – Additional – NOTE: AC2 equipped pods can use Ammo preloaded in Mechs, thus eliminating the 1 ton ammo limit previously listed. NOTE Per Engineering the AC 2 use limitation as a deployed pod is due to recoil issues. NOTE Some Suggestions to address this issue were included in this captured information but was categorized by Intel and Staff engineering as odd and possibly encrypted.

Correction – Additional – NOTE: Further information was recovered when document changes and edits were extracted.

Extracted text “.....cannon spins like a *redacted* strippers *redacted* tassel”

Extracted text “mount gun where there is no sun....”

Additional Extracted text “mount gun in rear echelon....”

Additional Extracted text “They want a FRACKING AMS POD! *redacted* FRACK IT DO IT ANYWAY!!, Fraching *redacted* Frackers”

Additional Extracted text “Fracking, *redacted*,*redacted*, fracked up, frack head, frack U” “Fracking DO IT AnyWay”.

Some information was redacted again. NOTE Engineering at Intel’s request is researching "Aquatic Bird Adhesive Strap."

Correction – Addition - "Aquatic Avian Adhesive Attachment." NOTE Additional information Intel is checking on possible hither to unknown command structure – “Head Fracker”, “Head Fracker in charge, Frack Head”

Machine guns can be equipped to mounted, dropped or deployed pods. AMS are functional in equipped pods mounted on a MECH but not dropped or deployed pods. NOTE Pod mounted weapons are waist wrap around mounted and are10% less susceptible to damage taken from the front of the MECH they are installed upon.

Installation and or mounting of MECH Modules, Weapons Modules, Cool shots are not available at this time in current pod design. NOTE AMS, LRM defense pods were proposed in intercepted information but issues with pods blocking out going as well as incoming missiles was observed and further study is indicated. The option is proposed in Enhanced Pods design and is not available at this time.

Correction – Additional – NOTE:– AMS pods are being produced as LRM area denial weapons, LRM A.D.W. POD AMS Sensors are directed up at a 48° angle all LRMs are targeted there is no Identification friend or foe (IFF) however due to the sensor angle it is noted that SSRMs, SRMs are not targeted unless fired with in close range to the LRM ADW pod. NOTE: Staff Intel states possible tie in with “Head Fracker” Production go ahead found in data after reexamination Additional Extracted text “They want a FRACKING AMS POD! FRACK IT DO IT ANYWAY!! Fracking *redacted* Frackers”, *redacted*.

END of Extracted information.

Intel, Tactical and Engineering summation. Correction – Additional –.

While the above listed design and equipment proposals does have some tactical usefulness. Jade Falcon Command deems them marginal. NOTE Intel minority report stated that this intercepted information may point to the Inner-sphere factions moving to a more innovative and dangerous direction RE the use of new tactics and firepower.

Correction – Additional – NOTE: Jade Falcon Command re evaluation of additional data as significant. Intel Majority report further analysis – the coordinated use of Omni backpack cargo-weapons pods can and will be a large force multiplier.

It is to be further noted by the Staff engineering Representative since the data has no drawings or full design details, all estimates made here are subject to change.

Correction – Additional -- NOTE The terms and acronyms (Aquatic Bird Adhesive Strap) (A.B.A.S.) (Aquatic Avian Adhesive Attachment) (A.A.A.A), any word or data containing the terms “Frack, Fracker, Fracking” has been classified direct all inquiry’s to Staff Intel.

This is a CAPTURED INNER SPHERE design request Additional update.

Attention, Attention this has been a Jade Falcon Blood Falcon informational broad cast.

Alpha Zulu Alpha Zulu 1 NINER 1 NINER this transmission is relayed from transponder Mike Whiskey 2 2 2 via remote.

Ending Transmission.

The JFBF Bitchen Betty video version can be found here.

Edited by MW222, 12 July 2015 - 10:27 PM.

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