Ovion, on 03 June 2015 - 03:57 AM, said:
The graphics card should.
Your monitor though?
My graphics card can support up to 4 displays at 4096x2160 each and output in 3D if I wanted.
My primary monitor is a Truecolour CAD monitor with a resolution of 1680x1050, my secondary is and old 4:3 capped at 1280x1024.
My fiancee's monitor is a reasonably cheap new monitor (cost around £60 including delivery), and can do double the resolution of mine (though not in truecolour!
1366x768 is likely an older 18" monitor or laptop?
what do you consider older? My Toshiba Satellite has not changed its hardware since '09, but has updated drivers and software. No issues doing anything except making my monitor useless to this game, making my experience so much less than desirable, to have given money to a company to have them make their product nearly unusable every month or 2, then re-patching the garbage back out, breaking other stuff in the process... my machine isn't the problem, the problem is that the developers do not give a flying rat's rear end about the folks playing this game. I will be buying a single cataphract to give back to my benefactor to give to someone else, as I may not be playing much, if at all, any longer. The breaking of the game has made me very intolerant of their lacking in game development experience and is tearing this franchise apart, as evidenced by the immense amount of backlash PGI receives EVERY patch...
Now, to everyone who says the monitors are cheap and easy to acquire... let me guess, you are not on a heavily fixed income, you aren't disabled and buying things to you is no big deal... I scrape by and usually have to save money to be able to get anything, let alone electronics gear for a game that continues to fail its customers...
You see, if it was my equipment, then I would be the only one with the issue, not the 12 pages of the same complaint I make... good luck out there guys, I hope that PGI gets their heads out of their collective asses long enough to realize that they continue alienating the bulk of their customer base and continue to show that their income from this game is irrelevant, I mean come on, the resistance and invasion events were just another form of cash grab. I don't mind cash grabs as long as they lead to the betterment of the game, not leading to its detriment...
All through Open Beta PGI took several vacations, right at crucial moments in the dev process, they have their own set of issues that IGP had nothing to do with, and it is being shown on a daily basis with things like ignoring the PTS input and doing what they want to anyway. Why have us give any input at all if the devs are going to do what they want to anyway?