MrMadguy, on 09 June 2015 - 09:02 AM, said:
So it's all about RNG? But... There is a problem: the chance to get "slightly better team" - should be 50/50 too. There should be no stomp/lose streaks. So, why do I always end on "slightly worse" team? What have I done wrong? Paid not enough money? Haven't bought Wave 3? M? Tell me, why am I so special, that MM hates personally me?
You dont understand the math.
Its not about 50/50 teams with equal amounts of good players at the start.
Its about which team gets a 3 mech lead first.
You can be on a team with 3 really good players, rest bad players. Opposing team has 12 fair players.
You will more than likely lose...because 3 of you bad players died quickly and the 3 really good players cant make up the difference in the snowball effect unless the opposition messes up some how.
RANDOM!!! Yes it wont get better than random.
You have the wrong perspective.
You REALLY think you are the only one with BIG LOSING STREAKS???
50/50 proposition you can have long losing streaks...AND WINNING STREAKS.
Funny how few complain about those, eh?
Ive had losing streaks prolly 15 matches in a row. Thats just how this game runs. BUT SO DOES EVERYONE ELSE!
Go read about probability theory and coin flips if it makes you feel better.
If they had the alternative: random selection...
people would just complain that its pure luck if you get all the good players and win.
MM may nor be all that great but would you prefer straight up random? 12 bads vs 12 comps? Match would be over in 1:30.
"No Stomp/lose streaks"
Sorry dude, thats the stuff of Fairy about ANY online PvP. your expectations and understanding of probability are just wrong.
Dont worry about winning.
Worry about getting better. Do some group drops. Cw as well. Carry they say.
Play a Locust!!! Seriously. Locust Piloting is so thrilling you dont care about wins/ just care about survival.