Dak Darklighter, on 11 June 2015 - 02:47 AM, said:
But when I buy 480 apples and get an extra orange, I might be somewhat upset about the guy next to me that bought 160 apples and got an extra banana. EDIT: It's more like he got 10 bananas.
Of course I'm not referring to myself, I don't have all 3 Waves - which is the worst possible position. I bought Wave 2 and Wave 3, $240. I get absolutely nothing extra at all. People who bought Resistance 1+2 paid $160, got an extra 4 mechs for having both - 8 if they bought in early. How do you explain that?
It should be:
$480: Wave 1+2+3 = Invasion MadDog + 2 variants as well as another new popular clan mech Invasion variant + 2 variants
$360: Wave 1+2 = Invasion MadDog + 2 variants
$360: Wave 1+3 = Same as above
$240: Wave 2+3 = Another new popular clan mech Invasion variant + 2 variants or some other bonus
Wave 2+3 should get at least something instead of nothing for the money they've thrown in especially when you compare it to the IS packages. They way it is now is just nonsensical and frankly a grievous oversight
I understand that you as an owner of Wave 2&3 feel kinda betrayed for getting nothing extra. Now I'm going to sound like a bit of an a**hole, but those who bought complete Wave 1 paid 240$ and got 24 variants. You also paid 240$, but you had a chance to apply for early reward variants in W3, meaning if you bought W3 in that time limit, you get 28 variants. See? (I'm sorry if it really sounds as if I were an a**hole). Of course, those who paid 360$ for W1&2 got MDD, which is an entirely new chassis, so it's not like bonus R1 variants. I would say those who bought W1&3 are more unfortunate. (I'm really sorry...)
Ok, now you would probably argue that Resistance owners get 32 variants for only 160$. 4 of those variants are the 'mechs we already had three of, so we could at least Elite them in those 2 months, and they are not that much of a game changer. I also need to point out the reason why clan 'mechs cost more, since this also means a lot with this large number of 'mechs. Clan 'mechs come in fully upgraded, even your stock loadouts are already quite decent. While those who bought R1&2 have to buy 19 upgrades to DHS, if you want to have a decent build. That's 28 500 000 C-Bills. And I'm only talking about DHS, I'm not even going to calculate how much Endo and Ferro cost for each 'mech. Oh and those engines...
So while it may seem like PGI is a bit unfair to clan pack owners, I think they actually balanced it out quite well. I don't think that when the R3 comes out (I guess they will make it a trilogy too) we will be getting any huge extra content, I guess they would at max offer another early reward R3 variants and give us a title and badge too (also because they wouldn't want to enrage clanners even more).
So let's say that would be W123: 480$= 55 variants that can be used right from the start with minimal C-Bill grinding to change some things
R123: 240$= 48 variants (if R3 would have early reward variants, if not it would be 44) +endless grinding of C-Bills (I would say at least 50 mil if you want to upgrade to DHS and Endo)
This is how I see it. I had to grind C-Bills a month before Panther and Enforcer came out (and still didn't have enough for engines), so I know how much time it consumes, and it's not really fun to play when you don't focus on having fun, but on earning C-Bills. I bought both R1 and 2 just because I love this game. When I first found this game, I had no idea what Battletech was, but MWO really fascinated me. And here I am, 14 months later, happy with how I spend my 200$ (R1&2, Urbie standard and some MC).
Edited by Danielio97, 11 June 2015 - 05:45 AM.