I'm not gonna sit and tally things up, but I made out quite well with this event

Several million C-Bills, 500+ MC, a few cockpit items I'll never use

Kind of want one of those 'Large Laser' cup of pop items, maybe stick it in my Stalker 4N, so it will have SEVEN large lasers, lol, but got everything but. Even the booby prizes were welcome, as I had very few Clan heatsinks in my inventory.
My only complaint, is I wish I could sell my MC consumables for a pitance of C-bills. I'll NEVER use them, because I'll either never remember to re-equip them between matches, or will run over them set to auto-refill....
Can we get a 2nd tick box for 'auto-refill owned quantity'? I have 50+ each of MC Artillery, Airstrikes etc from all the various events...