Me and Warma had some printing done:
The models turned out great, though the Centurions have a few flaws. One has a weird extra surface, possibly because of a printer glitch, and one of them is missing a cheek because I made it too thin in the file. They still have some wax stuck on them in the images, but once that is cleaned off they should look absolutely stunning when painted.
We had a friend of ours help us with his supremely accurate printers. The entire batch of 2 Aquilas, 2 Poignards, 2 Centurions and 2 King Crabs took roghly 12 hours to print and the materials are not very cheap, so this probably wouldn't work at a very large scale, but having customized models printed at a very high resolution sure feels nice.
I extracted the models from the game files using this guide:
I used Blender for making the files printable. I separated all of the very very many shells of a model from each other, made them watertight individually and used boolean union operations to join them into a single watertight surface. Making sure all of the shells fit together properly and that there are no silly cavities in the model was not easy and took a lot of time and effort, so be prepared to put in several days of work if you go for it yourself. For the finishing touches, I used Netfabb basic to check the models for errors and to scale them to approximate 1/300 scale.
The models for the Poignard and Aquila Aerospace fighters were made from scratch by Warma based on existing images on Sarna.
Some of the detail, such as the thinner antennae, the AMS and some pipes, was too thin to be printed at such a small scale, but the amount detail that we managed to get printed is nevertheless absolutely astonishing.
I might include more pictures after cleanup, priming or even proper painting later. The Space Marine I used as scale reference is the best work I have ever done with painting, but it has been years and years and I probably suck at painting by now.
Edited by Gagis, 13 June 2015 - 08:10 AM.