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Does Amount Of Fps Affect Aiming?

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#1 dienicy


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Posted 15 June 2015 - 09:40 AM


My relevant gear:
Intel i7 920

As you can imagine I can't run this game with maxed out graphics and spent some time tweaking settings. Now I play DX9; Very high; no AA however, I tried DX11 and AA with FPS limit help (I am one of those "lucky" people who don't see difference 30+ FPS).
I think it make no difference but for reference I use RivaTuner Statistic Server 6.3.0 to limit FPS.

With armlock (single crosshair), with limit set to ~25FPS or less crosshair stands still relatively to weapon group rectangles, this change along with FPS increase up to ~45FPS, further increase make no difference. With 45FPS crosshair will touch mentioned rectangles when twisting torso.
I found that this game breaks down if limited to few FPS (like 1-5), so I am asking is this just visual or is this have actual effect.

Thank you for answer.

#2 Goose


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Posted 15 June 2015 - 01:34 PM

I can nether be, nor shoot lights at less then 42 fps.

The limiter in RTSS will peg a random core, but it's nice you can just reach over and adjust it, if you wanted your GPU off it's top clocks in the 'Mechlab; Really, you want use the one in the user.cfg, or else nVidia Inspector.

I can give you this and that on the subject, but really, I gave up on my i7-920 after 12-vs.-12 hit: Not enough IPC, can't get the Hz out'a it …

Edited by Goose, 15 June 2015 - 01:35 PM.

#3 Gumon Choji


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Posted 15 June 2015 - 02:34 PM

About FPS. The server is 30 fps. Most servers are. This keeps the compute load down. But it is why you can see something, hit it and get no damage. Ping also plays a role. If you had a ping of 0 and an fps of 30 you could be seeing exactly what the server sees. However this is not always the case as your system will render slightly later. You may be off by a smidgen. The higher the FPS will let you catch that smidgen of being wrong more often.

FPS can make up for ping. Or in the case of lights give you a chance. Now this is why lights at high speeds take little damage and have some hit box issues so follow with me. The system is 30fps. A fast meck in effect jumps frames so your entire beam may not hit ex. "yellow from a 3 L laser anyone?". at a higher fps you can follow the mech and when the server matches up at keep points in time you are shooting and still on the target. thus you get more damage from a shot. Your system predicts where the mech is and you hit it more often. Also you are more likely to have your FPS match with the server side.

About AA. It introduces a lot of lag in this game. Just say no.
To raise FPS turn off the reticule all together. This will show you what you are missing. Too bad it makes the game hard to play but hey it is awesome for fps. right shift + F11 I use this to spot targets clearly. The FPS is real.
Turn off hardware acceleration in Adobe on your web browser. This makes your CPU less burdened. Seriously this is huge.
Turn off particles.
Turn off Glass.
Turn off damage glow.
Thank Gumonchoji

#4 Matthew Ace


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Posted 15 June 2015 - 03:59 PM

View PostGumon Choji, on 15 June 2015 - 02:34 PM, said:

About FPS. The server is 30 fps. Most servers are. This keeps the compute load down. But it is why you can see something, hit it and get no damage. Ping also plays a role. If you had a ping of 0 and an fps of 30 you could be seeing exactly what the server sees. However this is not always the case as your system will render slightly later. You may be off by a smidgen. The higher the FPS will let you catch that smidgen of being wrong more often.

FPS can make up for ping. Or in the case of lights give you a chance. Now this is why lights at high speeds take little damage and have some hit box issues so follow with me. The system is 30fps. A fast meck in effect jumps frames so your entire beam may not hit ex. "yellow from a 3 L laser anyone?". at a higher fps you can follow the mech and when the server matches up at keep points in time you are shooting and still on the target. thus you get more damage from a shot. Your system predicts where the mech is and you hit it more often. Also you are more likely to have your FPS match with the server side.

About AA. It introduces a lot of lag in this game. Just say no.
To raise FPS turn off the reticule all together. This will show you what you are missing. Too bad it makes the game hard to play but hey it is awesome for fps. right shift + F11 I use this to spot targets clearly. The FPS is real.
Turn off hardware acceleration in Adobe on your web browser. This makes your CPU less burdened. Seriously this is huge.
Turn off particles.
Turn off Glass.
Turn off damage glow.
Thank Gumonchoji

1) I've read somewhere the server FPS was actually 22, though I can't recall where I got that from. Where did you get 30 from?

2) I know some stuff about Flash usage in HUD, but does turning off hardware accel really help? How much difference can a player expect?

Genuine questions.

#5 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 15 June 2015 - 08:26 PM

Have you attempted to OC that i7-920? Baseline is 2.67ghz. Getting it closer to 4ghz should net some decent FPS.


#6 Goose


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Posted 16 June 2015 - 07:51 AM

The stuff I saw on 'clocking a -920 a year ago all implied strongly you had to have DDR3-1600 RAM, but at the time I build mine, -1333 was the go-to part, for $$$-influenced reasons …

Conversely, Tom's was just saying how you could improvise if you really wanted to.

#7 MavRCK


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Posted 19 June 2015 - 09:42 AM

Definitely, fps will affect your performance... ! see my article on keeping my fps consistent at 60fps.. for all the reasons explained up there!

#8 evilC


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Posted 24 June 2015 - 07:42 AM

View PostGumon Choji, on 15 June 2015 - 02:34 PM, said:

Turn off hardware acceleration in Adobe on your web browser. This makes your CPU less burdened. Seriously this is huge.

How is this done?

FYI, WRT to crosshair motion with arm lock on / off, this is what is happening:
With lock off, any torso twist beyond the rate at which the torso of the mech can twist at is converted into arm movement / the crosshair deviates from the center of the screen (for mechs with no lateral arm movement).

With lock on, twist beyond that which the mech can handle is thrown away.
There is some deviation of the crosshair (there used to be none, but this changed recently), but your crosshair still moves less with large mouse movements with lock on than it does with lock off.

How this is affected by FPS, I do not know.
Maybe with arm lock on, when it throws away excess movement, it does so every frame?
So if you are getting more FPS, it throws away more? or less?

#9 evilC


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Posted 24 June 2015 - 07:57 AM

View PostGumon Choji, on 15 June 2015 - 02:34 PM, said:

To raise FPS turn off the reticule all together. This will show you what you are missing. Too bad it makes the game hard to play but hey it is awesome for fps. right shift + F11 I use this to spot targets clearly. The FPS is real.

Interesting. It's a pity the crosshair deviates from center, else I could fix that - I know how to overlay your own crosshair into games.
However, that would possibly be borderline cheating? I dunno, with eg reticule shake, does the aim point actually deviate or is it purely an aesthetic thing?

#10 Goose


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Posted 24 June 2015 - 11:09 AM

View PostGumon Choji, on 15 June 2015 - 02:34 PM, said:

Seriously this is huge.

Prove it.

Any of it.

For instance, turning off the HUD is only worth 3~7 fps, moving from 115 to about 120 the times I've tested it. Woot. Posted Image

Edited by Goose, 24 June 2015 - 11:09 AM.

#11 dienicy


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Posted 07 July 2015 - 09:49 AM

I know, I should sell kidney and buy proper PC because it wouldn't be enough to optimize the game.
Anyway, thaks to evilCwho wrote something on the subject.

#12 FlipOver


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Posted 13 July 2015 - 10:11 PM

I believe I might be a good person to reply to this topic.

1 - Played this game for months (actually over a year) with a FPS count between 7 and 12.
2 - Then I played this game for months with a FPS bmostly between 15-25
3 - Now I play this game with a FPS count of 60

What I've noticed about aiming:
1 - Really really hard to even pilot the mech! Aiming was never good, but when I managed to hit something with lasers or ballistic or even non-guided missiles, would be due to luck much more than skill or correct mouse sensitivity.
2 - My aiming improved and this is when I started to notice the ping difference affecting gameplay. Most my shots were now on the target but not constantly on the same hardpoint. Still hard to hit fast mechs.
3 - My aiming is improved 10 fold! Now I can single out a component and go to town on it. The mouse sensitivity was a big game changer I started to play with 60fps.

So, there is ping differences, HRS, lag and lag-shield and whatnot, but in all honesty, more FPS = better aim.

#13 Uzael


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Posted 16 July 2015 - 12:33 PM

There is a solution other than OC'ing the i7 920. I'm using a system built around the first gen i7 as well. As a matter of fact I began playing this game with a 920 just like you. However when I found out how CPU hungry this game was and my frame rates were crap. I turned to e-bay and found a decent deal on an i7-975. You can pick one up now for between $100 and $200, maybe cheaper if you score the right deal.(I just checked and there's one listed for $60.00 in working condition with no bids and 2 days left). With the added graphics power you have you should be in better shape than me. You can also possibly find a 980 or even 990, but they are a bit more expensive. The 975 should do you right.

My rig:
i7- 975 no OC.
I have 12 GB of memory installed but only 8 in use due to a dead memory slot on my MB.
EVGA-GTX 660ti 3GB

My frame rate rarely drops below 45 and I have only seen it hit below 30 if I'm streaming music at the same time. As mentioned above Ping is going to play a role also. I'm lucky enough to hit between 30 to 100 on ping. When I first started playing from Japan well....we won't talk about the fun that was.

#14 Gumon Choji


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Posted 05 December 2015 - 05:36 PM

Your monitor has hard fps numbers it can hit. Most are 24/25//30/50/60/75. 25 and 50 are based on the european electric grid which is based on 100hz where america is based on 120. Look up blure busters to see the difference.

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