Warning: wall of text, and math, oh my!
EDIT: Oh I forgot to mention this is assuming (and I'm hoping) that the only things you could purchase with real money from the store are AESTHETIC items only. Paint jobs, computer voices, logos, hula girls, et cetera... Which you would keep no matter what. And "for fun" matches: against friends, non-campaign/non-ranked fights, etc would be penalty free.
I agree that both sides should get salvage, though the amount depends on win/loss, objectives completed, and battle performance as well as some random factor due because as stated, salvage trucks/craft, mech with hands, etc can take some salvage off the battlefield even when they've been routed. Consider this:
Setup: 2v1 ranked match (teams are considered to be of similar strength and skill)
Other info: Let's consider 1000 Battle Performance Points (or BPP) as "excellent" for this particular map (actual number should be based on approximate game time, objectives etc, but we'll ignore this for now)
-Team A1 completes 3/5 of their objectives as well as 600/1000 BPP. --- (Great performance)
-Team A2 completes 2/5 of their objectives as well as 800/1000 BPP. ---(Average performance)
-Team B1 completes 2/5 of their objectives as well as 300/1000 BPP. ---(Poor performance)
Team A is victorious, completing all 5 of their objectives.
Team A completed 5/5 objectives and achieved 1400/2000 BPP, whereas team B completed 2/5 and 300/1000 BPP.
Salvage split between the teams would be based on the performance, also assuming 10% random factor (as mentioned previously):
Team A: 1.0 + 0.7 = 1.7 (Objectives ratio + cumulative BPP ratio = team total)
Team B: 0.4 + 0.3 = 0.7
Total: 2.40 x 1.10 = 2.64
400 Tons of salvage was recovered from the battle, (rounded values are removed from the random value):
Team A obtains 64.4% (1.7/2.64)
Team b obtains 26.5% (0.7/2.64)
100 - 64.4 + 26.5 = 9.1% remaining to distribute, awarded randomly somehow. Lets say it comes out to be:
Team A obtained 67.5% (+3.1%)
Team B obtained 32.5% (+6.0%)
Important Points (TL;DR):
-Team B still gets a sizable amount back even though they lost and did somewhat poorly. We should also consider exactly how many mechs were lost on each side.
-Team A would distribute their spoils between them, the subteams may decide to distribute evenly or according to performance (objectives and BPP)
-Due to the split, Team B might actually see a net increase in C-Bills and assets... since even though they lost, they went against greater numbers.
-Conversely, Team A gets relatively less since they outnumbered their opponent. This would prevent ganking and give appeal to taking greater risk. (Again, back to risk/reward)
-To tie in the last two points, A is outnumbered to B in an important battle, against all odds they manage to win a decisive victory, and therefore receive enormous rewards. B suffered a humiliating defeat and gets little.
-1000 BPP or whatever the "excellent" amount would be (based on map) could be exceeded, for example A1 gets 1200/1000 and A2 gets 300/1000, their cumulative BPP would be (1500/2000) so you would effectively be able to make up for your teammate's poor performance. This would probably cap at the total, which in this case would be 2000/2000.
That said, penalties for losing SHOULD be harsh. It will make people think twice about ignoring their team and instead focus on co-operation.
Speaking of co-operation, as Haeso brings up the important idea of C-Bills be awarded for battle performance, it is the reasonable way to have the punch of losing but not make things game breaking.
Actually now that I think about this... Having BPP account twice (salvage AND C-Bills) might unbalance things... Perhaps salvage would only due to objectives/random factor, with BPP affecting ONLY C-Bill rewards.
We'll that's what these discussions are for right? What do you guys think?
Edited by Epitaph, 30 November 2011 - 02:18 PM.