Posted 30 November 2011 - 06:52 PM
100% full customization of everything! Just add more "everything" to the mix. Most of the "playstyle" problems mentioned here have been the rightful domain of leagues, clans, and players to decide as part of the terms of the battle usually bid beforehand. Variety keeps the whole game from becoming a one trick pony. The whole cone of fire argument amuses me, it is a diversion. By offering people a choice between two things is to limit the field to those two things. Include multiple options for dealing with that issue (1. Fixed Fire from hardpoints, 2. only laser fire and higher end guided missles are convergent, 3.all individually articulated weapons converge, etc) and let the players of that specific match decide it beforehand. Matches are won and lost before they are fought most of the time. But the ability to arrange terms beforehand removes many foregone conclusions. Of course, I'm talking about all players, not just die hard RP clanners.
That being said, on to the everything. The alpha strike argument is another hot topic. Again, implement multiple solutions that a team leader can pick from a menu to apply to the whole match. The clans bid honor, let the IS bid C-Bills(lol). In effect, that is what they are doing.. with mercenaries, inter house politics, Solaris,etc. Its all about the C-bills.
I have no idea what the the starting mech for new players will be. But it should be the biggest piece of rusted junk ever to disgrace a mech bay. It should have many failures in matches and be something desired to be left behind quickly. Everything possible you can throw Cbills at to make it better or get a better one should be in the game. Every improvement should be markedly noticable. New players get farmed in every game. Every learning curve is its own, exploitation happens. Give the new players the tools they need to succede, they'll motivate themselves to play or not. New players could offset their circumstances by having many options and being able to "bid" terms of combat: where, when, environmental conditions, tech limitations, respawn, mech bay, hidden resources, etc.
In short, demand more from devs and happily allow them to time to NAIL it the first time, since we know anything not nailed down at release will linger and linger.... and linger. Don't fall for any cheesy two option dilemma. Recognise it AS limited logic that is false, there are more than two options. We want everything from which to choose.