Boris The Spider, on 21 June 2015 - 01:16 PM, said:
Its not about your build Mud, its about your attitude. You harp on for half that vid about premades cheating, the video clearly shows no such thing. You see premades because :
This is something that you should have picked up how to do in the first month of playing this game.
There are only 2-3 basic plays for each map, which one you are using in a PUG depends on one thing, if Alpha groups to Bravo, or Bravo groups to Alpha.
Nope, its just you can't do this. Focus fire is so basic man, first mech encounters a target, locks it, second mech sees the locked target moves to get a firing line, if the first mech is taking damage he pulls back to protect himself while the second, third and fourth mech converge for the kill. Its text book play, it requires no VOIP, no cheats, nobody even needs to call the target, its obvious who it is just from the information provided by the HUD. How can you not have learnt to do this by now is beyond me.
Boris - I will argue that his build was absolutely crucial to his defeat in that video. He was in a support build, 3 LRM10's and 2 AC5's. That build has to stay with the pack, he doesn't have enough firepower to fend off a brawler. The Battlemaster closed range and ate him up.
Had Mudhutwarrior stayed with his team, his contribution could have been better and he could have lasted longer on the field. He doomed himself and ultimately his team by separating and getting picked off solo. The lone Catapult at the beginning was also doomed.
So now you have two players who are not with the team and get picked off. Their team is now down 2 mechs with nothing to show for it. This is how you lose. Throw in bad builds and this is how you lose 15 in a row. Too many bad players.