Could you also get your watchman Heffay off of RSI forums and reign him in some, he is quite the loose cannon and is making you guys look very bad, just google MWO and look at the links below it.[indent]
Heffay | Markemp said:
No Founders program necessary for the new EU and Asia servers. Apparently PGI is making enough money to fund the expansion without having to crowdfund it.
3 years I've been right about this game. Hopefully the trolls will settle down, as the impending failure predictions they've been making over the past 3 years are pretty much proven to be just wasted wishes. And now we can get back to discussing MWO and its upcoming features once again.
"I could post much much more... but that would be uncalled for"[/indent]
Now we don't have critical features of a mech action game that made old old games so good that we all wanted in this game. 3 so years later we get bad terrain, no work on game world... like destructible environment from explosions, no trees falling down, bad mech and world scaling, the UI takes way too long... MW3 and 4 and the early beta for MWO were far more acceptable.
Even Mech Assault had most of the "features" I have mentioned above and that was a Xbox game... like Halo era, just like all the Titles mentioned above, some of them slightly older.
I obviously wanted to like this game, but after researching what Russ Bullock and Matt Zmak and what game they have made in the past with how they have done things... It is just reprehensible that they would do this again and again and think they can and will get away with it. I hang out on at least 7 different well known clans TS and they sure are not playin MWO anymore.
These people I speak of are seasoned vets of Old, we are Mechwarrior. But we cannot support what is going on with this game. Just look back to RSI forums and lots of reddit. This game is not even advertised or on the map anymore, and what little coverage it did get was less than impressive. Emperical evidence will always rule out hearsay and lost promises, the internet does not forget.
We also will not forget that mech cash grab turn based thing or Transfail... seriously, we asked you to make a MECHWARRIOR game. Not this, this is not acceptable. Where is your player counter as well, I play WoTanks, WThunder, Warframe, LoL and they have those. But when you started losing players due to 3p, coolantgate, and lies on critical mech things like "knockdown and ECM" you drop the ball, lie, ban ppl that constanly and persistatly gave you information and expertise on how to fix the game and you bad and black list them, when they only meant well. WE ALL WANTED A GREAT GAME! but to spit with that right!
Clan War pay wall is just the most disgusting thing ever, might as well ask for 15$ a month to play the game at all if you want to have fun, but that is giving Clan War in this game too much credit. So many games you can just pay 60$ for or less and get so much more in these departments. Steam is going to destroy you, and I know your not going to fix a thing.
I am confused as to why no one but the most derangedly demented and devoted can keep playing this game when even most of their freinds and old chaps have left. It is also useless to think that a Steam release will fix this buggy poorly thought out game.
This is also probably going to be my Steam review as well.