1: I have a hate/love relationship with the "shields" protecting the generators now. They make it so the enemy can't just poke from across the map and get it down, but at the same time, the window is so damn small it can be a pain to hit, and PUGS generally don't get it, and hit the shielding instead. (Perhaps the shielding could have health and be destroyed, just much slower than destroying the gen itself?)
2: The protection from spawn camping seems to work fantastic. In all of the matches I did, the spawns were set up so spawn camping was impossible, but the lasers from the dropships didn't kill us unless we were actually INSIDE their spawn. Simply being near the generators and shooting them didn't risk our untimely deaths.
3: That being said, I am 100% OK with the new dropships, since I found them to be powerful, but couldn't be used for anything other than spawn protection since the enemy spawn point was covered by mountainous terrain.
4: Those new "mountains" that surround the spawn point for the defending team seem to do their job, and are far enough out that the enemy can't poke from them super effectively. However, they do discourage (along with the dropships) the defending team from pushing out, when, as they see it, they can sit back and poke with ERPPC's until the sun goes down. Again, not super effective, but certainly annoying on attack.
5: Attack/defense seems pretty balance. I managed to win all 4 games I played last night, 2 on attack and 2 on defense, if I remember correctly. Both teams were complete PUGS except once when defending with an organized group. The fights were fun and mostly even.
6: Generator/turret health seems fine. Turrets could stand to be a bit lower, as honestly, an exposed turret taking like 8 Gauss rounds + laser vomit is a bit insane.
7: Rewards are excellent. I was getting around 1300 damage, 20-ish assists and 10 kills per match, and that netted me about 1,000,000 c-bills with premium time and the win bonus. Very nice source of cash, but those were all on victories, so it's hard to say what a loss is like.
So yeah. Those are my thoughts for now. Got to say, CW has gone a long way. I enjoy it now, and I think I'll be playing quite a bit more.
Edited by Night Thastus, 23 June 2015 - 08:03 AM.