Soy, on 26 June 2015 - 01:17 PM, said:
This is all fine and dandy but reality is that millennials are way better at video games in general.
Hate to say it, but, that's the truth.
And the moment you used "work" I cringed. Cuz that's the approach some people take to gaming. What can you do in a game where the glass ceiling raised and playerbase stratification is widened as a result of that "work" approach actually being successful. If nolifing or acting superhardcore joblike mentality about a game leads to dominance or success, that game usually isn't worth keeping up with the joneses. Most of us have better things to do than try and keep pace with people playing a game more than 40 hours a week, it's pretty ridiculous. And that's where the "athlete" comes in, cuz, well, athletes don't just show up to a match and reck newbs. If they do, **** "sport" (poker). Is MWO one of those games, no, I don't think so. But some work really hard to play and take it to that level, hehe.
I think "practice" or "train" is the word you were looking for, if I can be semantical.
First off, no, they aren't any better at video games than any other group, they just think they're special because mommy told them so, bit of a difference there.
And I said work because I meant work, our coaches made us work our asses off, it wasn't training, it was punishment, we failed, therefore we paid for that failure, so we'd avoid failing in the future.
You've been part of a top comp team, did you get paid for that? I did, and it was work, fun work I enjoyed quite thoroughly for years, but it was still work. I finally got burned out on it and no longer play at that level because it's work, it's tough, and it wears on you after a while, there's a reason top gamers only hold their titles for a few years typically, it's very stressful. Now I just play to have fun, that's it. I'm still competitive, I will strive to win every time I drop, but now if I don't win, I don't get upset at myself or anyone else, I just look at what I did wrong, try to learn from that, and get ready for the next game. IF MWO gets the e-sports thing going and it actually pays well, I would consider it for a few minutes and then remember what it was like and forget about it, that quick. I have a great job, great benefits including awesome insurance and a company car, and I'm almost 50, I don't want to give up what I've worked for to get some cash and that's it, because gaming doesn't offer benefits or any long term security. My job offers those things and I've found I rather like them.
I'm personally sick and tired of dealing with Millennials, I deal with them in real life too damn often, now I have to deal with them in video games that cater to them. I had an assist, brilliant young woman, lots of talent, and she had that mindset, expected to be treated like she was something special while doing mediocre work halfassedly. I got tired of redoing everything she did and fired her finally, because no matter how I tried to motivate her, she refused to actually use her talent and brains, she just expected to be treated like she was something special because she actually SHOWED UP! Seriously, she even said that to me, 'I showed up, you should be thankful I bothered to come in at all', and she was shocked, hurt and amazed when my response was, 'you should have stayed home, you're fired'. She also thought she was better at video games, this old man kicked her ass in multiple games of HER choice on the XBox, just because mommy said you are special doesn't make it so.