The biggest beef I have with this event is that its again a "strengh in numbers"- thing. As a smaller unit you cant possibly beat bigger units just because they manage to field more players ( we run 5-8 players most of the day - rarely a full 12 men, they at many times of the day manage to field 2 or even way more full groups - depending on the unit). No matter how hardcore of a CW unit you are - with 80 points as the score you have to achieve units that have 150+ players will always be ahead.
you really need a system that rewards higher individual scores. maybe have 80 as your bare minimum but have a TIER approach to the points, lets say:
80 points = 1 Evenpoint (EP)
120 points = 2 EP
150 points = 3 EP
180 points = 4 EP
200 points = 5 EP
220 points = 6 EP
300 points = 12 EP
.... and so on - the higher the score gets the better the reward needs to be cause it gets procedurally harder to achieve a better score the higher you get - the better you are the harder it gets to get even better.
at least that would adress one part of the problem and prevent some others.
One particular problem we as a unit (DW) ran into was - that prior to the event we discussed joining in some people from a even smaller unit to bolster our ranks - which are particular good players individually. They, in the end - in part - decided to join with a bigger unit for the event - probably (just guessing here) because they had a better chance at winning this way .... if their individual class as a player would be more of a factor they might have decided to join with us.
In the end this isnt the solution for all problems there are, sure, because bigger unit still have high class players that easily can achicve scores over 200 but still I really think you need to incorporate a system that adresses individual class as a factor.
Not just for the events but for CW as a whole. People that are in smaller units and do good games, get REALLY frustrated about the fact that in the end no matter how good they are and how often they wreck certain people one on one ( or per game basis) they still lose in the long run against units that have strengh in numbers.
This and the fact that holding planets has no benefit at all, are for me THE two most prominent problems that hinder CW. That and the GENERAL design flaw that is CW as a whole right now.
But as it stands right now ( even if you wouldnt adress the underlying problems in the general, the way CW is working right now, and the somewhat flawed map design - you guys and gals try to fix by moving spawnpoints around and buffing dropships into a absurde level ) these two things probably keep the most players away from CW - even if said players have way more problems with CW than just these two.
If you have a deeply flawed approach to a game mechanic at least make it so that people have an incentive to play anyways ( thats what you try to achieve with your challenges, I know) - make one or two incentives outside of challenges - they will still bi*** and moan about the underlying problems (rightly so btw!) but at least they would play the gamemode and maybe they would feel better about their individual contribution to it.
so long
Edited by GermanPartisan, 04 July 2015 - 12:00 PM.