Tennex, on 03 July 2015 - 05:02 PM, said:
Sorry dude its not practical to hold on to that chart. Look what it did to the Nova, the fact of the matter is many of the mechs that are linked by legs to a larger mech are misscaled as a result. The Kit fox, Nova, Gargoyle
Tell me how the kitfox is misscaled? Gargoyle sure... Nova / Viper? not really at all.. kitfox/ adder? 5 ton difference and Adder is larger in terms of area.
Do not mistaken size for height.
GHoppa, on 03 July 2015 - 05:08 PM, said:
While things can be loosely based around lore/TT, this is MWO, a game, played online believe it or not, that needs balance, and underperforming mechs should be modified to lift performance, which includes reducing size/ rescaling of proportions/ hitboxes.
What about overall quirks?
Also according to the people above, the kitfox needs to be smaller due to it being lighter.
HOWEVER besides the fact it is already smaller. it is the ADDER that is worse to the kitfox, NOT vice versa...
There is NOTHING to achieve by making the scale out of sync between these two. it would just mess up a constant that has been around for multiple decades. Messes up most of Clan philosophy. AAAAAAAAAAAND makes no ballance change! Unless you make the kitfox and adder the size of a mist lynx there will be no impact. BUT then the mist lynx needs to be so small that even a protomech or ultra light mech would feel they are to big as a 25 ton mech is smaller then a 7 or 15 ton mech...
Kitfox and Adder is fine for scale, it's just the quirks that need work. If the Adder has twin true 15 damage ER PPC's the adder will not be that bad anymore.
or the Kitfox having a velocity boost to ballistics and slightly colder energy and missiles it wouldn't be that bad.
you even agreed to another person that lights do not need much of a scale change...