Bishop Steiner, on 04 July 2015 - 02:04 PM, said:
Because it's fall from grace has exactly ZERO to do with size. It was the same size when it WAS the Medium Meta.
It has to do with 2 factors, neither of which rescaling will help:
1) StormCrow
2) Quirks
Stormcrow took it's lunch money as the unchallenged Medium MetaKing. Period. End of story. But because of the SHDs previous position in the food chain, when Quirks were handed out, it got jack crap, whilst almost everything around it got at least something over quirked to allow them to at least be super effective specialists.
Scaling? Not even an issue, and in fact, it's height is in fact very useful when combined with those shoulder hardpoints. That Height allows it to shoot over things and teammates that a shorter Shawk could not.
The mech is a fantastic generalist, with one of the tankiest hitboxes in the game....handicapped by this game being dominated by specialists.
If your concern is returning the SHD back to tier 1 glory, could we focus on the actual problems?
Which come down to quirks, not scale. As Quirks currently stand, the SHD simply needs to be better quirked. Or, a better thing for the game in general, is in this upcoming "global balance change" that PGI is claiming, that Nerfs in general get turned back. WAY back.
Anyhow, vote as you choose, but just understand what you are actually trying to accomplish and voting for. Resizing the Shadowhawk really won't do a dang thing to help it.
I do agree somewhat here, but to me the problem is not really the lack of quirks on the Shadowhawk (which are not actually all that bad) but rather the completely excessive amount of quirks on every other mech. Quirks for most mechs should strive to be around the same level as Shadowhawks, with a few exceptions for particularly bad mechs but even
Locusts have excessive quirks with all the free leg armor and everything, and a huge number of mechs cross this line by miles.
Wintersdark, on 04 July 2015 - 04:03 PM, said:
Yup. Right from the Shadowhawk's release, morons complained that is was too tall, and that that was somehow a problem.
Height is not a problem. Nobody ever misses mechs because they accidentally shoot over top of them; not even locusts. The natural reticle height with a level torso as people move around is pretty center mass on most mechs, and is low even to still hit short lights. People miss mechs because they miss to the sides.
I don't think it's a major occurrence exactly, but when sniping with a long range weapon you can actually miss by shooting over the top of the mech, and if targeting smaller mechs then that can happen more often.
While height does mean some terrain is less effective cover, it also means other terrain that would be too tall to fire over isn't anymore. When you've got shoulder mounts like the Shadowhawk does, height is a great thing: you can safely fire over friendly mechs, as well as terrain.
Why the shadowhawk was so good was those shoulder hardpoints, coupled with a very slight, narrow torso. With a narrow torso, your torso hitbox segments are narrow too allowing you to run an XL safely if you like, and to spread damage between the hitboxes easily.
I do agree here though, I never really saw the Shadowhawk's height as a big problem because it uses that height well (with the ballistic left torso especially, which is fantastic) and the main reason I stopped using it was because it was overshadowed by other mechs with huge quirks.
The only reason it's not a great mech now, is as Bishop said: Quirks. Rather, the lack thereof.
I do think it should be in a better place as far as quirks, but this should be accomplished by toning down huge quirks on other mechs rather than power creeping the Shadowhawk just as much.
Edited by Pjwned, 05 July 2015 - 04:20 AM.