Looking at both of these arguments I tend to lean more towards height matters but under certain conditions. As a locust pilot primarily and sometimes a spider pilot, I absolutely love having a short mech leading to many instances of just a smaller hit box in general being a pain for enemies to deal with. With any mobility height is a huge factor as not only for hill humping but abusing rough terrain, cliffs/drops or asymmetric topography while moving can throw aim off and make you a much more survivable mech. However I must acknowledge that the Locust is a very narrow mech, among the most narrow in the game but suffers from a large girth for a light (cicada problem) making side torso damage rough. The spider on the other hand is relative wide for a very light mech (besides the firestarter or clan mechs, those slanted low hanging arms are annoying when commandos and locust are thinning than you are, especially the legs of the locust.) However the spiders very slender girth make strafing runs or perpendicular fire hardly a problem. it's also worth noting that mech height is more important for jump jet mechs as they are moving in the Y axis, relying on enemies to miss by shooting under your mech or far above the mech aiming up. Vindicators even though they are thin get legged or shot out of the air easily due to their immense height vs spiders or even kitfoxes.
Really a combination of small girth, height and width make a better mech, any grasshopper pilot can tell you how utterly annoying it is to drive when you are being shot in the head across the map. Driving an atlas personally drives me insane for being poked. I find the proportion of mech height to height of the weapons located on the mech itself to be more important than actual height. A short mech like the locust or jenner with high weapon mounts can shoot what it sees and fire upon enemies with low exposure, a tall mech with low mounts is awful. A tall mech with high mounts uses cover differently but effectively feels about the same to me as you will be shooting what you see and have nearly the same amount of exposure behind cover as the other mechs but with a ranged disadvantage. A short mech with low mounts is a mix of each.
While I effectively judge mechs on height, my basic hypothesis is that height is most important for long range engagements (large Z values) and avoiding fire from odd angles, mech width is important when "man moding" face to face exchanges between mechs where you are exposed looking at the mech in the open. If you are using side cover to poke out of vertical cover, the only factor is how far out the weapons are from your mechs exposed areas. Mech girth is important for torso twisting, perpendicular fire and volume of mech clustering ( you can stand more mechs in a smaller area back to back such as in CW if they are thin girth wise.)
Any feed back or thoughts on height or the other 2 dimensions are also fine.
Edited by Tycon, 05 July 2015 - 04:38 AM.