Tincan Nightmare, on 13 July 2012 - 03:16 AM, said:
(about 360 torso twist)
This keeps showing up, was this an ability in mektek or MW:LL? In the TT all mechs could torso twist only 1 hexside to either side. Nowhere does 360 degree torso rotation exist in canon or TT, so did this come about in one of the games?
There are mentions of this possibility for a few mechs at the Sarna site when I was reading through it. So if we can't trust the Sarna site (and many seem to point to it when they say "go learn more of the mechs and BT and canon") then what can we trust?
But the hinted possibility of a full twist is only in very few mechs at all.
For the Urbie. Its generic trashcannish look gives it the very likely looking possibility of having such a quirk. Weather it actually has it or not is another thing entirely.
But being an urban designed "mobile turret", it would be a bit odd not to have it equipped with a full torso 360 degree ability.
But as has been pointed there is in place in the TT rules (if I read the earlier posts correctly) a boost that allows even more extended torso twist on mechs then they normally have.
And if anyone has been looking at the dev blogs then someone may have noticed that in one of the (was it dev 3 or dev 4) there is a list of pilot / mech skills / perks. And one of those is an enhanced torso twisting range for all mechs.
Also the argument that someone is faster then you does not really hold water that well if the pilot in the faster mech can't shoot worth crap.
It does apply to the other side as well. If the slower mech piloting person does not know how to shoot at a fast moving target then when that fast moving target gets up close and personal they could easily get an advantage depending how good both of the pilots are in comparison to one another. As well as any team mates helping on the sides.
Now if you have that Urbie facing you and you are in that speedy mech of yours and he legs you... how fast will you be going? Just curious you understand. Not to mention that if they have this knock down feature in the game, it might just sweep your legs under neath you when you get hit with that big AC-10 shell even if it doesn't right away turn your leg into scarp metal extension.
(Oh, and read that urbie-hate thread, thanks for the fellows for giving me a good laugh, cheered me up nicely.)