Lily from animove, on 13 July 2015 - 09:22 AM, said:
a bit nonsens,e because any not balanced old stuff is dead stuff, which basically is removing an old feature, or "letting it die". Many players in MWO like specific mechs, its what motivats them to play the game. if their beloved mehc dies, they go away too.
So yes making some fixes and some new stuff is fine, yet these polls for balance are not good, because they imply that everyone polling has a specific amount of expertise, whihc is unfortunately not true. Most are rather casual palyers and do neihter corretly know the issues of the mechs, not their strenght or weaknesses to abuse them on opponents.
Those mechs they want to be rescaled, are not the mechs that need the rescale, further given what many people suggets for the Nova as "rescales" I can guarantee you they will curse the mech (and PGI) after the rescale even more.
Not balanced stuff is dead? hardly. I occupy the majority of my time playing lower tier mechs and making them work. I hate playing the meta mechs in fact, i find them to be boring and their always up first to the nerfing block.
More to the point, even if you consider an under-powered mechs "as good as removed from the game" the people who loved those mechs, and who couldn't stand to pilot a weaker chassis, surely will have been gone a long time by now. I don't think a simple re-scaling is going to bring them all back.
As I said earlier, this is not in-house expert balancing, I know this, PGI knows this. It's a popularity contest. They are trying to please the largest amount of players that they can by re-scaling 5 mechs. It's not dumb, it's pragmatic, albeit frustrating for people with the less popular tastes and opinions.
I don't think I'm going to curse PGI for shrinking my Nova. It shrinks my hitboxes and i can use JJs if i need to make up for being shorter (though hopefully most of the shrinkage will be sideways).
Edited by Jack Shayu Walker, 13 July 2015 - 11:24 AM.