Cw Absolutely Atrocious.
Posted 13 July 2015 - 12:44 AM
Hello Sir from Quezon City but right now I'm stationed here Dubai, UAE.
Btw, my ping is consistently above 300+. I know the struggle of playing with high ping.
Posted 13 July 2015 - 01:07 AM
sales pitch to new players? If you are no as "abnormal" as me who can self-motivate himself after losing and getting stomped match after match for the 30+ hrs playing CW then I advise you practice in Pubs, make friends and group up with them, grind some more in Pubs until you build a capable CW dropdeck.
Oh by the way, it's only my 2nd month playing MWO so I still consider myself a new player. I shouldn't be advising the veteran
If players from those big Merc units can play a dominating game regardless if they're in IS or Clan then why can't others emulate them or aim to be at par with their skills (if not equally insanely good as them) rather complaining about this and that.
Edited by Jumping Gigolo, 13 July 2015 - 01:07 AM.
Posted 13 July 2015 - 01:16 AM
Eider, on 13 July 2015 - 12:37 AM, said:
There is a tech gap but it is not the dominant factor in CW. I can understand how some people believe that it is. In order for the tech gap to be a larger factor you have to have two teams of near = ability against each other.
Quirks have closed some of the tech gap but quirks also have some limitations. Still, IS has some great 'mech options for CW. There are still things Clan has over IS which are non quirkable which also makes Clan build clones or approximations on IS 'Mechs tough to impossible. For example, theres the well known difference between Clan XLs and IS XLs. Also, the Large Laser does not synergize with the Medium Laser like the C/Large Pulse does with the C/ERML. There are other details as well like Streak launchers, the new light mech(Arctic Cheatah), among others.
However, when Mercstar moves to Inner Sphere tech, we still win matches. Mercstar has other issues with going IS that are never the tech base itself.
Posted 13 July 2015 - 01:27 AM
Jumping Gigolo, on 13 July 2015 - 01:07 AM, said:
The really sad thing is that you talk about this as if it was something to be proud of.
Posted 13 July 2015 - 01:39 AM
Ace Selin, on 12 July 2015 - 11:31 PM, said:
That's the exact same logic that would defend organized farming with 12 man premades in random queue.
If the game is letting you queue as a pug, it should be giving you a fair chance at winning. Right now IS pug CW you probably would be lucky to get a 20% win rate. Mech balance aside, Clan players are just more well organized and it's often full or majority premade vs. a full pug. That's just a total waste of time.
This doesn't mean that pugs should receive the same rewards as top notch Outfits, but if there are going to be rewards there needs to be a better attempt to funnel organized high-skill players away from disorganized low-skill players and make CW actually competitive and fun where it's currently lacking.
Increasing the differences in planet values, and faction rewards, and making those differences more obvious would be a start.
Posted 13 July 2015 - 01:46 AM
Koshirou, on 12 July 2015 - 05:51 AM, said:
So, clearly, we can afford to dismiss anybody who is frustrated and quits. Right?
The problem with this is that the people that make the threads like this don't know what they are talking about but their frustration is genuine. What could have been done? A WHOLE LOT
1. Did they try to change things up after losing over and over and over? Probably not
2. Did they observe what other players with high scores where using and try to mimic them? Probably not
3. Are they still driving pet preference special snowflake builds that have no hope of working well in CW? Probably yes
4. Did they read through any of the threads in the Guides forums or CW forum? Probably not
5. Did they seek CW training from one of the units with open recruitment? Probably not
6. Did they hang out with people in one of the various faction hubs and try to work with them? Probably not
7. Are they playing as a clueless lonewolf in a bubble of ignorance and misguided expectations? Probably
8. Do they have that usual high baggage lore master anti-metagame anti cheese attitude holding them back? Too often
Edited by Kin3ticX, 13 July 2015 - 01:51 AM.
Posted 13 July 2015 - 01:59 AM
At least I'm a better player now. The initial hardships is paying off (currently on a winning streak). When I started playing CW the IS played stomped me and my trial mechs. I'm just doing unto others what others did to me.

Can't wait to get home from work. Need to farm more.

Edited by Jumping Gigolo, 13 July 2015 - 02:01 AM.
Posted 13 July 2015 - 02:39 AM
* If you are dropping as an IS solo player in defence of a world being attacked by a Clan faction it is most likely that it will be a large premade you are defending against. Attacks require 12 players from the same Faction to queue on that planet, so the larger the group the quicker the attack is initiated.
Chances of victory then comes down to which team coordinates the best, I have been on both sides of the equation and seen a team of solo players band together and give a premade a run for its money or occasionally win.
* Individual skill is a large factor and can negate suboptimal (non-meta if you like) builds to a certain extent but there is no denying that using appropriately setup 'Mechs improves your chances of success greatly. However if you take the time to learn the maps you will identify areas that can be used to your advantage, I tend to brawl/skirmish and have areas on maps that I gravitate to for this platstyle to work. This comes with time, patience and a little commitment to improving your own performance.
* EVERYONE has bad games and I do mean EVERYONE. However the important thing is what the player takes from that game into the next one. I have been on the receiving end of stomps and been on the serving side too, regardless I always attempt to play with honour and respect for those around me. Blue and Red team alike.
If I lose badly, I think what I could have done or tried differently to improve my own performance. This not only encompasses what changes to a 'Mech build but what I can do to help my teammates, can I communicate better? Can I spend more time supporting rather than chasing? Did I allow myself to be pulled out of position too easily?
Personal performance is the one thing that you have 90% control over and therefore YOU are the only one that can improve it to any real extent. As someone else said, give yourself personal targets; aim for 1000 damage or 4 kills or 75% assists.
* Lastly, the "I don't have time to join a Unit" statement.
You are spending the time playing the game anyway, why not spend it playing the game while talking/co-ordinating with like-minded players? Unless of course you are so against the concept of teamwork that it makes you violently ill, then I could see the point.
Units will have their requirments but unless its a truly "Competitive", as in they are playing in a competition/league, you should find its pretty relaxed. Most of the time its a case of "drop with us IF your online" or "be on our teamspeak but we have 'solo' channels if you don't feel like grouping up". Not exactly imposing or Fascist.
Anway OP, i'm sorry you have had a bad experience. I do agree the New Player Experience virtually doesn't exist and I can how the frustration of constantly facing large premades can sap the fun out of the game.
Some of the solutions for this are available to you and only require some effort on your part. Will it suddenly balance the game and make everything right with the world of MWO?
No but you might find it makes it more enjoyable. As with life, you get out what you put in.
Posted 13 July 2015 - 03:22 AM
Kin3ticX, on 13 July 2015 - 01:46 AM, said:
The problem with this is that the people that make the threads like this don't know what they are talking about but their frustration is genuine. What could have been done? A WHOLE LOT
- Maybe they think that it is patently insane for a small game company to waste limited resources on game mode that is designed for a tiny segment of the game's already small population.
- Maybe they are tired of the repetitive idiocy of CW: the single objective, the heavy-handed attempts at balancing, the total lack of role warefare and everything else that was promised vs. fighting over little planet names on a meaningless map.
- Maybe they think that it is idiotic to have a supposedly "high skill" game mode that simply tosses people together into teams with zero attempt made to balance the match based on skill, team size, etc.
- Maybe they are tired of listening to try-hards defending all the idiotic nonsense when they know full well that this is entirely about the "fun" of clubbing seals and how the self-proclaimed elite do not want that "fun" taken away from them.
- Maybe they are tired of listening to forked-tongued idiocy of "team players" spouting off about how stupid PUG's and casual players are, and then blasting them for not "gettin gud" and joining their team. Yeah, because I really want to sign up to join a group that flat-out hates me for soiling their precious game mode... right...
There are a lot of reasons other than "not bein gud" to consider CW a pathetic trainwreck of a game mode and a total waste of limited resources.
Posted 13 July 2015 - 03:29 AM
Titannium, on 13 July 2015 - 12:43 AM, said:
um ye... definetly.
Still perpetuating this lie? Why? You already know that it is BS and every time someone uses this lame BS excuse they are called out on it.
Posted 13 July 2015 - 03:34 AM
vnlk65n, on 13 July 2015 - 01:39 AM, said:
That's the exact same logic that would defend organized farming with 12 man premades in random queue.
If the game is letting you queue as a pug, it should be giving you a fair chance at winning. Right now IS pug CW you probably would be lucky to get a 20% win rate. Mech balance aside, Clan players are just more well organized and it's often full or majority premade vs. a full pug. That's just a total waste of time.
This doesn't mean that pugs should receive the same rewards as top notch Outfits, but if there are going to be rewards there needs to be a better attempt to funnel organized high-skill players away from disorganized low-skill players and make CW actually competitive and fun where it's currently lacking.
Increasing the differences in planet values, and faction rewards, and making those differences more obvious would be a start.
BS, does not matter if your Clan or IS, the faction has nothing to do with how organized you are.
Want to know what else is a waste of time, posting the 12man vs 12 pugs BS. We have been told that it is just that, BS.
Your 12man premade rolfstomp is less then 1% of the time.
You have to find a new excuse because this one was shown to be just that, an excuse.
Posted 13 July 2015 - 03:40 AM
oldradagast, on 13 July 2015 - 03:22 AM, said:
- Maybe they think that it is patently insane for a small game company to waste limited resources on game mode that is designed for a tiny segment of the game's already small population.
- Maybe they are tired of the repetitive idiocy of CW: the single objective, the heavy-handed attempts at balancing, the total lack of role warefare and everything else that was promised vs. fighting over little planet names on a meaningless map.
- Maybe they think that it is idiotic to have a supposedly "high skill" game mode that simply tosses people together into teams with zero attempt made to balance the match based on skill, team size, etc.
- Maybe they are tired of listening to try-hards defending all the idiotic nonsense when they know full well that this is entirely about the "fun" of clubbing seals and how the self-proclaimed elite do not want that "fun" taken away from them.
- Maybe they are tired of listening to forked-tongued idiocy of "team players" spouting off about how stupid PUG's and casual players are, and then blasting them for not "gettin gud" and joining their team. Yeah, because I really want to sign up to join a group that flat-out hates me for soiling their precious game mode... right...
There are a lot of reasons other than "not bein gud" to consider CW a pathetic trainwreck of a game mode and a total waste of limited resources.
So, basically standard PUG/SOLO replies to choosing to join a game mode build for groups and you even included the fear of the boogeyman.
Posted 13 July 2015 - 03:51 AM
Lord Squire, on 12 July 2015 - 03:50 AM, said:
The disparity between IS and Clan is absolute B^//$#/+.
Story goes... i dropped in 12 V12 pugs.
Only 2 members had [unit tags].
With multiple pushes on seperate gates. It spoke volumes about coordination.
By 42 to 16... i was out of mechs.
Seeing a camp incoming...
I decided this crappy game mode even Vs pugs... proves the whole CW, groups or pugs is so out balanced and broken.
Unless of course I want to be a Power gaming meta cheese low ping D@^€#bag. I basically have sweet FA chance of being in a all beating team.
No i don't have time to join a unit.
I'm sorry guys. I tried to persevere. But the incessant stomp is nothing i care to feed said above bags... who invest so much into the game and builds.
Nothing is seriously left for SOMEONE who say... wants a bit of fun as opposed to getting my ass giftwrapped every game after a 10minute wait... when so many things could happen.
I am voting with my feet here and completely finished with CW and can clearly see the reason that CW is so under populated.
If your intention was to beat me from the comfort of your arm chair... so badly that I want to never return
Congrats. Mission accomplished. Good riddance to seeing your crappy CW attitudes.
Fix this before your trickle of players leaving CW becomes a river.
Hence your power gamers have no noobs to conquer.
Make weekend events playable by all, not just
Uber units or
MC only purchases
P.s wheres the community events... player of the week. Streamer of the week. Creation of the week... gone.
Get some feet thru your electronic door.
You have some good points about the community stuff, but ever single comment you made about groups and players that try harder than you is totally out of line.
If player A can't be arsed to put as much effort and thought in as player B, he'll lose more and has no right to blame player B. END OF.
Posted 13 July 2015 - 04:45 AM
Koshirou, on 13 July 2015 - 01:27 AM, said:
It is a good thing to be proud of. Not letting losses get in the way of progress. Getting knocked down, and then still standing back up, and coming out as a better player? What's not to be proud of there? That's the right attitude to have.
Posted 13 July 2015 - 06:01 AM
So i read up on mech builds and rejigged my MechBay to be more competetive, i also paid attention to my own gameplay and changed mechs that were harming my contribution to a team (example, i swapped out my 3L cause I can survive FOREVER in that thing sniping at clanners, but often what the team needed was my 5SS leading a push).
I also joined a unit and starting dropping with a team, we're rarely a 12 man, but having a core of players who at least complement eachothers loadouts and roles and are guaranteed to communicate is a huge help.
Also, learning to change my gamestyle against Clanners was a big deal... the whole sniping/peepwarrior game that PUGs like to play is an easy gg to a clan team..
I am not a 'pro' player, i consider myself strictly average, however i cant remember the last time i did less than 1000 damage with a few kills in a CW drop. Do i always win? Not at all, 12 mans roll me like everyone else but i accept thats due to teamwork and communication, not neccesarily skill or 'op p2w clanmechs' (even jumping on comms and taking command with a pugdrop wont protect you from that one guy who tries to rambo and loses all 4 mechs in the first 5 minutes... something 12 mens dont suffer from).
Sorry if this reads like a 'git gud' post, it isnt meant to be... CW has a lot of issues, but a lot of the advise repeated on this forum DOES work. CW is a very different beast to solo queue, mechs and tactics that work well in one dont neccesarily translate well to the other, you need to change your style and thinking to make CW work, the game doesnt help you with that which is one of CWs biggest failings to newer players
Posted 13 July 2015 - 06:14 AM
Posted 13 July 2015 - 07:21 AM
Mystere, on 12 July 2015 - 03:43 PM, said:
I'm going to have to disagree with you. Diablo 3 is the biggest let down in gaming history as far as I am concerned, although I think Star Citizen is going to take that title in the near future.
D3 has had quite the change over the last year bruh! its fun now!
Posted 13 July 2015 - 06:49 PM
Necromantion, on 13 July 2015 - 07:21 AM, said:
Until they give me back my Necromancer. It's a disappointment for me too.

EDIT: I'm more likely to buy it now, but if they had the Necormancer, I would have pre-ordered the darn friggin game, and paid full price contentedly.
Edited by IraqiWalker, 13 July 2015 - 06:50 PM.
Posted 14 July 2015 - 06:56 AM

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