Yeonne Greene, on 15 January 2017 - 08:43 PM, said:
Same issue as above. Nerfed the cool-down because otherwise I'd never take the standard SL. Honestly, either the isSL or isERSL is going to die in terms of people actually using it. There's really no way around it. If we bump the damage, we also start putting the SPL and SXPL out of a job because the 'Mechs that would be mostly using these have a significant premium on mass.
I see your point, it would be extremely difficult to find a good cooldown for the SL/ERSL without one being a clear winner over the other.
The LL is competitive, it just depends on quirks. When it's stuck at stock range, it doesn't quite have the reach. When it has the quirks, it's actually very good. Three of them on a fast-moving IS medium is akin to a pair of cLPL on a fast-moving Clan medium, actually slightly better. If it wasn't pigeon-holed into operating mostly at brawl ranges by standard Medium Lasers (read: if it could be paired with isERML), it would be a much more potent option.It doesn't help that it's usually being run on STD 'Mechs that aren't quite fast enough to poke or isXL 'Mechs that will get popped due to the longer exposure than LPL. This won't be an issue with LFEs (
I have already done the math, paragraph near the bottom about LFEs).With LFEs and isERML, IS 'Mechs can potentially go toe-to-toe with Clan vomit.
We can't really rely on quirk values now, since they'll be mostly gone with the skill tree
Possibly. It is likely an artifact of the cERLL's score being impossible to bring down due to its tonnage and me trying to keep the isERLL up there to match it, but also being worried that too much range on the LL would make the isERLL irrelevant. I could probably increase the cool-down time (to 4.00s I think, 4.25s tops) on the isERLL, but it won't drop its score to the ~0.489 goal-post.
When it's that hot, yes it should. It's a 4 damage weapon with the heat of an ERML. If I do what you suggest, I'm not gaining anything useful enough to make me want to take the SXPL instead of an isERSL. With my version, what I get is effectively a cut-down Medium Pulse, something that could be very useful for Lights that are dodging Gauss and PPCs. If I'm going for shorter-range poke, the SXPL is ideal. If I'm brawling, I'm going to want one of the other, colder, higher-DPS Smalls.
I don't know, I get you're trying to give it its own role, but XPLs are really just pulse lasers that have similar range profiles to standard lasers, in exchange for more heat. Like what you did with the other XPLs, I would like them to have their range between standard and ER lasers. There is a ridiculous amount of overlap in the sub-200m weapons though...
Also, the cMPL can be boosted with a TC. I'm not sure IS will be getting TCs and, even if they do, I don't think they'll really have the tonnage to use them. Certainly not here, I'd sooner cram in another DHS if I have the slots. That's the rationale for superior range.
I highly doubt that is TGs won't come, considering they were introduced in 3062.
At the range the cHSL hits zero damage, the cERSL is just reaching optimum. Seems like enough of a reason to take the cERSL to me. Damage-wise, it's got the same output as the cSPL during the shot, and more DPS for the whole cycle to compensate for loss of reach.
It could be yet another case of a weapon with an unmanageable score, but this time it's making it look artificially worse than it is...actually, similar goes for the cERSL. Alternative values I have in mind are a range of 120 meters, burn of 1 second, and a cool-down of 2.25 seconds. Needs play-testing, we're running into crunch with the Clan smalls here.
Wait? What max range are you using for the clan weapons? That might explain a few things...
Range is low because my interpretation of Heavy Lasers is as a sort of inverted version of standard IS pulse lasers. They get better damage per unit of duration, just like IS Pulse, but they achieve that through raw power and not through shorter beam time. I considered the standard laser range angle, but that's too samey with other Clan weapons and carries with it too great a risk of obsoleting weapons like the cLPL, cMPL, CSPL, and cERSL if we go that route. We'd have to get more creative than we already have with ghost heat to prevent that.
I like your logic here, clans do need lasers optimized for close range, so I'm fine with giving them pulse laser range profiles.
Your numbers put it in direct competition with the LXPL, and even the standard LPL. Do I take three LPL/LXPL for 21 tons and 33 damage over 0.85 seconds, or do I take two BLCs for 18 tons and 28 damage over 0.75? Personally, the BLC looks like the clear winner to me given its range and weight. Since yours is a very nippy turn-and-burn laser, the 5 extra points don't really mean much to me, and the weight savings let me offset the three points of heat with three more DHS.
It's tough trying to imagine a proper role for it, aside from something for low hardpoint mechs.
I didn't miss them, I just don't see that they add much to the game. Personally, I would end up stripping them off of any 'Mech they were loaded onto and replacing them with any of the listed lasers above anyway. I want the pods that come with them, but I don't want them for their own sake.
I get your point, I'm just curious what stats you would get for them, I imagine the McPL would need quite the DPS to justify that range...
Edited by Gentleman Reaper, 15 January 2017 - 09:32 PM.