DV McKenna, on 18 January 2016 - 12:20 AM, said:
All settings set to Very High w/FXAA
sys_maxfps=65 r_HDRGrainAmount=0.0 r_DepthOfField=0 r_TexAtlasSize=2048 r_TexMinAnisotropy=16 r_TexMaxAnisotropy=16 e_ShadowsMaxTexRes=2048 r_HDRVignetting=1 r_Sharpening=1 r_SSAO=1
With Nvidia Control Panel
Nvidia DSR @ 33% 2x factor over native 3840x2160 (8.3mp) resulting in a resolution of 5431x3055 (16.6mp)
(that's 16.6 mega pixels of detail vs 8.3, keep in mind that 1920x1080 is only 2mp)
I get 30-40fps while I play like this, and I look around in live matches for something that may look interesting to follow.
I take HUNDREDS of shots per match and I look through each and every one of them and find the one I like the most, perform a minor sharpening pass with GIMP 2, adjust the temperature of the picture, or some times even the white balance, which I have a good amount of options to use as I screen cap in 24-bit .BMP
Some times I add some vignette, in the King Crab I did.
I sample the image down to 3840x2160 @ 300dpi, upload, and share

Hope that helps.
Edited by Lordred, 18 January 2016 - 08:02 PM.