No, hit reg improvements are fine. THey are step one. What its doing is really bringing to light how absolutely assinine the quirks, more dmg then heat lasers, massive heat scale and PPD shots are.
No, making the game work properly is awesome. Working hit reg, its fantastic. See, all these quirks and crap were brought on cuz of poor hit reg. Everyone firing so much and doing nothing, so everyone's mechs seemed UP, when in fact it was just hit reg is hosed. Now, hit reg works and were seeing how NOT UP everyones mechs are. BUt its also bringing to light a whole host of other issues. So, now that hit reg is working and if it stays working, we can get a proper gauge on weapon dmg/balance and PGI can make more accurate changes.
See, with working hit reg, 15-20 dmg is more then enough, otherwise, my WHK-P chain firing PPCs would be doing nothing. Sure, it takes a bit to drop a target, but it works. Really, it almost feels about right in terms of TTK. Were in big ass mechs with hundreds of points of armor. Yet, currently with quirks, group fire and high ass alphas, were melting each other in seconds like a human shooter. Faster TTK should come from group fire. Solo 1v1 mech combat should seem a little slow.
My Warhawk is running like 96 frontal CT armor, 60 some ST armor + quirks and its melting faster then ever. 1-2 shots and im seeing cores all over. When damage output is that damn high, then yes, something is wrong.
Edited by LordKnightFandragon, 12 July 2015 - 09:33 PM.