Elizander, on 29 July 2015 - 05:10 AM, said:
At the base of all things Fantasy beats Scifi in terms of audience in general. More women play fantasy games and Scifi games are mostly males.
You were not told bedtime stories about giant war machines stomping through the land. You were told stories about fairies, knights and other fantasy stuff when you were a kid.
Anjian, on 29 July 2015 - 05:34 AM, said:
Nobody told stories about starships roaming the universe either, but you got Star Wars and Star Trek.
Scifi dominates summer movies. Comic book superheroes are a type of Scifi, not fantasy. So are alien invasions.
Scifi is more identified with spaceships than it is with giant robots. When you are dealing with interstellar empires, the core of that strength lies in starships, not giant robots. That's why giant robots never made sense in the interstellar setting (Japanese mecha anime are very very rarely, interstellar). Starships are also much more flexible in design, and they can be quite cool. Starships also make convenient vessels to base literature.
If we want to be correct, all fiction is by definition fantasy.
Granted, what is called "
high fantasy" (think
Record of Lodoss War, LOTR, D&D, etc; contrast with "
low fantasy", such as
Dresden Files,
True Blood, the
World of Darkness games, etc) does tend to be more popular than most brands of science fiction - largely by virtue of the latter being a relatively new setting type, while the former is ancient by comparison (see: Arthurian legend).
It also depends on what sort of material one can access during those formative years; for example, I grew up on such works as
Bubblegum Crisis (the original version),
Guyver (the 1989 miniseries, the animated movie, and both live-action movies),
Teknoman (the US localization of
Tekkaman Blade), "the Golden Age of American(ized) Sentai" (MMPR, Beetleborgs, VR Troopers, Superhuman Samurai Cyber Squad, etc), the MetalTech games (EarthSeige & Battledrome), BattleTech & MechWarrior (of course

), and others - my foundation of the "knight-type character" is just as likely to be a woman as a man, is equipped with either full-body mechanical powered armor or living powered armor of alien origins, and/or strode the fields atop (or within) mechanical "steeds".