The only viable solutions that do not rely on awkward, convoluted and ultimately ineffective band-**** such as the present quirks system are:
1) To totally overhaul the way in which the heat system works. As many have commented at length in innumerable threads on the subject, the heat system needs to include heat penalties.
2) Bring in some sort of cone-of-fire system dependant on factors such as heat, mech speed, carriage of T-comp and a number of other things.
The result? TTK would increase dramatically; mechs and weapon systems could be made useful that are now nearly obsolete; clan and IS mechs and weapons could be successfully be made equally useful yet different in function, the list of potential benefits is huge.
The only potentially significant down side would precisely be the removal of perfect aim leading to fire convergence. I can only imagine that a significant portion of the forum would be in open rebellion over this, though how much most players (who never visit this forum yet play the game avidly) would care is debatable. The additional difficulty of making new players understand why their weapons behave in this way could be compensated for by quality tutorials. It should also be noted that this concept is no no way unique to Mechwarrior / Battletech: loads of the most popular FPS games, principally military-themed ones, feature similar accuracy mechanisms.
The sooner PGI recognise that an overhaul of the heat system coupled with the removal of pinpoint accuracy & convergence are a good thing, the sooner their world gets better. Whether they have the ability to recognise this, and the courage to carry out the necessary changes, are a different matter entirely...
Edited by Sir Wulfrick, 22 July 2015 - 03:59 PM.