They will continue to be popular even with minor nerfs so long as the broken hitreg/hitboxes on them isn't touched, much like the Storm Crows.
And belive me, the hitboxes/damage registration is BORKED, speaking as an owner of the Arctic Cheatahs
. I didn't think it could get more botched than the Storm Crows again, but it has. Reminds me of the old Immortal spider days all over again.
No appreciable packet loss, low ping etc. and watch as you shoot one dead on that's not moving with an AC 20, see it rock back and register no appreciable damage among other things on the chasis. It's hardly isolated, they apparently can deflect damage off and on like they were made of rubber.
Expect the cries of "OMG these things are badass!" to start going down if they actually address this. Of course, it's been how long with the Stormcrows and nada? I'll take one over a Firestarter anyday as a result in the meantime. They're far tougher than the should be given their armour.
Hopefully I didn't let the cat out of the bag. Spectacular, fun little mech otherwise, love the design, enjoy the loadouts, but that damage rolling... it's ridiculous.