I say "yes" to everything, because I love customizing stuff.

(Accidentally clicked "no" on the last one, though! derp)
Being able to swap this and that in the geometry sector would be nice (like different Atlas skulls, I seem to recall that being called a thing at one point?), and decals would be cool, as long as I get to upload my own!

Same with warhorns, I want something unique, something different, something that feels more like "me" than what we have already!
Personalized MechBay and targeting reticle would be cool, too, but they are not as important to me as something like, say, alternate Betty voices (I would love to record my own, that only I need to hear, because I can get really obnoxious with a microphone XD) or some more unique camo schemes.
As for the pilot jumpsuit and responses, these are also not as important to me but would be neat to have.
So I say, "Let there be more options!"