Bush Hopper, on 27 July 2015 - 11:29 AM, said:
Not only that...people forget that it is not just the damage. Missiles are supression weapons and their slow flight is in this case a blessing because people sit longer behind their cover until the swarm hist.
Err, no. This is just wrong.
Me, in any direct fire mech vs. LRM mech. We see each other, we both open fire. I stand about, in full view, firing for a second or two, while the LRM mech is already taking damage. Then, I leisurely move into cover, walking backwards and turning as the LRM's impact. I'm in cover just long enough for the LRM's to impact, then I'm out again. Before the LRM mech can get another lock, I'm already hitting him - despite having taken either zero damage or 3-4 missiles that happen to luckily skip over cover, randomly distributed. This is a terribly unfair exchange for the LRM mech. He's taking damage before he can even start firing, while he's firing, while his missiles are in flight... and then he's doing little to no damage when they finally get to me.
What these oh-so-pro guys who bleat "lrms never kill me. You suck lolol" forget is - when they hunker down smiling in their cover, the others of their team can be ganged on by the enemy. Or the enemy can come for them because they are pinned.
I'm not "oh so pro". I'm an experienced, but average pilot.
That's my point. As long as you don't suck (you know you suck if you die to LRM's regularly) then it's trivial to negate them. Opponents with
any other weapon system except flamers are more dangerous. At no point am I "pinned" - I can peek out, fire, be back in cover before the LRM mech can have missiles on me. Because I'm not a half-wit Rambo wanna be, I'm close to the rest of my team too, so my peek-fire-cover that draws a lot of the LRM mechs time is utilizing one enemy mechs firepower, WHILE I'm doing damage and he isn't.
This is why I'm so adamant about this. LRM's are
very poor weapons, and need to be better so they're actually worth using. However, because of their NOOB TUBE status, where they crush newbies, PGI isn't willing to buff them so they're usable by anyone other than those rookies. This makes me sad.
I'd like to see LRM's in play. I'd like to see them be at least close to as usable a choice as other weapon types. But right now, it's not a "optimal vs. viable" discussion; LRM's are not even viable weapon systems in normal average non-rookie play.
It's not just ECM, but ECM is a strong factor. It doesn't matter how good you are at lurming, if there are 3+ ECM mechs on the opposing team and they have half a freaking clue, you will be 100% unable to obtain locks at all, and thus all those tons and slots of weapons on your mech may as well not be there at all.
But even with NO ECM AT ALL, LRM's are still unreliable weapons at the best of times.
They aren't "feast or famine". There is no feast, unless you're firing at bad players. This isn't even an argument - the only way to say that LRM's are overpowered at all is to acknowledge that you're bad at the game; that's fine, if you can accept that and pay attention to people when they try to tell you how to get better, how to learn to negate LRM's. But so often people sit and insist that no, they are really good at the game but they still just die to some random newbie sitting behind a rock with no LOS firing LRM's indirectly.
If that happens - if you die to that - you are bad. Not, "you're not comp level good", no, you're
bad at the game, basically a raw rookie mechwarrior. Stop crying, and learn to be better, or if that's too hard, just spend a couple cbills and buy either an ECM mech, a multi-AMS mech, and equip a radar derp module and call it a day.
As I said, I'm not an exceptional pilot, not particularly good. I don't run AMS, I don't even equip ECM on my ECM mechs (except my D-DC, but I rarely play that). I own
one radar derp module, and I don't know what mech it's equipped on.
Despite all of that, I don't fear LRM's at all. Not at all. The only case where I'm even cautious is if I see a
very good pilot who's also very good with LRM's - and even then, it's a pilot I know is vastly better than I am, and I'm thankful he's got LRM's and not something more dangerous.
Otherwise? LRM mechs are easy meat. They're score padding.