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Started Playing Wot

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#1 TamCoan


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Posted 31 July 2015 - 05:27 AM

So I started playing "World of Tanks" with a friend about six weeks ago. I know that it's hard to directly compare the two games but I have to say, MWO is by far the superior game. Of course this is just my opinion. :)

Things that MWO got right:
  • Graphics: Pretty much superior to WOT, and getting better as they redo maps.
  • Play Structure: I really, REALLY hate the whole "tier" system of WoT. There's nothing more frustrating than loading up a tank and getting stuck on the bottom vs. tanks 2-3 tiers higher than you. Those matches are pretty much a complete waste of my time.
  • You can always do damage: I've never felt completely useless in MWO, I have in WoT. Knowing that you are going up against someone that you simply can't do damage to is disheartening.
  • No "Gold Rounds": The fact that ammo is a paywall is pretty ridiculous. If MWO had an ammo paywall I would have been gone long before now.
  • Better time-to-kill: Nothing is more frustrating than loading into a WoT match and getting one-shot by something you can't see.
  • Better "leveling" system: I feel I can jump into MWO and get a chassis up and running in short order. I've never felt that it would take up to a year to get into the "best" mech. I can simply save up my cbills and buy in short order. Heck even when I started the game a few years ago I was able to get a number of mechs within a few months and fully master them. WoT will have you grinding and poor forever trying to get into the next tank.

Things I would like to see in MWO:
  • UI moddability: That's really the one thing in WoT that I would love to see in MWO.

#2 Rhaythe


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Posted 31 July 2015 - 05:33 AM

War Thunder is a far better tank game than World of Tanks.

#3 Kiiyor


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Posted 31 July 2015 - 05:33 AM

Yeah, I enjoyed WOT, but the grind and imbalance broke my brain in the end. I tried WT, but hit a similar wall.

People complain about the grind in MWO, but they should really try those two games.

#4 -Vompo-


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Posted 31 July 2015 - 05:48 AM

Never played wot... It's one of those game I can watch but I have no desire to play it.
Warthunder was something I was quite excited about for a while but the way they kept making simulator battles worse and worse drove me away. The grind is also insane cause you can easily lose credits in a game even if you do reasonably well and team killing is not rare even in simulator where it happens much less than in realistic or arcade. I'm pretty sure Warthunder will end up being the worlds longest beta test.

Ever since I got to MWO things have been ok. Sure there have been some silly decisions by the devs but nothing even close to what Gaijin have done with Warthunder over the years.

#5 Elizander


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Posted 31 July 2015 - 05:55 AM

I can't handle the grind and tiering in WoT and similar games. Made it to Tier 3 then called it quits without paying. Not saying it wasn't fun to play but I play games to work towards things and I usually balance out fun and time investment and didn't find it right for me in WoT.

Edited by Elizander, 31 July 2015 - 05:56 AM.

#6 Degalus


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Posted 31 July 2015 - 06:19 AM

I never played Wot but i played Warthunder because its better... *grabs popcorn*
-the Graphics are little better in Warthunder against MWO in my Opinion

-Tier System is a pain in the axx in every game ^-^

-always do dmg .... check.
In Warthunder its even harder. In Wot you have HP Bars but in Warthunder you just cant do anything against a Tank that has an Armor that your cannon just cant penetrate... but i also like it because its realistic.
It just sucks if you play against a 2 tier higher tank and know you will lose.

-No Gold ammo... check.
Cant belive you need to buy such p2w crap in Wot. Im glad that Warthunder dont have Gold Ammo.

-Oneshots uhm i like them somehow. Often i get one k but i also can oneshot someone and its always a nice feeling. Last time i killed 5 Tanks solo in close Combat ^-^ got a lucky aiming and killed them with ammo explosion. Also the missing markers in simulation mode was helping me so they wasnt able to spot me fast ... but i get off topic..

-Lvling is something i dont even feel in MWO.... the small amount of % you get have not realy such a big impact. Sure maybe some Hardcore Players with the need for maximum efficiency feel every inch of torso twist .... but i cant. I miss it a little to realy feel progress.

Now some Points where Warthunder is better then MWO.

- Dagor Engine
it support up to 32 Players on the map
incredible speeds for the vehicles (over 700 mph i think)
extreme cool interio dmg calculations
good netcode
Damn good graphics
and much more

They looking great and they are HUGE! Way bigger then MWO maps (even the new ones)

-Options Options Options
You can change nearly everything you can imagen in the option menu

-good Physics
You can even towing a other tank around without lag problems. I even killed a guy (accident) because i crushed him against a wall while i tried to flip him over.

But thats maybe just my Opinion ^^

ps.: Sry for the bad english ...

#7 Coralld


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Posted 31 July 2015 - 06:20 AM

The balance and the grind in WoT is horrible, it really is. I would also have to say that the new player experience in WoT is worse there than it is in MWO as well. In MWO, the problem with new player experience is that new players don't understand some aspects of the game and what is required of them to be good because of a lack of a true tutorial.
However, once a player figures things out, even on a basic level, they can at least contribute to the team, even if your just in a Locust.
In WoT on the other hand, even when you do figure things out, which is probably easier in WoT than MWO, but in WoT you are subjected to their horrible tier system and are stuck in terrible tanks and are nothing more than cannon fodder.

#8 Mister Blastman


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Posted 31 July 2015 - 06:27 AM

View PostRhaythe, on 31 July 2015 - 05:33 AM, said:

War Thunder is a far better tank game than World of Tanks.

If you like flying airplanes with a mouse in third person view. *barfs* War Thunder is really neat until you realize nobody plays hardcore mode so you can enjoy those graphics actually flying the plane with skillful combat.

#9 Alek Ituin


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Posted 31 July 2015 - 06:30 AM

View PostKiiyor, on 31 July 2015 - 05:33 AM, said:

Yeah, I enjoyed WOT, but the grind and imbalance broke my brain in the end. I tried WT, but hit a similar wall.

People complain about the grind in MWO, but they should really try those two games.

I love when people try to tout WT as some super awesome game...

As a WT bittervet, I can confidently say that it's broke as s**t, has always been broke as s**t, and will continue to be broke as s**t until it dies.

#10 Kiiyor


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Posted 31 July 2015 - 06:38 AM

View PostDegalus, on 31 July 2015 - 06:19 AM, said:

good netcode

I heartily agree with most points, but this one. I really struggle with high ping in WT compared to MWO, and WT seems to have far less reliability as far as hit detection goes.

For me anyway.

The engine in WT is great though.

#11 Lily from animove


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Posted 31 July 2015 - 06:40 AM

View PostTamCoan, on 31 July 2015 - 05:27 AM, said:

So I started playing "World of Tanks" with a friend about six weeks ago. I know that it's hard to directly compare the two games but I have to say, MWO is by far the superior game. Of course this is just my opinion. :)

Things that MWO got right:
  • Graphics: Pretty much superior to WOT, and getting better as they redo maps.
  • Play Structure: I really, REALLY hate the whole "tier" system of WoT. There's nothing more frustrating than loading up a tank and getting stuck on the bottom vs. tanks 2-3 tiers higher than you. Those matches are pretty much a complete waste of my time.
  • You can always do damage: I've never felt completely useless in MWO, I have in WoT. Knowing that you are going up against someone that you simply can't do damage to is disheartening.
  • No "Gold Rounds": The fact that ammo is a paywall is pretty ridiculous. If MWO had an ammo paywall I would have been gone long before now.
  • Better time-to-kill: Nothing is more frustrating than loading into a WoT match and getting one-shot by something you can't see.
  • Better "leveling" system: I feel I can jump into MWO and get a chassis up and running in short order. I've never felt that it would take up to a year to get into the "best" mech. I can simply save up my cbills and buy in short order. Heck even when I started the game a few years ago I was able to get a number of mechs within a few months and fully master them. WoT will have you grinding and poor forever trying to get into the next tank.
Things I would like to see in MWO:
  • UI moddability: That's really the one thing in WoT that I would love to see in MWO.

but but but, the paulconomy

People ranting in MWO have hardly played much other f2p's because in most gridn is WAY higher, and to get better equipment you will need a LAOD of time in the game going through tons of half nonsense equipment that juts makes you a feed to the ones having unlocked higher stuff.

MOW grants you to getrather wuick the stuff you want, if its what you need may be another thing. but you have the free chocie from the beginning. you don't need to master 3 lights, 3 mediums, 3 heavies and 3 assaults before getting a KGC, DWF or Atlas, you just buy it given you have patience to buy the mech.

My firts acocunt was gimped by some bad chocies and I wasted my C-bills on a Kintaro, not knowing that it needs the sueprfat expensive XL to be good. So I threw away the acount and restarted.and saved the few c-bills above the cadette bonus and bought a DD-C. Not an easy choice because lernign the game in an assault is hard, but a way better choice than a hardly working mech to grind loads of money to give it the proper engine.

MWO is not free of issues but the f2p model here is extremely fair and not putting people at a big disadvantage. gettign oen competitive mech together is not that much of a grind.

#12 Degalus


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Posted 31 July 2015 - 06:51 AM

View PostKiiyor, on 31 July 2015 - 06:38 AM, said:

I heartily agree with most points, but this one. I really struggle with high ping in WT compared to MWO, and WT seems to have far less reliability as far as hit detection goes.

For me anyway.

The engine in WT is great though.

Hmmm, i never had problems with ping in WT. But maybe their Servers are not as far away from Austria as from your location ^^
I also never had a Hitreg Prob in WT ... i miss alot in Simulation but thats more my fault ^^ (never know how far i must aim up)

#13 Viges


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Posted 31 July 2015 - 06:57 AM

View PostDegalus, on 31 July 2015 - 06:19 AM, said:

you just cant do anything against a Tank that has an Armor that your cannon just cant penetrate... but i also like it because its realistic.

HAHAHAHA really? realistic? HAHAHAHA


MWO needs better promotion to be successful.

And more content including not only maps and game modes ofc but rated games, ladders, seasons etc.

Edited by Viges, 31 July 2015 - 06:57 AM.

#14 orcrist86


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Posted 31 July 2015 - 07:05 AM

The only other f2p that come close to mwo in terms of accessible is warframe. The grind is ugly, worse than mwo, but still tolerable.

#15 Degalus


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Posted 31 July 2015 - 07:12 AM

View PostViges, on 31 July 2015 - 06:57 AM, said:

HAHAHAHA really? realistic? HAHAHAHA


MWO needs better promotion to be successful.

And more content including not only maps and game modes ofc but rated games, ladders, seasons etc.

Never heard from the unkillable Tanks in WW2 Storys? ;) Sure WT is not superrealistic but better then Hp Bars ^^

Edited by Degalus, 31 July 2015 - 07:14 AM.

#16 Charronn


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Posted 31 July 2015 - 07:17 AM

Ah the old WOT.Played on and off for a couple years and came to the conclusion that it was a waste of time.The amount of grind,the horrible matchmaking,horrible Russian Stronk Stalinium armour and not to forget the horrible players.You know the ones that continually spam obscenities in Klingon,tk,track you and if you kill them they tell you to die of cancer,your mums a *****,die in gas ovens the list goes on.
I was also told to die by death in 1 game lol.How else are you meant to die???
And finally,if you've ever tried out the test server lol at the Russians teamkilling everything that moves.It was absolutely hilarious.

#17 Alek Ituin


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Posted 31 July 2015 - 07:21 AM

View PostDegalus, on 31 July 2015 - 07:12 AM, said:

Never heard from the unkillable Tanks in WW2 Storys? ;) Sure WT is not superrealistic but better then Hp Bars ^^

It's barely better than HP bars.

Once you actually look in to the mechanics behind the GFX, you'll see it's just barely removed from WoT in terms of RNG BS.

#18 ProfessorD


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Posted 31 July 2015 - 07:31 AM

View PostTamCoan, on 31 July 2015 - 05:27 AM, said:

Things that MWO got right:

  • Better "leveling" system: I feel I can jump into MWO and get a chassis up and running in short order. I've never felt that it would take up to a year to get into the "best" mech. I can simply save up my cbills and buy in short order. Heck even when I started the game a few years ago I was able to get a number of mechs within a few months and fully master them. WoT will have you grinding and poor forever trying to get into the next tank.

View PostKiiyor, on 31 July 2015 - 05:33 AM, said:

People complain about the grind in MWO, but they should really try those two games.

View PostLily from animove, on 31 July 2015 - 06:40 AM, said:

People ranting in MWO have hardly played much other f2p's because in most gridn is WAY higher, and to get better equipment you will need a LAOD of time in the game going through tons of half nonsense equipment that juts makes you a feed to the ones having unlocked higher stuff.

The fact that the grind in World of Tanks is worse than MWO does not mean the MWO grind is "good" or even "acceptable." Getting shot hurts more than getting punched in the face; that doesn't mean you want either one to actually happen.

#19 Summon3r


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Posted 31 July 2015 - 08:54 AM

View PostTamCoan, on 31 July 2015 - 05:27 AM, said:

So I started playing "World of Tanks" with a friend about six weeks ago. I know that it's hard to directly compare the two games but I have to say, MWO is by far the superior game. Of course this is just my opinion. :)

Things that MWO got right:
  • Graphics: Pretty much superior to WOT, and getting better as they redo maps.
  • Play Structure: I really, REALLY hate the whole "tier" system of WoT. There's nothing more frustrating than loading up a tank and getting stuck on the bottom vs. tanks 2-3 tiers higher than you. Those matches are pretty much a complete waste of my time.
  • You can always do damage: I've never felt completely useless in MWO, I have in WoT. Knowing that you are going up against someone that you simply can't do damage to is disheartening.
  • No "Gold Rounds": The fact that ammo is a paywall is pretty ridiculous. If MWO had an ammo paywall I would have been gone long before now.
  • Better time-to-kill: Nothing is more frustrating than loading into a WoT match and getting one-shot by something you can't see.
  • Better "leveling" system: I feel I can jump into MWO and get a chassis up and running in short order. I've never felt that it would take up to a year to get into the "best" mech. I can simply save up my cbills and buy in short order. Heck even when I started the game a few years ago I was able to get a number of mechs within a few months and fully master them. WoT will have you grinding and poor forever trying to get into the next tank.
Things I would like to see in MWO:
  • UI moddability: That's really the one thing in WoT that I would love to see in MWO.

world of warships is phenominal, far better then WoT in every respect no gold ammo, you can always do dmg, time to kill is excellent... and yea war thunder trumps WoT any day of the week

war thunder detail would make MWO off the charts awesome along with the aireal battles over head imagine aerospace fighters?

in fact if MWO gameplay and map detail was on the level with WT id be stuck in front of my pc screen till i died.

#20 Djinnhammer


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Posted 31 July 2015 - 08:55 AM

View PostCoralld, on 31 July 2015 - 06:20 AM, said:

The balance and the grind in WoT is horrible, it really is. I would also have to say that the new player experience in WoT is worse there than it is in MWO as well. In MWO, the problem with new player experience is that new players don't understand some aspects of the game and what is required of them to be good because of a lack of a true tutorial.
However, once a player figures things out, even on a basic level, they can at least contribute to the team, even if your just in a Locust.
In WoT on the other hand, even when you do figure things out, which is probably easier in WoT than MWO, but in WoT you are subjected to their horrible tier system and are stuck in terrible tanks and are nothing more than cannon fodder.

Just also to add in WoT the better you play the more you are punished in the MM. It was let slip a few years ago in their US forum by accident-that got covered up super fast, oh and the competition fixing scandal...which they tried to cover up but the actual documents got out....

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