Rules of N00bsbury LRM fights -
1. No Artemis, no TAG, no NARC. If the Gentlenubs so agree then target locks are foregone and the missiles fly free as the LurmLord intended.
2. AMS is strictly forbidden though said Gentlenubs may step aside to avoid their adversaries aggressive discharge.
3. While not strictly forbidden the coordination of several Gentlenubs to direct their collective discharges simultaneously at a single adversary is Poor Form. This is only allowed when on a single adversary remains, facing a large gang of the victors. In this instance protocol dictates that the aggressors form a half circle around the remaining adversary, where upon the aggressors discharge emphatically at him while declaring 'Bully to You!' The remaining adversary is obliged to respond 'My, what a lovely tea party!' This sort of ending is called 'A Marik Tuesday Night' and is generally expected to cost extra.
4. If a Gentlenub should find himself in the embarrassing circumstance of having discharged completely and is without recourse, he is obliged to find a high point upon which to stand and present as noble a profile as possible to the enemy, dying with dignity. It is not unheard of to recite one of the classical musical stanzas of such greats as Mendelssohn, Mozart or Motorhead. Ejecting is considered to be Poor Form as is charging the enemy for frenetic rubbing - most unbecoming and may spoil the aim of your cohorts.
Above all, such an encounter must be carried out with the sort of decorum one expects from two dozen Gentlenubs grouping up and discharging on one another.
Carry on and godspeed. Also, pics or it didn't happen.
Edited by MischiefSC, 31 July 2015 - 06:09 PM.