Morning/afternoon/evening Fellow Pilots:
Some of you know me, most of you dont..... but you soon will! one way or another you WILL be in my crosshairs!
GMT+ 2 (uk) hours of play: between 14:00 - 1800 (2200 latest)
Mature, male Adult, humor is dark, twisted, sometimes dry and witty: seeking like minded
twisted individuals for crimes against Hula girls, urbies and other small defenseless cretins!
Im an avid light and Assault pilot with the ability to switch to a med or heavy. My primary specialties are Recon, Stealth, Guerrilla H&R tactics and dispensing needless indiscriminate justice to mutually aggressive opposing forces (IMAOF). although i can perform other roles as an when required, within reason and practicality.
While the above is meant to be light humor, seriousness asside, it does bare significance to my liking's within a clan/group/unit. you gotta have a sense of humor with me, i dish out abuse and expect it back, my choice of words may offend some one, others may think it tame. but all in all, are we not all here for fun? thats all im looking for, with some witty banter on the side.
cant think of anything else, an cant be bothered to type anymore with meh phat fingas...

Looking For Clan Unit
Started by xVenTriSx, Jul 30 2015 12:34 AM
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