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Arctic Cheetah - When A Firestarter And Spider Make A Clan Baby...

BattleMechs Balance Gameplay

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#1 Deathlike


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Posted 30 July 2015 - 12:11 PM

Back when Wave 3 was announced, there was rampant speculation about how this Light would be the Clan Light to end all Clan Lights.

It's so true that it did even more.... at 30 tons.

Without spoiling the premise too much, but I've had too much fun in this mech... probably more than I have with a Firestarter... which can only mean one thing... something is going to have to give in the near future.

I honestly didn't expect much in the quirks, but I'll spend some time explaining how the quirks have affected this mech, and indirectly the game... as there's no other way I can explain success (other than the people who keep trying to core+side core these things).

So, let's go with 3 parts... because 3 is an easy # to remember.

1) Omnipods - Moar wub? Yes plz.
2) Field Report - Were you scared of the "6MG Spider"? All your back are belong to the ACH
3) The Future - The Paulconomist might visit soon™.

1) Omnipods - The Mist Lynx is officially in retirement, just like the Kitfox and Adder.

I've said as much about the Mist Lynx's deficiencies, but I've also mentioned a lot about high mounted hardpoints. The Arctic Cheetah fixes pretty much what ails the Mist Lynx and all the art+visuals had suggested high mounted weapon points. These are things that contribute to a great mech. The Firestarter is honestly jealous at this point...

So, let's get to the meat and potatoes of the thing...

With regards to the CT (and pretty much all of Wave 3's variants), there is no CT hardpoint and while the quirks are kinda more or less the same, there's nothing that's critically different (with some exceptions, like the Shadowcat), but nothing that can't be worked around.

I would also like to mention the legs... but specifically the quirks. It's very much like the CT quirks as they are minor and you can mix and match (more internal structure or more accel/decel or more turn speed), but I've mentioned before that the Reverse Speed quirks are far more potent than the rest, as the rate of change improves for accel/decel/turn speeds despite the somewhat meaningless increase in the reverse top speed. It's worth experimenting with to see if it makes any meaningful difference to you. For the purposes of of the Arctic Cheetah, look into the ACH-B "for science".

Let's go through the omnipods by section...

Left Torso:
ACH-PRIME - 1E, ECM, +7 LT Internal Structure
ACH-A - n/a, +7 Internal Structure, +5% arm pitch+yaw
ACH-B - n/a, +7 Internal Structure, +3% torso twist (yaw)
ACH-C - 2E, -2.5% Pulse Laser heat gen, -2.5% heat gen

If you're using the A or B's omnipods, you are wasting your time. The mech doesn't need it, based on the system the game uses to define torso twist, arm, and turn speeds. Heck, a Spider using a 240(XL) engine doesn't need any quirks for that purpose. So, if you bother to use those omnipods, you're doing it wrong.

The ECM issue makes for an interesting tradeoff talk, especially if you're planning to use pulse lasers... particularly Small Pulse lasers. The C's quirks are the hallmark of a certain degree of powercreep, but at least there is a tradeoff. However, for the people that aren't planning to use pulse lasers, you can safely go with the ECM omnipod across the board. It's something we'll get in a little more in depth later...

Right Torso:
ACH-PRIME - 1E, +7 RT Internal Structure, +2.5% Turn Rate
ACH-A - 1AMS, +7 Internal Structure, +5% arm pitch+yaw
ACH-B - n/a, +7 Internal Strucutre, +3% torso twist (yaw0
ACH-C - 1E, -2.5% Pulse Laser heat gen, -2.5% heat gen

Doesn't the Mist Lynx wish it got a piece of the Arctic Cheetah quirks? Well, it's not wubfriendly, and thus, it must go away. :(

You can see it's more or less like the Left Torso, minus the ECM related quirks. Again, the A and B quirks are a waste of time and the C trades off durability for better heat quirks. Clan XL in some ways will allow this to be a "reasonable" tradeoff, so that's to be expected here.

Not to forget this, but the A does have an AMS option, but ECM generally has more "pull" than AMS. Also, it's only natural that an AMS hardpoint was added to a mech that doesn't have it naturally...

Right Arm:
ACH-PRIME - 1E, 1M, +8 RA Internal Structure, LRM/SRM spread -4%
ACH-A - 1E, 1M, +8 RA Internal Structure, 3% Missile Cooldown
ACH-B - 1E, 1B, +8 RA Internal Structure, LBX spread -5%
ACH-C - 2E, +8 RA Internal Structure, -2.5% ER Laser Duration, -2.5% Laser Duration

You'll see a lot of this mirrored on the other arm, which is to be expected. The A omnipod is honestly inconsequential as the spread is probably "slightly" more useful overall. More facetime on your opponent is the worst thing a Light should be dealing with.

While the B omnipod is irrelevant when it comes to ballistics (it treads on a bad Ice Ferret/Mist Lynx design), the actual point to using it is that the energy hardpoint uses the higher mount. This is woefully annoying for the other variants, but it is what it is and is the only reason you bother with this omnipod. The C continues the legacy of powercreep as it has actual value... less duration means less facetime and it translates well for a Light.

What did the Mist Lynx deserve to get quirks that aren't on the same level as the Arctic Cheetah?

Left Arm:
ACH-PRIME - 1E, 1M, +8 LA Internal Structure, LRM/SRM spread -4%
ACH-A - 1E, 1M, +8 LA Internal Structure, 3% Missile Cooldown
ACH-B - 2E, +8 LA Internal Structure, -2.5% Energy Heat Generation
ACH-C - 2E, +8 LA Internal Structure, -2.5% ER Laser Duration, -2.5% Laser Duration

The only major difference is the B's arm as that is easily "the goto arm". While the laser duration buffs seem nice, heat is more your enemy than anything else. This suggests that the "weaker" side of the mech is the left side, given ECM+the number of energy hardpoints for those who don't have access to the C variant's omnipods.

So... how does this matter on the field?

2) Field Report - Are there any good 30-ton IS mechs out there?

I feel that it is important to get context of the two IS mechs this competes and compares with the most... as much of the discussion is kinda less about the current Clan mechs (which are generally more or less obsoleted for the most part).

So, let's look at some of the IS mechs it's somewhat related to...

Spider-5D - Low mounted CT hardpoint in conjunction with the Right Arm being the other source of power removes any chance of effective hill humping it ever desired. Just the pathetic # of energy hardpoints is generally enough to limit its potential, as even 4 ML would be good... but it has to make it up through "durability" with a large STD engine (for a Light) or a large weapon (like a Large Laser, Large Pulse Laser, or PPC). The Arctic Cheetah trades for none of that and has awesome heat quirks. So, this mech for all intents and purposes is obsolete... and that's just the beginning...

Firestarter (usually S, but also includes A) - While the FS9-S still has a general niche, it doesn't have high mounted torso energy and it has the WORST torso pitch of all the mechs in the game (can't look up or down as effectively). This doesn't mean the Firestarter has gotten worse exactly, but the mere fact that we're comparing a 30-ton mech to a 35-tonner should not be a thing, and yet we're here...

Still, if anyone with a clue is attacking a Light mech... if you're not legging, you're doing it wrong anyways.

Raven-3L - We have the traditional sniper mech with ECM here competing with the new Arctic Cheetah... and while I'm not a fan of the Clan ER Large, the poking ability of the Cheetah is pretty good even if you don't use the ER Med. While I think people will experiment and attempt to troll others like a Super-Spider+Raven combo (high mounts, great JJ capability), it's probably a sub-optimal choice. It's better to focus more a bit on the Light side, and while I think the Raven-3L is still a good sniper mech, but the Cheetah isn't entirely out of the running to accomplish that, especially with the 6 JJs it has.

Pretty much on a field testing level, it does pretty much what you ask a Spider or Firestarter to do... at an incredible rate. It's still fragile and often legged, but if you can manage/mitigate the leg damage, it can paint the Inner Sphere red.

As an anecdote... I had an epic awesome game with the Arctic Cheetah... with 4 CERMEDs. The team was down 7-11, and I was left. I had like 7 mins or so to "finish the game". It took a long while through poking and trolling where I ended up legged, and won the match 12-11. Whether it is ECM or that I got lucky on the PUG lotto (was playing solo), the potential the Arctic Cheetah for a good pilot far surpasses what we have currently in the Light realm of MWO.

So, with that said, what is its future?

3) The Future - A Nerfbat is waiting, and preemptive overquirking is not a good thing...

I feel as I'm saying this that a nerf is coming, whether we agree with it or not. I think part of the problem inherently is the overquirking or underquirking that goes on with the game due to not understanding what's important and what's not (with biases that exist). I feel like I'm doing more than a Firestarter ever would, and then some, and while I'm biased (a Light pilot), I'm almost compelled to stick with the Arctic Cheetah "meta" far longer than anything else (unless there's a related overnerf, which inevitably happens) because the mech puts most of what else is there to shame. I'm opening admitting.. they are incredible.. but they aren't unstoppable (if you're bad at legging, please learn to leg).

Still, I don't think it would bring Lights into relative usefulness, as it still involves ECM (despite the upcoming nerf not really addressing core issues) and general networking+hitreg somewhat affecting the opinions of people. Still, the good players don't think twice about legging. Anyone that totally relies on Streaks really need to step up their game and not totally rely on them for results.

The Clans finally got their "useful Light". Please be honest with yourselves when it comes Light balance. Those Firestarters know they have competition, and they have to compete with something 5-tons smaller than itself.

If only we weren't so reliant on quirks and powercreep... :(

A wise man once said... "we can't have nice things" and it might just be a matter of time when that happens...

Edited by Deathlike, 30 July 2015 - 12:55 PM.

#2 Mcgral18


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Posted 30 July 2015 - 12:36 PM

I don't doubt quirks will be tuned down, because it's downright hilarious it got better quirks than the Myth Lynx.

I feel it's better against larger targets than the Firestarter, with better firepower and durability (between quirks and cXL), but in a dogfight against a FS9, I feel it's closer, because the FS9-A has a ~30% burn time advantage, which might help focus damage on legs (let's face it, you won't be going for either mech's ST). Heat comes out almost equal.

One funny thing, the Hankyu ISN'T less durable than the Firestarter in legs, because it got quirks that push it to 52-57 IS+A, while the FS9 is stuck at 48 IS+A.

#3 Scout Derek


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Posted 30 July 2015 - 12:44 PM

I hit backspace and my post gets deleted? (Tablets these days.... D:<)

But anyhow there could be a nerfbat, but I highly doubt they would have one. Least till the jenner iic comes along...

#4 Kain Demos


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Posted 30 July 2015 - 12:46 PM

It definitely isn't OP and doesn't need nerfs but it is ridiculous how ****** the quirks are on the Mist Lynx and Kit fox.

I disagree that it makes the Adder obsolete---the Adder's PPC quirks with the new 1200 m/s base speed give it a role no other light 'mech can match, strong long range fire support.

#5 Wrathful Scythe


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Posted 30 July 2015 - 12:47 PM

The quirks can go. it really is laughable that the ACH gets quirks pre release and the Lynx didn't get any love despite it being well known for being bad. Well, then again, PGI has more important matters than balance.

What I don't want to see are 5% increase in cooldown or burntime on any mounted energyslot.

#6 bad arcade kitty


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Posted 30 July 2015 - 12:49 PM


so cheetah is a freeborn bondsman

#7 Tristan Winter


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Posted 30 July 2015 - 12:53 PM

The Firestarter and Arctic Cheetah are both the paragons for their weight class. They're just as powerful as light mechs need to be in order to compete. A light mech needs to be high risk, high reward. You have less firepower and armour than any other class, but you have the speed and small size that lets you move to good positions. It's a fair trade.

Some people seem to think that the Arctic Cheetah is OP because they see a lot of people doing well with those light mechs. They don't consider the fact that many of those light mech pilots have been training with sub-par mechs like the Adder and Kit Fox or the RVN-2X and RVN-4X with a 245 engine cap since 2012. And when those pilots are suddenly able to pilot a light mech on a level playing field with heavier mechs, without any crazy engine cap, hardpoint restriction or oversized hitboxes, they're heads and shoulders above the casuals who have been playing primarily heavies and assaults all these years.

I encountered 2 such casuals yesterday, as I was running my brand new non-Basic'd Dire Wolf alone through the basement on HPG Manifold. Having read on the forum that their ACH's granted any pilot godlike powers, the two Red Dorito Arctic Cheetos probably figured that my white Dire Whale should be an easy kill for their OP light mechs.

#8 Deathlike


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Posted 30 July 2015 - 12:57 PM

View PostMcgral18, on 30 July 2015 - 12:36 PM, said:

I don't doubt quirks will be tuned down, because it's downright hilarious it got better quirks than the Myth Lynx.

It says more how bad the Mist Lynx is, that anything else.

Right now, it's significantly more overquirked than a Spider. In the Spider's defense, I don't think you could make it better w/o better hardpoint inflation (6MG Spider-5K with MG buffs? please?) and that wouldn't solve the Spider-5V... like ever w/o overquirking that.


I feel it's better against larger targets than the Firestarter, with better firepower and durability (between quirks and cXL), but in a dogfight against a FS9, I feel it's closer, because the FS9-A has a ~30% burn time advantage, which might help focus damage on legs (let's face it, you won't be going for either mech's ST). Heat comes out almost equal.

It's competitive at the very least. That's good to a degree. We'll see how comp play plays out.


One funny thing, the Hankyu ISN'T less durable than the Firestarter in legs, because it got quirks that push it to 52-57 IS+A, while the FS9 is stuck at 48 IS+A.

I was actually wondering about the numbers. That's kinda sad. However, I think that translates into getting more leg damage than the Spider or the Firestarter (and the collision code is atrocious at the moment).

My alternate title for this post was going to be something like "Arctic Cheetah - What the Mist Lynx Wished It Had Too").

It's not really funny anymore how the Mist Lynx is really is the redheaded stepmech of the Clans. It's truly sad.

I didn't get much of a chance to speak about loadouts, as I wasn't specific. I spent practically all of my time with energy... combining SL, SPL, ML, MPL in various ways. I think there will be some diversity in that from others, but ultimately the mech is kinda suboptimal when it comes to missiles like the Mist Lynx. If the Arctic Cheetah had something like missile torsos instead of missile arms, I would see more use for missiles (think Ice Ferret's Left Torso) and I don't think missiles would be a great choice (I mean, the ammo explosion accelerates the reduction of DPS despite containment). The Shadowcat knows this unfortunately...

View PostTristan Winter, on 30 July 2015 - 12:53 PM, said:

The Firestarter and Arctic Cheetah are both the paragons for their weight class. They're just as powerful as light mechs need to be in order to compete. A light mech needs to be high risk, high reward. You have less firepower and armour than any other class, but you have the speed and small size that lets you move to good positions. It's a fair trade.

Some people seem to think that the Arctic Cheetah is OP because they see a lot of people doing well with those light mechs. They don't consider the fact that many of those light mech pilots have been training with sub-par mechs like the Adder and Kit Fox or the RVN-2X and RVN-4X with a 245 engine cap since 2012. And when those pilots are suddenly able to pilot a light mech on a level playing field with heavier mechs, without any crazy engine cap, hardpoint restriction or oversized hitboxes, they're heads and shoulders above the casuals who have been playing primarily heavies and assaults all these years.

I encountered 2 such casuals yesterday, as I was running my brand new non-Basic'd Dire Wolf alone through the basement on HPG Manifold. Having read on the forum that their ACH's granted any pilot godlike powers, the two Red Dorito Arctic Cheetos probably figured that my white Dire Whale should be an easy kill for their OP light mechs.

Light mech pilots don't train with the Adder or Kitfox. :P Medium jocks do (you'd be surprised how close the two are related).

Still, I think people completely misunderstand how much work it takes to be effective in a Light.

Back to "if Lights were autowin, wouldn't there be more in the queues?"

It's sad people don't get that.

#9 Sigilum Sanctum


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Posted 30 July 2015 - 12:58 PM

I'm not even a good light pilot, and mine still aren't mastered, but this thing is a little devil.

Its so fun though. :P

#10 anonymous161


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Posted 30 July 2015 - 01:02 PM

Meh it's a nice clan mech but I wouldn't say it's more powerful than the others at all in fact besides being faster it's actually less powerful.

My fs9-a way way way out performs the wave 3 mechs, frankly if it not for running out of premium time I'd probably be playing this right now but cbill earnings are too little to be worth spending more than a couple matches a day if that.

I really dont like the shadow cat I remember it being more powerful in the older games was pretty powerful but in this you can only have max of 3 energy slots and I ballistic....yeah no thanks thats a waste of my time to use when I could use the storm crow or nova both way out perform.

Personally I tried getting a refund but they wouldn't let me even though I only had a few matches in them if that much, they dont like refunding even if people have a good reason why they feel the value isn't worth it for them. It's why I wont ever be supporting this game again.

#11 MerryIguana


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Posted 30 July 2015 - 01:06 PM

The jumping power seals the deal for me. All of the top fs9 builds can only fit 1. Spiderstarter hybrid indeed.

#12 Tristan Winter


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Posted 30 July 2015 - 01:08 PM

View PostDeathlike, on 30 July 2015 - 12:57 PM, said:

Light mech pilots don't train with the Adder or Kitfox. :P Medium jocks do (you'd be surprised how close the two are related).

Nah, I wouldn't be surprised. I've played enough matches with the Kit Fox, Adder and Clan mediums to know. :)

I guess I should have mentioned the Myth Lynx, which a surprising number of Clan players have been using, despite its status as a Tier 6 mech. People who have learned to get optimal results with the Myth Lynx have a huge advantage with the ACH. (I don't count myself among them, by the way. The MLX was too much work for me. I had enough trouble mastering all my Locusts. Besides, the Adder is prettier than the MLX anyway! :) )

View PostDeathlike, on 30 July 2015 - 12:57 PM, said:

Still, I think people completely misunderstand how much work it takes to be effective in a Light.
Back to "if Lights were autowin, wouldn't there be more in the queues?"
It's sad people don't get that.

Yeah. Cognitive dissonance leads to some wonderful rationalisation sometimes.
"Any mediocre player is basically unstoppable in a Firestarter."
"Then why don't you play one and show us how easy it is?"
"Uhm... nah, it's not my playstyle. I prefer heavies and assaults."
"Just a style thing then?"

View PostMerryIguana, on 30 July 2015 - 01:06 PM, said:

The jumping power seals the deal for me. All of the top fs9 builds can only fit 1. Spiderstarter hybrid indeed.

Ironically, the ACH jump jets feel woefully underpowered when you're used to the SHC jets :D

Edited by Tristan Winter, 30 July 2015 - 01:19 PM.

#13 Mcgral18


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Posted 30 July 2015 - 01:08 PM

View PostDeathlike, on 30 July 2015 - 12:57 PM, said:

It says more how bad the Mist Lynx is, that anything else.

It's competitive at the very least. That's good to a degree. We'll see how comp play plays out.

I was actually wondering about the numbers. That's kinda sad. However, I think that translates into getting more leg damage than the Spider or the Firestarter (and the collision code is atrocious at the moment).


Right now, it's significantly more overquirked than a Spider. In the Spider's defense, I don't think you could make it better w/o better hardpoint inflation (6MG Spider-5K with MG buffs? please?) and that wouldn't solve the Spider-5V... like ever w/o overquirking that.

That would be pretty good, and they could always give the 5V an E hardpoint in either ST (Or just take the Easy way out and give it either the 5D's arm, or both Anansi E hardpoints in either arm), so it has 4E hardpoints. ECM, or firepower.

Keep some solid quirks.


I didn't get much of a chance to speak about loadouts, as I wasn't specific. I spent practically all of my time with energy... combining SL, SPL, ML, MPL in various ways. I think there will be some diversity in that from others, but ultimately the mech is kinda suboptimal when it comes to missiles like the Mist Lynx. If the Arctic Cheetah had something like missile torsos instead of missile arms, I would see more use for missiles (think Ice Ferret's Left Torso) and I don't think missiles would be a great choice (I mean, the ammo explosion accelerates the reduction of DPS despite containment). The Shadowcat knows this unfortunately...

SPLs, accept no substitutes; at least for the PUG LIFE.
For specific maps or CW, I could see ERML or ERLL builds, but PUG LIFE needs sustainable fire. It gets results

Posted Image

It was SUPPOSED to be my first 10 kill round...but then the SadCat went and shot the Timby I cored. He deserved it (for performing well), I guess, but I still wanted it.


My alternate title for this post was going to be something like "Arctic Cheetah - What the Mist Lynx Wished It Had Too").

It's not really funny anymore how the Mist Lynx is really is the redheaded stepmech of the Clans. It's truly sad.

I wonder how that new balance change will affect things. Probably won't help it much.
I could see 20% ERML heat quirks, and 10% general between the arms (10+10), reverse the entirety of the blanket nerf. Lynx might be the better choice for quad ERML when compared to the Hankyu, if it was much more sustainable. Still, ECM and heatsinks are a good counterargument to keep the Hankyu.

The TrueDub issue helps the bad Clams more than the Hankyu, but they all gain a little bit.

#14 Fate 6


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Posted 30 July 2015 - 01:09 PM

Except you didn't mention that CSPL is much shorter range than the FS9-S. Sure, if you're point blank the ACH is pretty comparable, but at 350-400m the FS9-S blows this thing out of the water in damage output. "Closing the distance" is not a viable strategy unless you are going all-in with backup or killing a lone mech 1v1. High mounts are nice but they don't make up for that, especially since they're actually so high that you expose half your torso by the time your cockpit is over a hill.

ACH is a great mech but if you want firepower you're gonna stay with an FS9-S or Raven. The ACH gives you an ECM but any light pilot knows ECM really doesn't do anything more for you than Radar Derp (and that's doubly true of ECM gets nerfed to 90m bubble)

Effectively what the ACH gives group players is the option to sacrifice range for ECM to run in a light pack of 2xFS9-S 1xACH.

Edited by Fate 6, 30 July 2015 - 01:11 PM.

#15 Deathlike


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Posted 30 July 2015 - 01:28 PM

View PostTristan Winter, on 30 July 2015 - 01:08 PM, said:

Nah, I wouldn't be surprised. I've played enough matches with the Kit Fox, Adder and Clan mediums to know. :)

I guess I should have mentioned the Myth Lynx, which a surprising number of Clan players have been using, despite its status as a Tier 6 mech. People who have learned to get optimal results with the Myth Lynx have a huge advantage with the ACH.

To be fair, there's something to the Mist Lynx that never worked for me. The last "optimal" build I ever had on it was 2 MPL+ECM. That was it.

It's just too damn hot (although I could probably blame that a bit on the Cooldown module, although they reduced the arm's heat quirks by weapon specificity which annoyed me more).


Yeah. Cognitive dissonance leads to some wonderful rationalisation sometimes.
"Any mediocre player is basically unstoppable in a Firestarter."
"Then why don't you play one and show us how easy it is?"
"Uhm... nah, it's not my playstyle. I prefer heavies and assaults."
"Just a style thing then?"

It's always like been like that.


Ironically, the ACH jump jets feel woefully underpowered when you're used to the SHC jets :D

Meh? I simply like the fact that I don't gain heat unlike the Myth Lynx when it comes to using JJs. For the Scat... finding firepower is sooo much more important.

View PostMcgral18, on 30 July 2015 - 01:08 PM, said:

That would be pretty good, and they could always give the 5V an E hardpoint in either ST (Or just take the Easy way out and give it either the 5D's arm, or both Anansi E hardpoints in either arm), so it has 4E hardpoints. ECM, or firepower.

Keep some solid quirks.

I'm unsure if we'll ever get to that point where the inflation has to be done on non-existing sections. We'll see.


SPLs, accept no substitutes; at least for the PUG LIFE.
For specific maps or CW, I could see ERML or ERLL builds, but PUG LIFE needs sustainable fire. It gets results

Posted Image

It was SUPPOSED to be my first 10 kill round...but then the SadCat went and shot the Timby I cored. He deserved it (for performing well), I guess, but I still wanted it.

I think SL suffers too much from facetime as even the IS ML spends .1 second less facetime. Still, it has to have a longer cooldown (tonnage savings and range needs to be kept lower than the ML so, it'll be what it is).


I wonder how that new balance change will affect things. Probably won't help it much.
I could see 20% ERML heat quirks, and 10% general between the arms (10+10), reverse the entirety of the blanket nerf. Lynx might be the better choice for quad ERML when compared to the Hankyu, if it was much more sustainable. Still, ECM and heatsinks are a good counterargument to keep the Hankyu.

The TrueDub issue helps the bad Clams more than the Hankyu, but they all gain a little bit.

I still feel the arms need better durability quirks, but that trudub situation keeps rearing its ugly head so often when it comes to "bad Lights". Hmm... I wonder what PGI's telemetry has to say about that...

View PostFate 6, on 30 July 2015 - 01:09 PM, said:

Except you didn't mention that CSPL is much shorter range than the FS9-S. Sure, if you're point blank the ACH is pretty comparable, but at 350-400m the FS9-S blows this thing out of the water in damage output. "Closing the distance" is not a viable strategy unless you are going all-in with backup or killing a lone mech 1v1. High mounts are nice but they don't make up for that, especially since they're actually so high that you expose half your torso by the time your cockpit is over a hill.

ACH is a great mech but if you want firepower you're gonna stay with an FS9-S or Raven. The ACH gives you an ECM but any light pilot knows ECM really doesn't do anything more for you than Radar Derp (and that's doubly true of ECM gets nerfed to 90m bubble)

Effectively what the ACH gives group players is the option to sacrifice range for ECM to run in a light pack of 2xFS9-S 1xACH.

Um, the distance is kinda a factor, but not a decisive difference. The most people run their FS9-S is with 5MPL (30 damage alpha), whereas the ACH even with ghost heat will run 7CSPL (42 damage alpha).

Lights almost always close on each other. The difference is that an IS mech w/o range quirks to use the SL/SPL is going to have to close that much closer. 165m on a Clan SPL practically (current) ECM jamming range (180m). It's not too shabby really.

Edited by Deathlike, 30 July 2015 - 01:29 PM.

#16 Pariah Devalis


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Posted 30 July 2015 - 02:39 PM

View PostTristan Winter, on 30 July 2015 - 01:08 PM, said:

I guess I should have mentioned the Myth Lynx, which a surprising number of Clan players have been using, despite its status as a Tier 6 mech. People who have learned to get optimal results with the Myth Lynx have a huge advantage with the ACH.

It's true. I was one of them. 4 SPlas MLX or bust. Need no ECM, just patience, good timing, and abuse of the metric crapton of jumpjets. Going from that to the ACH, which went faster, was more durable, had ECM, and had two more SPLas? Quite honestly, it felt like I was training with weights on for the longest time, removed them, and suddenly everything was so easy!

#17 Weeny Machine


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Posted 30 July 2015 - 02:48 PM

First a Dire Wolf and a Locust tried to make a baby. Unfortunately the Locust exploded for reasons which I cannot get into...(err sorry for the pun)

#18 Funkin Disher


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Posted 30 July 2015 - 04:59 PM

I don't know if i'm in the minority, but i prefer using 6 ER small lasers over 4-6 small pulse lasers in mine.
Extra touch of range at only 1 less damage per laser plus more heat efficient since all the saved weight goes straight into heatsinks

#19 Pariah Devalis


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Posted 30 July 2015 - 06:00 PM

View PostFunkin Disher, on 30 July 2015 - 04:59 PM, said:

I don't know if i'm in the minority, but i prefer using 6 ER small lasers over 4-6 small pulse lasers in mine.
Extra touch of range at only 1 less damage per laser plus more heat efficient since all the saved weight goes straight into heatsinks

Not the only one. I know a few who like the slight increase in heat efficiency, but I prefer the shorter burn duration. The ERSLas are pretty good against bigger mechs, but that burn duration is felt against lights. All the wub!

#20 Vxheous


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Posted 30 July 2015 - 06:34 PM

View PostFunkin Disher, on 30 July 2015 - 04:59 PM, said:

I don't know if i'm in the minority, but i prefer using 6 ER small lasers over 4-6 small pulse lasers in mine.
Extra touch of range at only 1 less damage per laser plus more heat efficient since all the saved weight goes straight into heatsinks

I initially ran mine with 6ERSL, but switched over to 6CSPL. The heat gen ends up being ~equal after heat gen quirks for pulses, even when missing the 3 extra heatsinks. Heat dissipation with the CSPL takes a little longer (as expected), but the extra 6 damage/volley often meant coring someone out in 2 alphas, as opposed to 3.

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