Khobai, on 31 July 2015 - 03:45 AM, said:
Yeah the LB10X needs the same ammo increase the AC10 got. Just for consistency. Because LBX ammo doesnt weigh anymore than standard ammo. They should both get the same amount of ammo per ton.
Increasing ammo per ton is one of the ways PGI can make ballistic weapons weigh less. The AC10 for example was always outright inferior to the AC20... it weighs 2 tons less and does HALF the damage.
The AC10 really needed the ammo per ton increase. So does the AC2. So do SRMs/SSRMs since they never got the 50% ammo increase that all other ammo using weapons got in the first place.
Other ammo weapons are fine though. We dont need a blanket ammo increase. Just a selective ammo increase for certain weapons that need a bit of a buff.
20 Turns 200 seconds 3 minutes of combat... 6 hours+ of dice rolling!