Nathan K, on 09 August 2015 - 08:10 AM, said:
You want teams to be punished for DOING WELL?

If there are no opponents left, everything there is yours for the taking (captured).

No. I want to see rewards for doing something other than scream "This is Skirmish!" charge middle and be functionally no different than deathmatch Every... SINGLE... GAME!
I would love it if you lost killing the whole other team in conquest because you violated your orders. A good soldier does what they're told.
Conquest is supposed to simulate collecting resources or at least to hold territory. The best solution to the "everything is skirmish" stupidity would be to only get resource points while a mech is standing on a base, and the need to control the most bases at the end of the match. Some other victory condition than pew pew dakka dakka. Why? Because all pewpewdakkadakka is boring after 6000 matches. It was boring after 3000.
Assault is to simulate capturing an objective. Killing the enemy to secure the battlefield is a SECONDARY goal to taking an enemy base. It should reward less. Much less if you don't bother to step on and capture base before you kill the last mech, IF you kill last mech. You also should be able to defend your own base from being stepped on.
Skirmish is to just kill anything that moves. No alternate, preferred goal. Just go charge middle and button mash till your heart's content. Nothing else matters. Go knock yourself out.
I mean, really! If we had a "Capture the Flag" mode where you actually had to return the flag to your base to win would be much better! The problem is, we don't have a resident population that wants much beyond deathmatch.
And that, to be perfectly blunt, is pathetic.
Edited by Kjudoon, 09 August 2015 - 02:01 PM.