I was thinking about variety in game modes and trying to follow the KISS philosophy, b/c I realize PGI has limited resources to make changes and already have a number of things on their plate. However, one complaint I hear about the game is the repetitive nature of the matches and I think this could help somewhat.
What if, in solo queue only, the size of each team were randomized to a multiple of 4, with a maximum of 12?
So, you could play 4v4, 8v8, or 12v12, and the player could have a selector to choose which of the modes they were interested in (just like we do for Assault/Skirmish/Conquest and server location now). It seems like this wouldn't be time consuming to implement, but what do I know.
1. I've heard lament for the move from 8v8 to 12v12 and this would give those players a way to play that mode if desired.
2. Multiples of 4 lets PGI keep the weight class distribution logic they've set up in the matchmaker now, although I know that when it's difficult to make a match, those restrictions can be modified to avoid the spinning wheel of death. In 4v4, this could excessively upset the match balance, but if you know going in it could happen, maybe that wouldn't be awful. So, 1/1/1/1, 2/2/2/2, or 3/3/3/3 unless you have trouble making a match. Worst case scenario would be something like 1/2/0/1 v 0/1/1/2, or similar.
3. I don't think this would work well in group queue for reasons owing mostly to lower population, but maybe it could. Discuss.
4. By making it a selector for the player, you can choose not to play any of the modes you don't like - not forcing something on anyone, just opening up possibilities for variety.
5. Obviously, wholly inappropriate for CW as it is implemented now, but maybe goes along with the "scouting" mission idea that PGI considered and subsequently seems to have abandoned. Also discuss.
Thinking through some of the possible pitfalls...
4v4 conquest might be weird. Lots of map to cover with only 1 Light for each team. Capping strategies could dominate. I could see it being hard to find an opponent to fight.
4v4 might be hard in general on a couple of the larger maps. Perhaps PGI would want to limit 4v4 mode to exclude Alpine and the new River City. Although, that's what scouts are for: to find the enemy. It would certainly make early scouting by lights a valuable function.
Anyway, thoughts?
Edited by Khereg, 10 August 2015 - 07:32 AM.