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The Battle For Rasalhague

Fiction Clan Invasion

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#1 YourSaviorLegion


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Posted 12 August 2015 - 09:47 AM

Date: July, 3050
Location: Reykjavik, Rasalhague, Clan Wolf Invasion Corridor
Unit: 4th Wolf Guards

The 1st Capital that fell to the might of Clan Wolf only 5 months after Operation Revival began was Rasalhague. Our Star of Timber Wolfs overwhelmed the Drakons rather immediately, cut from their air support we pushed harder into the capital. The Drakons were on the run to regroup with the remaining defenders as a last stand in the capital. This angered my Star Commander because they violated the tradition of honorable battle and fled in waves. He has not realized that we are like the British and they are like the Colonists from that Revolutionary War on Terra long ago. They have adapted to the battlefield and hide among buildings waiting to strike. While we march rank and file like a damn marching band. I requested that we split up and push into the city alone. My commander surprisingly agreed with my input. We broke formation and headed off in different directions as soon as we crossed the bridge.

I had gone towards the eastern side of the city I encountered little resistance, however all I could hear is my Commander yelling "YOU NEG ON MY PROPOSAL OF ZELLBRIGEN? DIE FREEBIRTH SCUM!" then a shower of A/C fire could be heard several kilometers away. I was equipped with a full armament of 6x Medium Lasers and 2x Rack of SRM-6. A IS mech would stand little chance especially the Urbanmech I just encountered. I took a moment to stare it down and it slowly began to back away while unleashing a tiny small laser and a A/C 10. The mech backed into a building and nearly fell over after it recovered its balance I shot the weapon system clean off with my Medium Lasers. I received a incoming comm from the mech "Please I beg you, don't kill me these ******** left me in this trashcan as punishment" cried the pilot. I obliged him but I made sure he wasn't going anywhere not like he was anyways, it is the slowest mech in existence. There was no time for a sob story I legged him and moved on, his mech buckled to one side then he shutdown.

I came across my Commander fighting against a pair of Dragons and a pair of Jenners, the Dragons have suffered a fair amount of damage. One Jenner was legged and the other one was fine. I came up behind the enemy lance and struck one Dragon straight in the back, it toppled immediately smashing into the pavement. His friends failed to realize where the fire had came from so they continued fighting my Commander as I dipped behind another building. I had a bad angle coming out so I could only get a shot on the right torso of the Dragon, I fired a full SRM salvo at the Dragon and his torso exploded from critical failure, he had an XL on board. When he went out he took the legged Jenner with him, his mech didn't have time to properly shutdown and vented all over the poor mech the Dragon pilot died and the Jenner ejected. My Commander and I closed on the last Jenner as it tried to run. It lit me up with its lasers but did minimal damage. The Commander Alpha Striked the mech in a shower of A/C and it tumbled like a deer into the pavement and slided into a storefront.

"Nice shot Commander" I said "They almost had me back there, thanks for the assist" he replied while catching his breath. "I think you'll be leading your own Star next time you drop, great work!" said the Commander with great praise and I replied with "I even have a soon to be Bondsman in a decommissioned Urbanmech back that way!" I chuckled. We stood guard at the capital building until our reinforcements showed up and the remaining Drakons surrendered.

Edited by YourSaviorLegion, 12 August 2015 - 09:49 AM.

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